
Manx Genealogy


James GUTHRIE, aged 48 bur Braddan and St. Georges 1825
Jane GUTHRIE, aged 62 bur Braddan 1866

I have noticed a large, new, and not terribly informative sign board on the new "Guttery Gable" in Douglas. I am not entirely convinced by the explanation displayed that GG derives from 'gutting ginnell' per S Slack & G Broderick. The first cited occurrence is in 1834; has anyone spotted references to the Guthries in the neighbourhood. I would suspect "Guthrie's Gable" for the bit next to Strand Street where the tunnel went through the houses to the lane might provide a neater explanation, (try it with a Manx accent) but some evidence would be required.
I have details of the right of way back into the mid 18th c.