
Manx Genealogy

Interesting times ahead
In Response To: Re: Brian Lawson's lost page. ()

Having been kept extremely busy (many 18 hour days due to short staffing), I've been watching events from afar and I've unfortunately had to miss out on many meetings because of this.

I do hope to redress this a little, as with the permission of Pat, I've included myself as an email contact point for general basic emails etc. This has been done so Pat has some breathing space from the deluge of emails she gets and able to concentrate on the meatier side of things.
As people have noted or found out, there's only a few committee members who have internet access and this makes things slightly difficult.

The Genealogy board that we're currently on has an immense database, but this board is not run by the IOM FHS, but by persons like yourselves who have a great interest in promoting and sharing their knowledge. The work done by researchers who pop down to the Museum or the General Registry office etc, are to be congratulated for their efforts as also the many people on the board who share their information.

For your information, I've updated the old PDF Application Form on the IOMFHS.im site and looking to amend the Publications Lists in the near future. I have to admit, the site looks nice, but there's some limitations to the site, that won't allow certain applications to be added, unless an additional amount of money is paid to the Host provider! As mentioned earlier in this thread and past threads, the isleofman.com site was quite usable before and I believe there's some interest from certain quarters to re-establish the old site. (Who knows?)

Personally, I'd like to see that happen, as on one side, you have Frances excellent Manx Notebook and on here you have the superb Genealogy Bulletin Board plus if you have the IOM FHS site as well, we're all benefitting and what a cracking place it could be. I'm sure that people reading this could think of new and interesting ideas that has links and ….WHATEVER all intertwined.

Whilst I'm on the subject of my thoughts, I'd like to see the society have the option of using Pay Pal as a method of receiving payments and therefore reducing the chances of lost post etc. (IOMFHS is a Registered Charity No. 680)

But most of all, I'd like to see information being put on the board for sharing that includes Wills, although if everything was freely available, then people might not want to join the Society. Thoughts on this and any other ideas to promote and improve the Society would be appreciated and email me at the following below (replace AT with @ DOT with .)

I look forward to your replies and I'll do what I can as a non committee member, so Lesh yeearreeyn share, (with best wishes) Paul