I have been amusing myself by collecting together different spellings for the same farm in Michael from my own family researches based on one individual with his father then his wife & children, for example:-
1841 census Balloney, Michael
1861 census Ballalona, Michael
In Michael parish registers, events for the same nuclear family over less than 10 years between the dates of these censuses, have the address rendered in the following variety of ways. I don’t know if this is the result of pronunciation, relative illiteracy or just a casual attitude to spelling.
1850 31st Jan, baptism, Ballhonna
1852 5th March, baptism, Ballioney (minister Joseph Brown
1853 21st May, burial, Balhioney (minister Joseph Brown )
1854 14th April, bapt., Ballioney, (minister Wm M. Smith)
1860 17th Dec, burial, Ballalioney,
1856 9th April, bapt., Ballionna,
1856 3rd July, marriage, (bride) Ballionna,
1859 2nd June, marriage, (bride) Ballalonna,
1859 22nd Sep, bapt., Ballionna.
Incidentally, the William Crowe who married into this family was also born in Michael, as were his parents and all his siblings, according to the 1851 & 1861 censuses.