[From Manx Quarterly, #14 Sep 1914]



Died January 7th, 1914

The outgoing of the year that has just expired was marked by the passing away of another of Manxland's old standards, in the person of Mr Thos. Hudson, who died at his residence, Westbrook, Quarter-bridge-road, on January 7th, at the ripe age of 78 years. The deceased gentleman was exceedingly well-known in the Island. As a school teacher, he was instrumental with several others in founding the Isle of Man Teachers' Association. From early manhood up to a few years ago, he was headmaster of the Foxdale National School for the long period of 41 years. In April, 1902, he was compelled to retire owing to old age and infirmities. Whilst in the neighbourhood of Foxdale, he was for many years vicar's warden of St. Paul's Church, and was also a director of the Douglas Steam Saw Mills. Mr Hudson after his retirement suffered many afflictions, and for the last eight years was totally blind, four of these years being spent in bed. The funeral took place on Saturday. A large assembly of mourners and sympathising friends congregated at the deceased's residence, and followed the cortege to its last resting place in Foxdale Churchyard. The chief mourners were Miss Mary Hudson, Miss Mona Hudson,

Mr A. W. Hudson, and Mr and M Milton; Rev and Mrs Martin, Mr Parkes, and Mr E. Collister ; Mr Grundy, Mr A. Collister, Mr J. M. Gibson and Mr A. B. Cuthbertson. There was also in the cortege the Rev Canon, Kermode, the Rev H. Maddrell, the Rev R. Cain, Dr Hamilton, Capt. W. H. Kitto, H.K., A. Collister (Quinta), J. Dunlop, R Cain, P. C. Shimmin, E. Killey, T. Cain R. D. Cowin, W. G. Qualtrough, D Kaneen, Radcliffe Gill, P. Teare, E. Hinton, and others. Many old schoolboys attended at Foxdale, where Mr John Radcliffe (clerk) was in charge of the funeral. As the coffin was borne into the church, Mr John Uren, organist, played " O Rest in the Lord " (Mendelssohn). and the hymn " Peace, perfect Peace," was sung after the lesson. The Rev Canon Kermode, Rev H. Maddrell, and the Rev R. L. Cain officiated in the service, the dismissal prayers before leaving the house having been read by the Rev J. Martin (son-in-law of the deceased). Wreaths and flowers were sent from the widow and family; the Rev J. and Mrs Martin; Mr and Mrs Milton; Mr and Mrs J. W. Parkes : Mrs Barlow ; the Rev R. L. Cain; Mr and Mrs Norman; Mr and the Misses Radcliffe (Derby-road).

WILLIAM W. KILLIP (Geneseo, New York State).

The " Livingston Democrat," dated December 24th, a periodical published at Geneseo, Livingston County, New York state, has the following

Geneseo has been called upon to mourn the death of William W. Killip, who for more than sixty years has been one of its most prominent and influential citizens. Coming here in 1851, when the village in extent and population was one-third its present size, he has not only watched its growth, but was largely instrumental in making it what it is to-day, the most, delightful, beautiful and healthy residential village in the state of New York.

A man of splendid physique, he easily passed his four score years, and had he lived three and one-half years longer would have been ninety years of age.

He established here a Normal Music Training School to which pupils came for musical training from all western New York. For more than forty years he was the organist of St Michael's Church, of Geneseo. At his own funeral the organ that had known his touch for many years was closed and silent ; no sounds of music filled the church. There was no one to fill the master's place.

Mr Killip was born on his father's farm. in the parish of Ballaugh, Isle of Man, on July 29th 1826. His father was an educated man, and the farm had descended from eldest son to son under English law for five generations.

Mr Killip sailed for America, in April, 1844, in a sailing vessel, and came to Rochester. N.Y. where he was engaged for several years in the clothing business. He came to Geneseo in September 1851, and opened a clothing store but not finding the business congenial he abandoned it. Upon his arrival in Geneseo he had been made the chorister and organist of St Michael's church, which position he retained for more than forty years.

In the summer of 1857 he began to devote himself exclusively to music, and went to the Normal Music School, at North Reading, Mass. Here he soon won a high position. In 1859 he returned to Geneseo, and here founded a normal music school. The village soon became a centre of musical influence. "The Messiah," "The Bohemian Girl," "The Haymakers," and other operas were frequently rendered here under his supervision and direction.

Mr Killip was always an ardent Republican ; he attended the first Republican Convention held at Philadelphia in 1856. He was appointed postmaster here by General Grant in 1871, and was re-appointed in 1875 and 1879, holding the office continuously for twelve years. He has been assessor, overseer of the poor for many years, and was village treasurer at the time of his death.

Mr Killip was married in 1850 to Miss Mary Morrison, of Rochester, N.Y. She died in 1888. Four children were born of this marriage — Mary, a daughter, wife of Watson K. Walker, who died in 1893 ; a daughter who died in infancy in 1855 ; a son, Horace, who died in his twelfth year, in 1869 ; and a daughter, Carrie, who died about a year ago.

