Manx Advertiser 11 July 1822
On Thursday morning last at Balla-varry, in the Parish of Andreas, Thomas Allen, Esq. who had been many years Captain of that Parish, and Member of the Hon House of Keys. How he discharged his duty in these situations let his country testify! He was well known to them - a tried man. During a considerable part of the late war, he had the honor of bearing a Captain's commission in the Northern Corps of Manks Volunteers, a company of which were raised in his own parish, and were enthusiastically attached to him. When he had resigned all public situations his active and benevolent mind, ever on the alert to devise plans of usefulness. suggested to him the great benefits which must arise to his parish from having a Friendly Society established in it. He tried and succeeded. It is now a useful and flourishing Institution ; and it must have been truly gratifying to every benevolent person to see all the members of it attend his funeral with white hat-bands, procured for the melancholy occasion, and bearing their patrons remains to his lone home, all eagerly desiring to testify their respect by placing their shoulders a few paces under the bier. The persons who attended his funeral could not be less in number than from 600 to 700 many of whom afterwards dined at his residence and conducted themselves so suitably to the occasion, that a person who was there declared he could not have thought there were more than 20 or 30 present. Not withstanding the active and useful life of the deceased, and the exemplary discharge of his duty to his family, his relatives and friends, he humbly acknowledged his utter unworthiness of any reward from God, and earnestly desired eternal life through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ his Saviour ; and in this frame of mind he departed, we trust to enter into the joy of his Lord.
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