[From Manx Soc, vol. 26]

No. VII.


Att Castle Rushen XXVIth No. 1662.

Mr. WILLM. QUALTROUGH of Kentraugh sworne and examined deposeth & sayth, that being on a tyme a coursinge in the company of John Cesar & Capt. Gawne they had talk amongst them how that the country found themselves greately aggrived, touching the half Crownes, the Troope, & payinge money to them, and sayth that this discourse was after ye buriall of Governor Greenhalgh as hee remembereth, but declareth that on yt day of ye sd Governor's buriall, there was a mutteringe of ye countrey's rising & of the taking of Castle Rushen, but cannott remember by whome it was spoken ; And yt hee heard nothinge more of ye s'd risinge of the countrey before ye head Court day houlden in ye yeare of ye risinge, and that then hee heard it in the Company of Receiver Wm Xtin Comptroller Sharples, John Cesar, Phill. Moore, Hugh Moore, Wm. M'Ylearran & divers Others in the house of Robt. Burrye in the Castletown, & sayth that ye discourse in yo company was findinge themselves aggrived with ye pticulars above, & wth the frigotts men, & yt the Countess of Derby broke her promise in sending a man for England unknowne to the countrey or words to that effect & yt therefore the countrey would rise in Armes to declare their greivance to her Lapp, & that they would take ye Castle Rushen that day, and sayth that it was concluded on that ye Meetinge should bee at Raynoldsway ye sd night ,where ye countrey were to meete in Armes, and this examt being at Raynoldsway afterwards, there was an Outh administered to ye foote companyes there by Sr Robt. Norris now of Douglas that they ye countrey should sticke one to another & declare their aggreviances to her Ladyshipp or to the same effect in substance, This Deponent further sayth, that having gone from Raynoldsway to Peele Town hee receyved a trooper of horse from Capt. Sam Radcliffe ... wth this exams comanded & brought y' over to Raynoldsway doubting they were too weake there, And when this Examt came theither, ye Receiver told him that her Lapp and the countrey were aggreed, And also sayth yt ye sd Receiver Xtin was looked uppon to bee their heade or Chiefe in the said risinge at Raynoldsway, and all that to the Examt best remembrance at present.


[This last Dept bears date on the day on which the Court of Genl Gaol Delivery was held, Nov. 26, 1662.]


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