He leaves a niece, Miss Lizzie Killip, of Australia, and a nephew, Mr Nicholas Killip, of Rochester, as his nearest next-of-kin.

The funeral was held on Monday from St Michael's Church, under the direction of the Geneseo Lodge of Masons (No. 214), of which Mr Killip was so long a member. The national flag was at half-mast on the Geneseo Building, and all places of business were closed during the funeral.

The late Mr William W. Killip was uncle to Mr James L. Killip, of the firm of Killip and Callister, builders and contractors, Douglas.


Mrs. A. J. SHIMMIN (Australia)

Died November 2 th, 1913.

Under the, heading of " Our Sainted Dead", the following appeared in " The Christian Commonwealth," of December 5th : — " Mrs A. J. Shimmin, of Pulsford-road, Prospect, although suffering indifferent health for some time, died unexpectedly on Tuesday, November 25th. Mrs Shimmin was born in Isle of Man, in the year 1854. At the age of twelve years she gave her heart to the Saviour. Her parents were God-fearing and pious members of the Methodist Church. After arriving in the colony they resided in Adelaide a few years, then removed to Tanunda, where they lived seven years. They next resided at Lower North Adelaide and Prospect, where our late sister and her husband, who survives her, have lived for about twenty years. Mrs Shimmin was a member and consistent helper in the Pulsford-road Church and Sunday-school, but for the last seven years her name has been on the Highbury-street roll. It was her pleasure to live to see three sons and three daughters join the church. On Sunday evening last, at Highbury-street, the Rev John Watts preached a most impressive 'in inemoriam' sermon from the text, James iv. 14: ` For what is your life, it is even a vapour.' The text seemed so peculiarly appropriate, remembering our late sister sat in the church only two Sundays previous, mingling her voice in songs of praise with God's people. Miss Wheeler sang very touchingly, " Light after darkness.' " — The deceased lady was a sister of Mr T. Kennaugh, Ballasalla. which village her husband (who is a brother of Mr R. Shimmin, The Bridge) is also a native.

Mrs. WILLIAM KELLY (Pocatello).

Died January 5th, 1914.

(From the Pocatello "Tribune," Jan. 5th.) Mrs William Kelly died at the family home on North Fifth-avenue at 8-15 this morning, after an illness of only four days of pneumonia. . . In the death of Mrs Kelly, the Gate City loses one of its gentlest, sweetest, noblest characters, one of the pioneer women of this city. She came here with her husband in 1888, from Idaho Falls, where Mr Kelly was employed in the Short Line shops. The worthy couple came to Idaho, however, seven years earlier. She was born on the Isle of Man, where Mr and Mrs Kelly were married forty-eight years ago, and she was seventy-two years of age last October. The couple were looking forward with pleasant anticipations to their golden wedding anniversary a couple of years hence, when the deceased was suddenly stricken. It was the second time she had suffered from the disease, and age and her physical condition were unable to withstand the strain. Mrs Kelly is survived by her husband and five children, two sons and three daughters. . . A host of friends will feel a genuine and personal loss in the departure of Mrs Kelly. In her earlier days she was active in the Eastern Star, and no event in that body was complete without her kindly presence, as no Masonic occasion would be quite complete without the aid and presence of the surviving husband, who is the tyler of the lodge and one of most active members.

The funeral services over the remains of Mrs Matilda A. Kelly, wife of William Kelly, who died on Monday, took place yesterday afternoon at the family residence on North Fifth-avenue, and the remains were laid at rest in the Masonic cemetery, escorted to the last ressting place by a large number of sorrowing friends. After the church services, the officers and members of Ruth Chapt No. 3, Order Eastern Star, gathered about the bier and gave the lodge service acording to the beautiful ritual of that order and Mrs J. T. Young sang a solo in her customary finished and effective manner. The spacious Kelly residence was inadequate to accommodate the many friends that came to hear the last word over the remains of the departed. Many floral tributes were laid upon the coffin. Among the children who came from out of town points to attend the funeral, were Mrs Heath, a daughter residing at Buhl, and Harold, a son residing at Evanston.

Mrs Kelly was daughter of the late Mr Kelly, Ballacurry. Greeba, and a sister of Mrs J. Taggart, Howstrake. Her husband was a. blacksmith with his father at the Strang in his younger days, and is a brother of Mrs Creer, Selborne-road. Mr and Mrs Kelly, along with their two daughters, visited the Island eleven years ago.


Died January 25th, 1914.

