will of Isabel Caine, otherwise Oates, widow of
Booilee-Vane in Braddan:
Left to son, Robert, a crown
Left to son, Philip, a crown
Left to son, Thomas, a crown and canvas wherein was flax; and also the flax
that was therein
Left to son, Dan, a crown, a coverlet and blanket
Lastly to son, John, appt. exec., all the residue and remainder of her goods,
rights, chattels and effect, movable and immovable of what species or
denomination so ever.
Leaving and bequeathing six pence legacy to any person or persons claiming or
pretending a right to any of her goods whatever.
Wit: Cath. Garret and John Quiggan
Dated 4 Apr 1808; Probated 21 Jun 1808
The Ecoris sworn in court in form of law hath given pledges for the payment
of debts and legacies namely John Gelling and Thomas Curphey, both of
Isabel Oates Caine age 87 Bwoilley Van(another one) buried 10 Apr 1808