
Family History Society

Re: Use of this FHS B/B
In Response To: Re: Use of this FHS B/B ()

The other board is :
your points are what started me on opening this discussion - originally this (ie IoMFHS) B/B was established by Mike Caine the then owner of the server on which it is hosted as the Society B/B with the other (the Manx Genealogy) as the general genealogy board - however confusion now reigns with 2 boards, considerable duplication and of course potential ignorance of either by users.
As I said before, I would like to make this B/B users only - passwords to be issued with the journal - a committee meeting to discuss the journal and other related matters is likely over Xmas so I hope to report back both here and in the first journal I edit (should appear Late Jan/Feb) - the November issue (the last by Ann) should be out very shortly.