Full of years and esteemed and respected by his fellow townsfolk, Mr Robert Schofield died at Parliament-square, Castletown, on Sunday. Mr Schofield, who formerly resided for many years at the College Green, was in good health up to a few weeks before death, and was constantly out and about. He had attained to the advanced age of ninety, but carried his years remarkably well. Since the passing away of his elder brother, Mr Hugh Schofield, a few months ago at the age of 92, Mr Robert Schofield enjoyed the distinction of being Castletown's oldest resident. By trade he was a joiner and builder, his apprenticeship being served with the late Mr Flaxney Stowell, another nonagenarian whose death has occurred of recent years. After completing his apprenticeship, he proceeded to Manchester, where his business enterprises prospered, and eventually he retired and returned to Castletown. For many years he was a member of the Castletown Poor Relief Authority, and he also was on the directorates of the Castletown Gas Company and the Castletown Water Works Company, resigning the last position about a fortnight prior to death in consequence of ill-health. Socially he was very popular, and especially was he affectionately regarded by his fellow members of the Athol Club. Notwithstanding that he was a Wesleyan Methodst, he for a period served as a church-warden of Malew, and discharged the duties of the office faithfully and with great acceptance. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon, and was very largely attended. Interment was in Malew Churchyard.

Mrs. W. H. KITTO.

Died February 5th, 1914.

The news that Mrs Kitto, wife of Capt. W. H. Kitto, H.K., J.P., of Burnside, Union Mills, had died on Sunday night, spread throughout the Island on Monday, and though not unexpected, caused widespread regret. Mrs Kitto, up to some months ago, always enjoyed excellent health. and was active of body and cheerful of spirits. Late last autumn, however, she had a stroke, which prostrated her for several weeks. Subsequently she rallied. and great hopes were held that erelong she would be fully restored. As is however frequently the case with those who have suffered from paralytic seizures, a second stroke occurred to her about a fortnight ago, and in this instance the effects were much more serious than in the first instance. For several days before her death she lay in a state of coma, and her passing was of that peaceful character is associated with unconsciousness. Mrs Kitto, who prior to marriage was a Miss Edge, hailed from Cheshire. She was married to Capt. Kitto 38 years ago, and the greater portion of their wedded life was passed in Foxdale, where for many years Capt. Kitto held the responsible position of manager of the Isle of Man Mining Company. The late Mrs Kitto took a deep interest in the social life of the mining village, and especially did she take an active part in the relief of sickness and distress among her poor neighbours. She was most kindly and hospitable of disposition, and was held by all who knew her with both esteem and affection. Several children were born of her marriage with Capt. Kitto, and much sympathy is expressed with the family in their sad bereavement.


The funeral of the late Mrs W. H. Kitto took place on Wednesday morning at St. Paul's Churchyard Foxdale, where the last solemn rites were conducted by the Vicar of Foxdale (the Rev R. Cain) and the Rev W. A. Rushworth, Vicar of Braddan. The hearse, on leaving Burnside, Union Mills, was followed by a procession of vehicles numbering nearly thirty, whilst a large number of prominent public men from all parts of the Island proceeded on foot to the top of the Ballahutcheon Hill, on the outskirts of Union Mills, and these returned, a special train being utilised to convey these gentlemen to and from Union Mills. Among the large assembly congregated at the residence of Capt. and the late Mrs Kitto, were noticed the Speaker of the House of Keys (Mr D. Maitland, J.P., C.P.) and Miss Woodhead, Messrs M. Carine, H.K., W. J. Corlett, H.K., R. Clucas, H.K., W. Christian, H.K., the Vicar-General (Mr C. T. W. Hughes-Games), the High-Bailiff of Ramsey and Peel (Mr J. M. Cruickshank, J.P.), the Rev A. H. and Mrs Whiteley (Union Mills), the Secretary to the House of Keys (Mr R. D. Gelling), Messrs F. M. Greene, C.P., R. H. Collister, H. B. Mylchreest, B. Mylchreest, H. Cowin, T. R. Lewin, J. H. Cubbon, and E. B. Gawne (Kentraugh).

The principal mourners were Capt. and the Misses G. and D. Kitto ; Dr Davies, Ramsey ; and Mr H. Kitto, of Douglas. The large number of wreaths were conveyed directly behind the hearse in Capt. Kitto's own private carriage, the body of the conveyance being filled with the beautiful floral tributes, which were sent by Capt. W. H. and Misses Grace and Dora Kitto, Mr and Mrs Frank Kitto Mr and Mrs Edgar Kitto, Mr Arthur Kitto, Mr Jock Kitto, Mr and Mrs W. H. Edge. Bert and Minnney Mr and Mrs A. Hill, Mr and Mrs Briscoe, Bob and Dess, Laura and Will, Directors of Glen Helen Hotel and Estate Co. Ltd; Mr and Mrs J. S. Mylchreest, Edward and Minnie Gawne. from all at Brookmoar, the Deemster and Mrs Moore, Mr and Mrs G. A. Whitaker. Mr and Mrs H. B. Mylchreest, Mr and Mrs McMillian, Workmen of Kentraugh. Mr and Mrs Maddrell and Mary, Mr and Mrs McDonald, Mr and Mrs W. Beckton. Mr J. J. and Miss F. Karran, Mr and Mrs McDougall, Mr Richard Radcliffe, from all at 27 Connaught-avenue, Mr and Mrs Walter Kay, Mrs Cowin.

