Since copies of old letters from the Orphans Home have surfaced stating...
"Sarah Kelly...having come here (to Bridge of Weir from the Isle of Man Home for transfer to Fairknowe Home, Brockville, Canada) on 21st May 1895 having been in that home for 10 years, and the age of this Sarah Kelly is put down as 18 on 24th February 1895."...
It now looks like:
l. Sarah Kelly's father likely drowned abt 1885. How would I find burial registers for Braddan and Onchan? Are these accessible to IOMHS members?
2. Sarah Kelly's birthdate was, more than likely, February 24, 1877!!! Would there be a record of this somewhere? Did she appear on the 1881 census?
She always maintained the existence of other siblings, Sarah being the eldest living at the time they were placed in the Orphans Home in Douglas.