[From Manx Soc vol 23 - Appendices to Munch's Chronicle of Man]
No. 29. April 27, A.D. 1349. p. 253.
Notifying his Election to the Sodor Diocese.
Clement VI. Common. An. 7, lib. iii. fot. 131, Epist. 368, in Archiv. Secr. Vaticano.
Clemens episcopus, s. s., dilecto filio Willelmo electo Sodorensi salutem et cetera. Apostolatus officium, quarnquam insufficientibus meritis nobis dispositione superna commissum quo ecclesi arum ommbm regimini præsidemus, utiliter exequi adjuvante domino cupientes mente reddimur vigiles et solertes, ut cum de ipsarum ecclesiarum regiminibus agitur committendis, quantum ab eo permittitur, cujus vices gerimus in terris, sis in pastores tales præficere studeamus, de quibus, consideratis virtutibus de super sibi traditis, præsumimus verisimiliter et tenemus, quod creditas sibi animas verbo instruere debeant pariter et exemplo, et ecclesias eorum commissas custodiæ spiritualiter et temporaliter augmentare. Olim siquidem ecclesia Sodorensi per obitum bonæ memoriæ Thomæ episcopi Sodorensis, qui extra Romanam curiam diem clausit extremum, pastoris solatio destituta, dilecti filii Clerus civitatis et dioecesis Sodorensis, ad quos electio episcopi Sodorensis cum pro tempore imminebat facienda de autiqua et approbata et hactenus pacifice observata consuetudine dicitur pertinere, die ad eligendum præfixa ut moris est convenientes in unum, Spiritus Sancti gratia invocata, te tune abbatem monasterii de Russiu ordinis Cisterciensis Sodorensis dicecesis quasi per inspirationem divinam in episcopum Sodorensem unanimiter et concorditer elegerunt, et electionem hujusmodi fecerunt populo solenniter publicari, tuque præsentatæ tibi electioni hujusmodi ad instantiam predictorum cleri, prius a dilecto filio . . . abbate de Furnesio dicti ordinis, Eboracensis dicecesis, patre abbate dicti et de Russiu monasteriorum superiore tuo super hoe petita et obtsnta licentia consensisti, in iis omnibus statutis a jurs temporibus observatis, et dsinde tu dubitans quod provisio ipsius ecclesiæ
esset dispositioni apostolicæreservata, propter hoc ad sedem eandem personaliter accessisti, et hujusmodi electionis negotium proponi fe-cisti in consistorio curam nobis, et ipsius electionis nobis præsentato decreto a nobis suppliciter postulasti ut electionem hujusmodi con-firmare de benignitateapostolica dignaremur. Nos igitur electionem ipsam, tuæque personæ merita per venerabilem fratrem nostrum Petrum Episeopum Penestrinum' et dilectos filios nostros Guillel-tnum tit. sanctorum Quatuor coronatorum presbyterum, et Gal-hardum sanctæ Luciæ in Silice diaconum cardinales examinari fecimus diligenter, et faeta nobis ab eisdem episcopo Penestrino' ac cardinalibus super iis relatione pleuarie' (sic) et fideli, quia prædictam electionem invenimus de te viro religionis honestæ, vitæ laudabilis, literarum scientia prædito ac morum honestate decoro, in spiritualibus provido et in temporalibus circumspecto, canonice celebratam, electionem ipsam non obstante si ejusdem ecclesiæ Sodorensis provisio per nos vel predecessores nostros Romanos Pontifices eidem sedi sit specialiter vel generaliter reservata, de fmtrum nostrorum consilio auctoritate apostolica confirmavimus, teque ipsi Sodorensi ecclesiæ in episcopum præ-ficimus et pastorem, curam et administrationem ipsius ecclesiæ tibi in spiritualibus et temporalibus plenarie' committendo, firma spe fiduciaque coneeptis quod ipsa ecclesia Sodorensis, dextera domini tibi assistente propitia, per tuæ industriæ et cireumspec-tionis fructuosum studium regetur utiliter et prospere dirigetur. Jugum itaque domini tuis impositum humeris prompta devotione suscipiens et suavi ejus oneri humiliter colla flettens, curam et administrationem pr edictas sic geras sollicite, fideliter et prudenter, quod ipsa ecclesia gubernatori provido et fructuoso administratori gaudeat se commissam, ac bonæ famæ tuæ odor ex laudabilibus tuis actibus latius diffundatur, tuque proinde præter eternæ retributionis premium. nostram et dietæ sedis benedictionem uberius consequi