As the long cortege wended its way through the various villages, all blinds were drawn, and on entering Foxdale Village, where the deceased lady had resided for over thirty years, the cortege was met by a large number of residents from that neighbourhood. The service at St. Paul's Church opened with the hymn, " It is well with my soul," and concluded with the well-known hymn, " Peace, perfect peace." The singing was led by St. Paul's Church choir. As the cortege left the church the " Dead March " (Saul) was played on the organ by Mr John R. Uren (Douglas).

HENRY KELLY (Ballaqueeney).

Henry Kelly
Mr Henry Kelly
[Photo © Jean Corkett]

Died February 23rd, 1914.

It is with deep regret we record the death of Mr Henry Kelly, of Ballaqueeney Farm, Port St Mary, which took place on 23rd February, after a lingering illness, patiently borne. Mr Kelly, who was in his 80th year, was born on the 10th April, 1834, at Ballaqueeney (the history of the family at this ancient homestead dating back five hundred years), where he lived all his life. He was educated at King William's College, and after a brilliant scholastic career, entered upon the farm of his ancestors. With energy, zeal and fidelity seldom equalled, he soon acquired a thorough mastery of his business, and in later life did much for the advancement of agriculture throughout the. Island. As a member of the Arboricultural Society, he evinced an absorbing interest in the cultivation of trees. For forty-five years a member and foreman of the Setting Quest, Mr Kelly's intimate knowledge of ownerships and families in the parish of Rushen and of Manx affairs generally, was unequalled. This was testified to by the late Sir W. L. Drinkwater, at the time when the Island was being valued for the purposes of applying the Asylums rate, and by the frequent acceptance by the authorities of Mr Kelly's advice. He was an invaluable member and secretary of the Commons Trustees for many years. In connection with the Manx Electric Railway land arbitration, Mr Kelly was an expert witness ; and he was one of the arbitrators in several land disputes in the north of the Island. Mr Kelly was one of the founders of the old Parish Club of Rushen — a thrift society which suffered keenly as a result of Dumbell's Bank smash — and which was wound up as recently last Christmas, when the final payment was made.

An ardent educationist, he was a member and hon. clerk of Rushen School Board on its creation, and he was also a useful member of Rushen Parish Council on its inception. Mr Kelly was instrumental in establishing (along with the cooperation of the clergy and Nonconformist ministers) the harvest festival day annually observed in the sheading of Rushen. He served several terms as Churchwarden. About twenty years ago he unsuccessfully contested Rushen sheading for a seat in the House of Keys, being defeated by four votes only ; and at the subsequent election he was also a candidate, but in consequence of a breakdown in health, withdrew from the contest on the advice of the late Dr Clague. One of deceased's last public acts was to record his vote at the recent House of Keys' election in favour of Mr J. D Clucas, of whom he was a staunch supporter. Mr Kelly did much good work in an effort for the conservation and revival of the Manx language, being himself a linguist of no mean repute. An enthusiastic antiquarian, he was keenly identified with Manx archeological research ; and some time ago discovered on his estate several gravestones of great historical value in the famous Ogham characters one of which bore the inscription, "Davidona son of a Druid." These Mr Kelly generously presented to the Manx Museum, and are now included in the collection at Castle Rushen. Deceased was an Oddfellow and a Past Grand of the Harbour of Peace Lodge (Port St Mary). In earlier life he took an active part in the management of the lodge, and was for some years one of the trustees. A stalwart supporter of Wesleyan Methodism he was connected with the cause at Port St Mary, where he had faithfully served several terms as society steward and was a class leader at the time of his death — Under the provisions of the model deed for Wesleyan Methodist Churches and of the Wesleyan Methodist Trust Property Act, 1901, Mr Kelly acted in the capacity of trustee of most of the churches in the Castletown circuit, including that of Port St Mary. He was a member of the Synod, and had attended Conference as lay representative of the Isle of Man district. Mr Kelly leaves surviving him a widow (a daughter of the late Mr Richard Kneen, of Croit-e-Caley, and sister to Mr William Kneen, of Croit-e-Caley, who died last year at an advanced age), and six children, viz., Mr William A. Kelly (who at present farms Ballaqueeney), Mr H. P. Kelly, B.A. (advocate), Miss Ella Kelly, Mrs A. Clague, Liverpool, Nurse Kelly, of Woodbourne Nursing Home, Douglas, and Miss Bertha Kelly, confectioner, Sale. Mrs Kelly has been in very frail health for some time past, and the sympathy of a large circle of friends will go out to the bereaved family in their irreparable loss.


