
Manx Genealogy

Re: Treens of Kirk German
In Response To: Treens of Kirk German ()

The only treen map I'm aware of is that produced by Wm Cubbon (+ I think J J Kneen) based on Woods atlas - an outline version is included in Kneen's Place names book - treens were usually delineated by natural boundaries (streams etc) as originated well before modern surveying - judging from Woods table of farms etc the boundary runs from the shore southwards along Glion Cam (a deep ravine - the shore road does a very sharp U bend known as the Devil's elbow to cross it) but then it appears to follow the water course but then in a strange zigzag with one qtrland farm apparently in two treens - this may be confusion in my reading of the table in Woods or could reflect what happened in other places - an exchange of land between neighbours to rectify their boundary

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