merearis. Datum Avinione v. kal. Maii, ponti-ficatus nostri anno septimo. In eodeni modo, Dilectis filiis clero civitatis et dieecesis Sodor-ensis salutem, et cetera. Apostolatus et cetera usque dirigetur. Quocirca universitati vestræ per apostolica scripta mandamus quatenus eidem electo tanquani patri et pastori animarum vestra-rum humiliter intendentes et exhibcntes ei obedientiam et reve-rentiam debitam et dcvotam ipsius monita et mandata salubria curetis devote suscipere et efficaciter adimplere, alioquin sententiam quam idem electus rite tulerit in rcbelles ratam habebimus, et faciemus auctore domino usque ad satisfactionem condignam inviolabiliter observari. Datum Zct snpra. In eo. mo. Dilectis filiis Populo Civitatis et dicecesis Sodor-ensis salutem, ete. Apostolatns et cetera usque dirigetur. Quocirca et ceten-a zisg2te quatenus eundem electum tanquam patrem et pastorem animarum vestrarum suscipientes devote, et dcvota honorificentia prosequentes, ipsius5xnonitis et mandatis salubribus humiliter intendatis, ita quod ipse in vobis devotionis filios, et vos in eo per consequens patrem invenisse benevolum gaudeatis. Datum ut supra. In eo. mo. Venerabili fratri Arnoni Archiepiscopo Nidrosiensi salutem, ete. Ad cumulum tuæ cedit salutis et famæ si personas ecclesiasticas præsertim pontificali dignitate præditas divinæ pro pitiationis intuitu oportuni praesidii et favoris gratia prosequaris. Olim siquidem et cetera usque dirigetacr. Cnm igitur ut idem. Wilhelmus electus in commissa sibi ecclesiæ Sodorensis prædictæ cura facilius proficere valeat, tuus favor sibi esse noseitur plurimum opportunus, fraternitatem tuam rogamus et hortamur attente, per apostolica tibi scripta mandantes, quatenus ipsum electum et ecclesiam Sodorensem prædictos jure metropolitico tibi subjectos habens pro nostra et ipsius sedis reverentia propensius commen-datos ipsum in ampliandis et conservandis juribus suis sic tui favoris præsidio prosequaris, quod ipse tuo faltus auxilio in commisso sibi ecclesiæ Sodorensis præfatæ regimine se possit utilius exercere, tuque divinam misericordiam et benedic-tionem dictæ sedis exinde valeas uberius promereri. Datum ut supra. In eo. mo. Dilecto filio Nobili viro Villelmo de Monteacuto domino terræ Manniæ Sodorensis dieecesis, salutem, ete. Ad cumulum et cetera ut in superio~ i qua? dirigetur Arclbiepiscopo icsgzce oportuni favoris præsidio prosequaris el cetera ~isque dirigetur. Cum igitur ut idem electus in commissa sibi dictæ Sodorensis ecclesiæ cura facilius proficere valeat tuus favor sibi esse noscatur plurimum oportunus, discretionem tuam rognmus et liortamur attente, quatenus eundem Electum et commissam sibi dictam ecclesiam habeas pro nostra et dictæ sedis reverentia propensius commendatos ut in ampliandis et conservandis ejusdem ecclesiæ juribus se possit utilius exercere, tuque proinde divinam miseri-cordiam et benevolentiam valeas uberius promereri. Datum ut supra. In co. mo. Dilecto filio Nobili viro Roberto Stuward dicto Senescallo Scotiæ domino Insulæ de Bote Sodorensis dieecesis salutem, etc. . Ad cumulum, etc., ut in superiori giue dirigetur Villelmo 2tsque ad inemz. In eo. mo. Dilecto filio Nobili viro Johanni MaeDofnald domino de Ile Sodorensis dieecesis. Ad cumulum, etc. |
Clement Bishop, servant of the servants of God, to our beloved son William Bishop-elect of the Sodor Diocese, health, and the rest. Desiring, with the help of the Lord, to fulfil wholesomely the duties of the Apostolate committed to Us unworthy though We be by Divine appointment, which duties entail upon us the government of all the churches, We become watchful and diligent when persons have to be entrusted with the charge of dioceses, that as far as is permitted by Him whose Vicar We are upon earth We may appoint such pastors, as, consideration being had of the talents entrusted to them from on high, We reasonably presume and consider capable of instructing both by word and example the souls entrusted to them, and advancing both spirit-ually and temporarily