The funeral of the late Mr Kelly took place at Kirk Christ, Rushen, on Thursday afternoon, there being a large gathering of friends and sympathisers. At deceased's late residence Mr J. K. Gawne gave out the hymn, "Jesus, lover of my soul," which was feelingly sung. The Vicar (Rec C. H. Leece) officiated in the Church and at the graveside. The mourners were as follows . — Mr W. A, Kelly and Mr H. Percy Kelly (sons) ; Mr Alfred Clague (son-in-law), Blundellsands ; Mr Edward Turnbull and Mr Lewis Turnbuli (nephews), Miss Turnbull (niece) ; Miss Kneen, Castletown ; Mrs Gawne, Port St Mary ; Mr and Mrs T. Kneen, Ballacorkish ; Mr and Mrs W. Kneen, Croit-e-Caley ; Mr R. T. Kneen, Castletown ; Mr R. Gawne, Ballawoods ; Mr J. K. Gawne, Peel ; Mr J. Clucas and Miss Clucas, Peel ; Mrs Parkes, Liverpool ; and Miss Crye, Castletown. The bearers were — Messrs Thomas Clague, senr. (Port St Mary), Joseph Clucas (Peel), R. Gawne (Ballawoods), and Lewis Turnbull (Four-roads).


Died March, 2nd, 1914.

Mr Edward Qualtrough, of " The Anchorage'' Port St. Mary, who passed away on Monday morning, in his 90th year, was one of those who had known Port St Mary during its palmy days and its vicissitudes. Born in 1835 — before the accession of Queen Victoria — he saw the changes that have taken place under three reigns, and the greater part of the nineteenth century. He was born at The Smelt, Port St. Mary. Emigrating to America in his youthful days, he remained there about five years; and on his return to Port St. Mary started in the provision merchant and not factory business, in which he was eminently successful. The business is still carried on by his sons, Messrs Edwin and Henry J. Qualtrough. He was also a large owner of fishing boats, and the originator of Port St. Mary Steamship Company. He was a prominent member and P.G. of the Harbour of Peace Lodge of Oddfellows, and for many years a trustee of that lodge. One of the pioneers of Rushen Water Works Company, he was chairman of directors — a position which he filled with great ability — up to a few years ago, when he resigned on account of advancing age. He had served several terms as churchwarden. He was generous to a degree, and his benefactions and kindness to the poor of the parish will be greatly missed. Mr Qualtrough married in early life Miss Quayle (sister to Mr Wm. Quayle, H.B., of Glenfaba), who pre-deceased him about fifteen years ago. There was a family of six, five of whom are living. One daughter Mrs F. Poulsom, of Southport, whose name, and that of her husband, is so closely connected with the park presented to Castletown, and with the handsome challenge cup annually played for on the Port St. Mary Golf Links. The deceased has been in failing health for some time but, like most of the older generation, displayed remarkable activity up to within a few years of his demise. The interment took place at Rushen Churchyard yesterday (Friday) afternoon.



Died March 13th, 1914.

Mr George Harrington Quayle, of Castletown, an exceedingly popular gentleman in the southern district of the Isle of Man, died on Friday, March 13th. For several years Mr Quayle had been partially incapacitated by a paralytic affection, but he, whenever able, got out and about in Castletown, and at times made journey s to Douglas. He was a patient and even cheerful sufferer, and bore his affliction bravely and philosophically.

Mr G. H. Quayle was the fourth son of the late Mr Mark Hildesley Quayle, who for a long period was Clerk of the Rolls. He was born about the year 1846, in Castletown, and resided during the whole of his life in the ancient capital of the Isle of Man. Educated at King William's college, he on completing his school education studied for admission to the Manx Bar, serving his articles in the Rolls Office. In 1870 he was admitted to the Bar, and was a practising advocate in the southern district up the time when illness overcame him.

He took considerable interest in politics and social affairs. In 1886 he was returned to the House of Keys as one of the representatives for Rushen sheading, and held the seat up to 1891. For some years, he was a member of the Board of Castletown Commissioners, and served for a period as chairman of that body. For about thirty years he was hon. secretary of the Castletown branch of the Lifeboat Institution. He was a prominent Freemason, one of the founders of the present Lodge of Mona in Castletown. For several years he held office in Provincial Grand Lodge as Prov. Grand Registrar.

Of courteous, pleasant and kindly disposition, Mr Quayle was both respected and esteemed by all classes of the community.

