Hello John,
I have found more information on A Manx Note Book.
Extract from, A Manx Note Book.
Kk Christlezaire Abbey Farmers.
Land Holdings (1864); AbbeyLands (1740).
Abbeylands' Rents in Lezayre 1740.
11 Narridall.
1 quarter John Skillicorn (1742, o1748) 6s.
Edm Gill 6s.
Wm Cottier (m1747) 6s.
Wm Carret Broundell and Ann his daughter & Ewan Curlet her husband (o1746) 3s.
Wm Garret 3s.
Wm. Garret (Senior) & Ann his daughter & Ewan Curlet her husband (o1746) 3s………..have half of Narridall.
Wm Garret (Junior) 3s……………………………………………………………………..has the other half of Narridall.