the churches committed to their care. Now, the Sodor Diocese having been deprived of its pastor some time ago, by the death of Thomas, Bishop of the Sodor Diocese, of happy memory, who ended his clays without the Court of Rome,1 our beloved sons, the clergy of the Sodor cathedral, city, and diocese, to whom the election of the Sodor Bishop when required is said to belong in accordance with an ancient approved custom hitherto peacefully observed, assembling together on the day appointed for the election as is their wont, having invoked the assistance of the Holy Spirit, with unanimity and concord, as though by Divine inspiration, chose you at that time Abbot of the monastery of Rushen of the Cistercian Order in the Sodor Diocese to be the Bishop of the Sodor Diocese ; and this election they caused to be solemnly announced to the people; and you, at the instance of the aforesaid, consented to the election, after having previously asked and obtained permission from your superior, Our beloved son, the Abbot of Furness of the aforesaid order in the Diocese of York, who is the father Abbot both of the aforesaid monastery and of the monastery of Rushen ; the times appointed by law having been duly observed in all these matters ; and then you, doubting lest the provision for the said church might not be reserved to the Apostolic See, betook yourself in person to the said See, and caused the matter of the election to be laid before Us in consistory, and having presented to Us the documents certifying the said election, humbly asked Us to deign, in our apostolic benignity, to confirm the said election. We therefore caused both the election itself and your personal merits to be diligently scrutinised by our venerable brother Peter Bishop of Palestrina, and our beloved sons, William Cardinal-priest of the title of the church of the Holy Four Crowned Brothers, and Galliardi Cardinal-deacon of the title of St. Lucy in Selee ; and a full and faithful statement having been made to Us upon the matter, by the above named Bishop of Palestrina aid cardinals, inasmuch as We have found the aforesaid election of you, a man of a proper religious spirit, praiseworthy manner of life, and one endowed with literary knowledge, and of an un-blemished character, in spirituals provident, in temporals circum-spect, to have been canonically carried out ; We, on the advice of Our brethren, by Our apostolic power, have confirmed the election, even although the provision of the aforesaid Sodor church may have been specially or generally reserved by Ourselves or Our predecessors, the Roman Pontiffs, to the Apostolic See; and We appoint you to the said Sodor church, to be its bishop and pastor, fully entrusting to you, both in spirituals and temporals, the care and administration of the said church, in the firm hope and confidence that the said Sodor church, with the help of the right hand of the Lord, will be beneficially governed and prosperously guided by your successful zeal, industry, and circumspection. Accepting, therefore, with prompt devotion, the yoke of the Lord placed upon your shoulders, and humbly bending your neck to His light burden, conduct your administration with such diligence, fidelity, and prudence, that your church may rejoice at having been entrusted to a provident ruler and a suc-cessful administrator, and the good fame of your praiseworthy acts may be spread abroad, and you yourself may obtain, besides the prize of an eternal reward, a more abundant blessing from Ourselves and the Apostolic See. Given at Avignon, the 37th April, in the seventh year of Our Pontificate. In like manner, To Our beloved sons, the clergy of the Seder cathedral, city, and diocese, health and the rest. " Desiring, with the help of the Lord ;" and the rest, as far as "prosperously guided by your successful zeal, industry, and circumspection." Wherefore, by Our apostolical letters, We enjoin you all, taking heed to the above named bishop-elect, as to the father and pastor of your souls, and showing him