The funeral of Mr Quayle took place on March 16th, interment being at Malew Churchyard. There was a large attendance of well-known people from all parts of the Island. The service was conducted by the Revs E. H. Leatham Locke and Canon Spicer. At Malew Church, Mr J. T. W. Wicksey played the Dead March in " Saul." Representatives of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Freemasons also attended to show their respect for the departed member of the Craft. The chief mourner was Mr Daniel Quayle, brother of doceased, the other brother, Mr Mark Hildesley Quayle, being unable to reach the Island in time. Many beautiful floral tributes were sent by the following: -Isa, Hilly, and Dan; Edith and Edie ; the Servants at Bridge House; Lord and Lady Raglan; the High-Bailiff and Mrs J. S. Gell; Deemster and Mrs Moore ; the Provincial Grand Lodge of Freemasons; the W.M., Brethren, and Officers of Lodge of Mona; Mrs and Miss Moore-Lane ; Col. and Mrs Thompson and Miss Horan ; Mrs Roberts, " The Nunnery"; Mr and Mrs W. Beckton ; Surgeon-General and Mrs H. W. Stevenson; Mrs T. M. Dodd, Mr and Mrs G. E. Kewley, Mr J. C. Bacon, Mrs W. and Miss A. Cannell, Mr and Mrs Gawne (Kentraugh), Miss Mav Gawne, Mr and Mrs H. Mellor, Dr and ,Mrs Hannay, Mrs Goodwin, the Misses Corrin, Miss G. Preston, and Mrs Taggart. Mr A. F. Christian had charge of the funeral arrangements.


Died March 24th, 1914.

By the death of Mr John Daniel Kellett, which took place at Summerland, Brunswick-road, Douglas, on Tuesday, Douglas loses a citizen of probity and worth. Mr Kellett, who was 62 years old, as a rule enjoyed excellent health, but recently he became indisposed, and in the early part of last week decided to rest from business for a period. He was attended in his illness by Dr Mackenzie, and as there were no serious symptoms, hopes were entertained of a speedy recovery, and his death from heart failure came as a surprise to his medical attendant and his family-up to ten minutes or so before the end there was nothing to indicate that his life was in imminent danger. Mr Kellett was a son of the late Mr Henry Kellett, a highly respected gentleman, who for many years conducted with great success a private school in Stanley-terrace, Douglas. On completing his education Mr J. D. Kellett was apprenticed to the grocery and provision business in the establishment of the late Mr Henry Laurence, and soon after he had served his time he, in conjunction with the late Mr W. J. Kermode, commenced business in Duke-street, in the shop now occupied by Nelson and Co., meat purveyors, under the style of Kermode and Kellett. This was almost forty years ago, and the partnership endured up to the closing years of the last century. The business of Messrs Kermode and Kellett was subsequently carried on in Victoria-street, and the firm not only dealt in groceries and provisions, but manufactured tobacco on a considerable scale. In the earlier years of the partnership they were also shipowners, and were interested in schooners which traded from Douglas. About eighteen years since the partnership was dissolved, and Mr Kellett opened a shop on his own account in premises in Prospect terrace, Douglas, and continued in business up to his death. By all with whom he came into either commercial or social contact, he was highly respected, his business methods being of the highest standard, while in other respects he was ever genial and considerate. Unostentatious, even retiring of disposition, he was a most kindly gentleman, and in a quiet way he was ever ready to take part in good deeds, and generally to assist his fellows. -His principal recreation up to a few years age was cycling, but of late years he developed into an enthusiastic bowler, and was one of the most esteemed members of the Finch Hill Bowling Club. Mr Kellett was a lifelong Wesleyan Methodist, but was wide and tolerant in regard to religion. In Wesleyan Methodist affairs he took a very deep interest, and had reached the highest position-that of circuit steward. For many years he was a teacher in Thomas-street Sunday-school. Mr Kellett, especially in his younger days, was very fond of music, and was the conductor of many of the most successful anniversaries in connection with the Thomas-street Sunday School, besides being an enthusiastic Band of Hope worker. He also took a great interest in Douglas charities, and these he aided substantially both in money and service. He was a member of the Douglas Board of Guardians, in which capacity he had a large district to adminster weekly. As a member of the board of directors of the Douglas Gas Light Company, he rendered important service to the most prosperous commercial concern in the Isle of Man, and as a director of the Douglas Coffee Palace Company, Ltd., he also did excellent work. Mr Kellett married Miss Nicholson, a sister of the late Mr John Nicholson, the eminent Manx artist, and throughout the Island great sympathy is felt for Mrs Kellett in her bereavement. Mr Kellett leaves five children, all of whom are grown up, viz., Mrs R. D .I Gelling, Douglas; Mr Henry Kellett, and the Misses Katie, Isabel, and Emily Kellett. The funeral took place on March 27th, and was very largely attended, the Rev J. R. Ellis, chairman of the Wesleyan Isle of Main District, and Rev C. Copeland Smith, officiating. Interment was at Braddan Cemetery.


Harry Ross Brown

Died May 2nd, 1914.

