Thanks for that, Frances.
My document starts:
Please to pay to my mother Isable Cavendish Wid
The sum of Five pounds five shillings British being
in full for all claims and demands on account of the
Estate of my Grandmother Alice Moore late of Douglas
deceased which she my said mother might have or
pretend to have and retain the same out of the Balance
of the consideration money of your purchase of the said
Alice Moore's concerns in Douglas payable to me
Witness my Hand or Mark to my name this 7th
day of May 1796 - Sarah Cavendish
To Philip Moore of } my X mark
Pulrose Esq }
Witness present}
Richd. Clague
Elinor Cosk....
The second half of the document is an acknowledgement by Isable of having received the money, same day and personnel.
Is there any way of pinning down where this property would have been? I'm wondering if this document was once among the deeds of a house that the family lived in/owned at one time.