that obedience and reverence which are his due, to take care to receive submissively and put in practice his salutary ordinances and decrees, otherwise We shall ratify the sentence which the above named elect shall rightfully pronounce against those who rebel, and in the name of the Lord We shall cause it to be inviolably observed, till condign satisfaction is obtained. Given, as above. In like manner, To Our beloved sons, the people of the Sodor cathedral, city, and diocese, health, etc. " Desiring, by the help of the Lord ;" wad the rest, as far as "prosperously guided by your zeal, industry, and circumspection." " Where-fore," and the rest, as far as "receiving with devotion and honour the above named bishop-elect as the father and pastor of your souls," and showing him due reverence, you give heed with humility to his salutary admonitions and decrees, so that he may rejoice in having found you to be devoted sons, and you, in consequence, may rejoice in having found in him a loving father. Given, as above. In like manner, To Our venerable brother Arno, Archbishop of Nidaros, health, etc. To protect and be gracious to ecclesiastics, especially those who by Divine providence are raised to the episcopal dignity, adds to your own welfare and reputation. 2 Now," and the rest, as far as " prosperously guided by your successful zeal, industry, and circumspection." As, therefore, your influence will be of the greatest use in assisting the above named William bishop-elect to fulfil his duties in respect to the above named Soder church, We ask and earnestly exhort you, brother, and enjoin you by these Apostolical letters to consider, in reverence to Us and Our See, the above mentioned bishop-elect and the Soder church, subject to your metropolitan jurisdiction, as especially commended to you, and to assist him with your gracious protection in preserving and furthering his rights, so that he, supported by your aid, may exert himself with more profit in the government of the aforesaid Sodor church, which has been entrusted to him, and you may thus more abundantly merit the mercy of God and the blessing of this See. Given, as above. In like manner, To Our beloved son, the noble William Montague, Lord of the Island of Man, in the Sodor Diocese, health, etc. " To protect," etc., as in the above directed to the archbishop, as far as "adds to your own welfare and reputation," and the rest again, as far as " prosperously guided by your successful zeal, industry, and circumspection." As, therefore, your favourable influence will be of the greatest use in aiding the above named bishop-elect to fulfil his duties in respect to the above named Sodor church, We ask, and earnestly exhort your Discretion to consider, in reverence to Us and our See, the above mentioned bishop-elect and the church entrusted to him, as especially commended to you, so that he may more profitably exert himself in preserving and furthering the rights of the above mentioned church, and you may thus still further merit the Divine mercy and our goodwill. Given, as above. In like manner, To Our beloved son, the noble Robert Steward, styled seneschal of Scotland, Lord of the Isle of Bute, in the Sodor Diocese, health, etc. "To protect," etc., as in the above directed to William, as far as the end. In like manner, To Our beloved son, the noble John Macdonald, Lord of Isla, in the Sodor Diocese. " To protect," etc. |
r' For plene 1[' Prænestinum. 2 Prenestino. 3 lilenaria for plena.] |
1 [If the holder of a benefice resigned his benefice by death, or otherwise, whilst at Rome, or wherever the Pope was holding his Court, the benefice was said to be vacated, or become vacant, at Court, or at tke Holy See, in which case the next appointment was made directly by the Pope (and said to be re-served), instead of going through the ordinary routine. Hence it is here stated, in the mention of the Bishop's death, that he died without the Court, i.e., not while at Court.] |
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