To the great sorrow of all who had the privilege of his acquaintance, Mr Harry Ross Brown, a journalist employed on the staff of the " Isle of Man Times," passed away on May 2nd, after a somewhat prolonged illness. Towards the end of February, Mr Harry Brown was seized with paralysis of the lower limbs, and in order that he might be treated in accordance with the latest medical discoveries concerning the malady, he was removed to Noble's Isle of Man Hospital, and placed in a private ward. In this institution he, under the unremitting care of the medical and nursing staffs, made such satisfactory progress that he was discharged, apparently cured, and he returned to his home, Greenwood House, Loch Promenade, just before Easter week. During his stay in the hospital he was the subject of two operations. These were successfully performed, and following upon them Mr Brown regained the use of his limbs, and on returning home he was able to walk both in the house and about the town without assistance. He took advantage of his regained faculty of locomotion to frequently stroll on the promenade and pier, the weather at the time being bright but cold. It is supposed that as an outcome of this open-air exercise he contracted a chill. In any case pneumonia set in, and developed so seriously that it was considered advisable he should return to the hospital. This was about three weeks ago, and in the interval his condition was changeable at one time recovery seemed imminent, at another he was undoubtedly very ill -eventually complications set in, and late on Saturday afternoon all hope that he would get well was abandoned, and the members of his family were summoned to his bedside. Almost to the end he was conscious and cheerful, but death overcame him while he was in a state of coma his passing being an absolutely calm experience. Throughout his ten weeks of trial he bore himself bravely, and even when he realised that he was in grave danger he never lost heart, and always had a pleasant word for the many people who visited him.

Harry Ross Brown, who was born in Douglas 37 years ago, was the fourth son of Mr John A. Brown, editor of the " Isle of Man Times " and managing director of Brown and Sons, Ltd., Douglas. His three elder brothers predeceased him, one of them in early infancy, and the other two--Mr Walter J. Brown and Mr James G. Brown--within recent years. The main portion of Mr Harry Brown's school education was received at Victoria College, a. school of high repute conducted in Douglas by Dr Fannell. His scholastic attainments earned hire a high position in the college, while he distinguished himself in the playing fields by his proficiency in football, on the running path, and in other branches of athletics. Though under the middle height, he combined strength and activity in his build, and it is convenient to state here that up to quite recently he maintained his love of and his ability in outdoor sports. After leaving school, he was for many years a valued and valuable member of the Wanderers F.C. (Association) team ; and as an all-round cricketer he rendered fine service to the Douglas Cricket Club, he being for one year captain of the first team. After finishing his career at Victoria College, he entered the " Isle of Man Times " office, and there graduated as an all-round journalist. He in due course became a member of the " Times " reporting staff, and subsequently undertook sub-editorial duties, his special line being sporting and athletics. As a reporter, he contributed to his paper some fine stories concerning the awful disaster at Snaefell Mine in 1897, and in other connections he proved himself a good descriptive writer and a press craftsman of fine parts. In 1900 he received an appointment as sporting editor of the "Kimberley Diamond Fields Advertiser," and spent three years in newspaper work in South Africa. During his stay in the Cape he contracted fever, the attack being so severe as to probably impair his subsequent health. On completing the term of his engagement, he returned to England, and in conjunction with Mr G. Ralph Hall Caine (elder son of the famous Manx novelist), conducted a newspaper which was specially " run " in the Isle of Wight for the purpose of promoting Liberal interests during a General Election. Subsequently he and Mr Ralph Hall Caine collaborated in a publishing business in London, and while thus engaged, Mr Brown edited " Who's Who in Sport," a useful publication got up in the interests of sportsmen and athletes. Later on, Mr Brown returned to the Isle of Man, and for two years acted as district representative of the " Isle of Man Times " in Ramsey. Next he was transferred to the headquarters of the paper in Douglas, and from that time until seizure with the illness which proved fatal, he filled in very able fashion the duties of sub-editor, while when stress of work required, he reinforced the reporting staff, though in this latter capacity he mainly restricted himself to Legislative Council and House of Keys work. Any account of his journalistic career would be incomplete which did not recount the admirable, service he rendered by means of his pen to Manx charities. He had a genius for initiating and organising a newspaper effort for the financial aiding of institutions charged with the assistance of the sick and distressed and it was in large measure due to him that many schemes for relieving charities from monetary embarrassinerit were successfully accomplished. Notably he bore a prominent part in benefiting the Hospital and the Free Dinners Fund; also he was, in his capacity of Press agent, most useful in bringing to a triumphant issue the Douglas Carnival of 1911. In private life, Mr Harry Brown was one of the most amiable and delightful of men. Broad and charitable in thought, he ever strove in many cases probably against his own convictions to put the best construction upon the actions of people who had contravened the canons of law or convention, and he was always generous in his appreciation of anything that was good. He was most excellent company, being keenly appreciative of humour, while nobody laughed more heartily at a joke that told against himself. By his journalistic confreres in Douglas he will be greatly missed, and his death must create a gap in Manx public life that will be difficult of filling up. Mr Harry Brown married, about fifteen years ago, Miss Eliza Truscott, a Douglas lady, and two daughters are the offspring of that marriage. Both children are of tender years, the elder being about nine, while the younger is still in arms. Mrs H. R. Brown has been the recipient of numerous messages of condolence and sympathy from the host of friends made by her husband.


