
Family History Society

Re:BMD Index
In Response To: Re:BMD Index ()

you are actually very unlikely to get placenames in wills - as I think Nigel has explained before (and also see http://www.isle-of-man.com/manxnotebook/famhist/genealgy/wills.htm) the descent of land was fixed by law thus seldom needed to be mentioned in a will unless it was newly acquired by purchase - sometimes gifts (though these are usually recorded under land records eg North Side Sales have some ) or Marriage Contracts (and these usually occur as supporting evidence in wills) attempt to circumvent these laws.
Your best bet is in Manorial Rolls - though I only know those for German Cottages in detail there are cryptic little notes (eg m1769) against entries which indicates a change was noted at this time - these usually tie in with a death and thus change of title. (Abbey land and Bishop's Barony have I'm afarid much interior record keeping)