
Family History Society

Re: Quayle
In Response To: Re: Quayle ()

see www.manxnotebook.com//fulltext/ch1831/le.htm for founding of mountain school - and particularly it moves us, Philip Quayle of the Creggan, and Wm. Kelly of Corody, in the said parish of Lezayre, to endow the said intended School with the following gift in Lands. And the said Philip Quayle did therefore by the said Deed give and grant unto the Vicar and Wardens a certain part of his Quarterland, called Inscheag, adjoining Crot-ny-howne, in the parish of Lezayre.

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William Henry Quayle
Re: Quayle
Re: Quayle
Re: Quayle
Re: Quayle