[From Manx Soc vol 23 - Appendices to Munch's Chronicle of Man]
No. 39.-January 23, A.D. 1367.-p. 255.
Giving him the Archdeaconry of Down.
Urban V. Cod. Chart., tom. xv. fol. 110, in Archiv. Vatican.
Urbanus episcopus, s. s. dei, dilecto filio Johanni Donnegan Arcliidiacono Dunensi salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Probitatis et virtutum merita, super quibus apud nos fide dignorum commendaris testimonio, nos inducunt, ut tibi reddamur ad gratiam liberales. Cum itaque Archidiaconatus ecclesiæ Dunensis quem venerabilis frater Willelmus episcopus Connerensis tempore promotionis per nos factæ de ipso ad Connerensem ecclesiam tune vacantem obtinebat, per hujusmodi promotionem et munus consecrationis de maisdato nostro apud sedem apostolicam impensum eidem, aped sedem eandem vacaverit et vacare noscatur ad præsens, nullusque præter nos hat vice de illo disponere potuerit neque possit, pro eo quod nos diu ante vacationem hujusmodi omnes dignitates personatus et officia ceteraque beneficia ecclesiastica cum tura et sine tura tune apud dictum sederoa vacantia et imposterum vacatura collationi et dispositioisi nostræ duximus reservanda, decernen-tes extunc irritum et inane si secus super iis a quoquam quavis auctoritate scienter vel ignoranter contingeret attemp-tari, nos volentes tibi, qui ut asseris in presbiteratus ordine constitutus et in jure canonico peritus existis, præmissorum meritorum intuitu gratiam facere specialem, dictum Archi-diaconatum, qui dignitas curata existit, consueta aliis quam canonicis ipsius ecclesiæ Dunensis assignari, sic vacantem, c",jus fructus et proventus quadraginta markarum Sterlingorum valorem annuum ut asseris non excedunt, cum omnibus juribus et perti-nentiis suis apostolica tibi auctoritate conferimus et de illo etiam providemus, decernentes prout est irritum et inane si secus super iis, ete. Non obstantibus quibuscunque statutis et consuetudinibus ipsius ecclesiæ Dunensis contrariis, ete. ete. Seu si venerabili fratri nostro episcopo et dilectis filiis capitulo Dunensibus vel quibusvis aliis communiter vel divisim a præfata sit sede indul-tum quod ad receptionem vel provisionem alicujus minime teneantur et ad id compelli non possent, ete. etc.-Seisi præsens non fueris ad præstandum de ogservandis statutes et consuetudinibus ipsius Dunensis ecclesiæ solitum juramentum, dummodo in ab-sentia tua per procuratorem idoneum, et cum ad ecclesiam ipsam ac-cesseris corporaliter illud præsens,-aut quod parochialein ecclesiam de Camelino Dunensis dioecesis nosceris obtinere ; volumus autem quod quamprimum vigore præsentium dictum archidiaconatum fueris pacifice assecutus, præfatam paroch. ecclesiam, quam extune vacare decernimus omnino, prout etiam ad id te sponte obtulisti, dimittere tenearis. Nulli ergo, ete.-Datum apud Montempes-sulanum Magalonensis dicecesis, x. kal. Febr. pontificatus nostri anno quinto. In eodena modo Venerabili fratri . . Episcopo Lismorensi et dilectis filiis Abbati monastery de Inys, Dunensis dieecesis, ac decano ecclesiæ sancti Agricolæ Avinionensis, salutem, ete. Probi-tatis, ete., 2ssgerie teneretur. Quocirca mandamus, quatenus vos vel duo aut unus vestrum per vos vel alium sen alios eundem Johan-nem vel procuratorem suum ejus nomine in corporalem posses-sionem Archidiaconatus et jurium et pertinentiarum prædictorum inducatis auctoritate nostra et defendatis inductum, amoto exinde quolibet detentore, ete. ete. Datum ut supra. |
Urban Bishop, servant of the servants of God, To Our beloved son John Donegan, Archdeacon of Down, health and apostolical benediction. The merits of your probity and virtues, for which you are commended to Us by the testimony of persons worthy of credence, induce Us to be liberal in your favour. Where-as, then, the archdeaconry of the Church of Down, which Our venerable brother William Bishop of Connor held at the time when We promoted him to the then vacant Church of Connor, by that promotion and by the rite of consecration being conferred upon him in virtue of Our mandate at the Apostolic See, became vacant at the same See, and is known to be vacant up to the present time ; and no one but Ourselves in this case could dispose of it, or can dispose of it (inasmuch as We, a long time before this vacancy, considered fit to reserve for Our own appointment and disposal all dignities, pre-eminences, and offices, and other ecclesiastical benefices both with and without the cure of souls, which had then become vacant or in future should become vacant at the said See, decreeing that from that time forward any attempt to the contrary, made knowingly or unknowingly, by whomsoever with whatsoever authority he 'night be invested, should be null and void) ; We, wishing to do you a member of the priesthood and skilled in canon law, as you tell Us, a special favour in consideration of the aforesaid merits, by Apostolic authority confer upon you, and provide you with the above named archdeaconry thus vacant, a dignity with the cure of souls attached to it, and usually conferred upon others than the Canons of the Church of Down, together with all its rights and appurtenances, the fruits and proceeds of which do not ex-ceed, as you assert, the annual value of forty marks sterling; and declare null and void, as it is, anything to the contrary in this affair, etc. Notwithstanding any statutes and customs of the Church of Down to the contrary, etc., etc. ; or that by the aforesaid See the privilege has been granted to Our venerable brother the bishop and Our beloved sons the chapter of Down, or to any other persons either collectively or separately, that they are not bound to the reception of and provision for anyone, and that they cannot be compelled to it, etc., etc. ; or that you shall not be present to take the accustomed oath to observe the statutes and customs of the Church of Down, provided that in your absence you take it through the medium of a fitting procurator, and in person when you betake yourself to the church ; or that you are known to hold the parochial church of Camelyn, in the diocese of Down; We require, however, that as soon as by virtue of these presents you shall have peacefully occupied the said arclideaconry, you be bound to relinquish, as you have willingly offered to do, the above named parochial church, which from that time we declare completely vacant. Let no one there-fore, etc. . Given at Montpelier, in the diocese of Magalone, the 23d of January, in the fifth year of Our Pontificate. In like manner, To Our venerable brother . . . the Bishop of Lismore, and to Our beloved sons the Abbot of the monastery of Innis, in the diocese of Down, and the Dean of the Church of St. Agricola of Avignon, health, etc. The merits of your probity, etc., as far as "vacant," Wherefore We ordain that you, or two or one of you, personally, or by the person of another or others, should by our authority induct, and protect when inducted, the said John, or his procurator in his name, into the bodily posses-sion of his archdeaconry and its rights and appurtenances afore-said, having removed thence any intruder whatsoever, etc. etc. Given as above. |
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