[From Manx Soc vol 23 - Appendices to Munch's Chronicle of Man]
No. 10. September 24, A.D. 1219. p. 186.
Rymer, 1. c.
Rex omnibus, ad quos prmsentes litterae pervenerint, salutem. Sciatis quod dilectus et fidelis noster Reginaldus Rex de Man venit ad fidem et servitium nostrum, et nobis homagium swum fecit. Et ideo vobis mandamus, quod in terram ipsius Reginaldi Regis de Man salvo et secure veniatis, et negotia vestra ibidem expediatis, quamdiu fuerit ad fidem et servitium nostrum. Et in hujus, ete. Teste ut supra, anno, etc. tertio. |
The King, to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting. Be it known to you that Our beloved and faithful Reginald, King of Man, has entered into Our allegiance and service, and has done Us homage. And therefore We authorise you to enter the territory of the said Reginald, King of Man, with safety and security guaranteed, and there to transact your affairs so long as he shall remain in Our allegiance and service. In witness thereof, etc. Witness as above, in the third year, etc. |
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