The family bible can indeed be incorrect and definitely should not be totally relied upon as being absolutely one hundred per cent the truth. I took an Open University course on 'Writing Family History' about five years ago and was informed by the tutor that as family history is passed down from generation to generation even in a written format it can often become unintentionally distorted. When someone makes an entry in the 'bible', it is only their own perception of what is fact and parts can become 'misconstrued' and therefore be incorrect. As information is passed along through the generations it often becomes embellished by the contributors' own memories and perceptions at the time of making the entry. It is rather like 'Chinese Whispers' whereby as a whisper is passed along it can finish up as being totally different at the end from how it started out. I am not saying a family bible is always wrong but it should, nevertheless, be treated with great caution when using it to research the family tree.