The funeral of the late Mr H. R. Brown took place on Tuesday, May 5th, and was the occasion of a very large gathering of well-known people resident in Douglas and the district. At two o'clock p.m. the coffin was brought from Greenwood House, Loch Promenade, Mr Brown's residence, and was thence borne to St George's Church gates by employees of Brown and Sons, Ltd. From the gates to the church the bearers were Messrs R. J. Grindley, J. R.. Bregazzi, N. G. Rolfe, and J. Clague, four of Mr Brown colleagues on the journalistic staff of "Isle of Man Times." The hearse which was in attendance was not requisitioned for purposes of conveying the coffin. Among the chief mourners were Messrs J. A. Brown (father), G. J. A. Brown and Douglas M. Brown (brothers), T. Truscott, and R. Ashworth (brothers-in- law), G. H. Wood, G. H. Wood, jnr and H. Brearley. In the cortege were several private carriages, while the procession of people who attended on foot extended over a distance of quite 300 yards. Along the route, blinds of houses were drawn, and many other tokens of sorrow and respect were in evidence. As the coffin was carried into St. George's Church, Mr G. J. Burtonwood, the organist of the church, played Mendelssohn's " n rest in the Lord." officiating clergy were the Rev H. T. Devall, of St. Catherine's Church, Port Erin, an old friend of the deceased gentleman, and the Rev C. E. Barlow, curate of St. George's. The hymn, "O God, our Help in ages past," was announced by the Rev H. T. Devall, and was feelingly sung. Next the Rev C. E. Barlow led in the recital of the Psalm, and following this the Rev H. T. Devall read the well-known lesson commencing "Now is Christ risen from the dead," with splendid expression. The congregation which completely filled the lower portion of the church, remained standing while Mr Burtonwood played the " Dead March " in " Saul," and the coffin was then borne from the church to the graveside by four of the oldest employees of Brown and Sons, Ltd. The committal portion of the burial service was read by the Rev H. T. Devall. A large number of wreaths and other floral emblems of sympathy were sent by the following:-Wife and children; Father and Mother; "Aunty Madge " ; Duggie and Cyril ; Gladys, Phyllis, and Connie; George and Dorie, Tom and Dora; Mattie and Lottie; Dick and Bella; Jack and Cis Bregazzi ; Mr and Mrs C. B. Ridsdale ; Mr and Mrs H. W. Callow; Brown and Sons, Lid.; the Reporting Staff ; the Einployees of Brown and Sons, Ltd. (permanent wreath) ; Douglas Boarding-house Keepers' Association; " Isle of Man Times " Marathon Committee; Sisters Collister, Lewin, Broadbent (Noble's Hospital) ; Nurse Lee; Mr and Mrs A. E. Rothivell ; Mr E. A. Blair ; the " Ramsey Courier " ; the Directors of the Manx Picturedrome Co.; the Grand Theatre Staff ; Mr and Mrs C. Fox; Mr and Mrs A. Brittain; Mr and Mrs James Moie; Mr and Mrs Livesey, Rosemount ; Mr and Mrs Montgomery, " The Antrim "; Mr W. H. Wilkin ; Mr and Mrs Jos. Garside ; the Isle of Man Football Associatian; and the Directors of the Isle of Man Racecourse Company.

The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr J. J. Spence, and the carriages were supplied by Messrs Gribbin.


Died May 2nd, 1914.

Early on Saturday, May 2nd, Mr Alderman Charles Jennison, the senior proprietor of the famous Belle Vue Gardens in Manchester, passed away at his residence in that city at the advanced age of 79, after a protracted illness. The gardens have for long been the most famous of all Manchester's institutions, and their extension during Mr Jennison's lifetime, combined with his interest in municipal affairs, made his name and personality known even beyond the bounds of the city. Belle Vue itself has been for many years the most famous public resort throughout the industrial North. Outside London, the gardens contained the best zoological collection in Britain, and to their fame the firework displays, which were introduced as long ago as 1852 and the numerous brass band and other contests, have added most considerably. Alderman Jennison's special care was the zoological section, for he was all his life a keen naturalist. In his civic life he was more particularly interested in the affairs of the Garton and Longsight districts of Belle Vue, but on the City Council, to. which he was elected in 1890. his practical knowledge of industries — for at Belle Vue the catering, baking, brewing, printing, lighting, etc., are all carried out on the premises — was of the greatest value. He was elected to the Aldermanic Bench in 1894. Mr Jennison was well known in Port Erin, where he owns a summer residence, " The Hut," on the slopes of Bradda, and where he has spent most summer week-ends with his grand-daughters-the Misses Dillon-for many years past. He has on various occasions thrown open his charming grounds at Port Erin for public and charitable functions. In character he was unassuming, earnest, and generous, and in the district where his business was carried on he was immensely popular. His wife predeceased him about three years ago. His remains were interred at Cheadle Parish Churchyard on Wednesday. May 6th.


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