The following extract are from pp17/22 of Iter Lancastrense by Richard James (Ms written 1636) ed Thomas Corser and published by Chetham Society 1845 - the poem is 390 lines in length - the introduction to the edition ppi-cxii with pp17-84 comprising the notes. - see Family History in Moore's Old Manx Families and Harrison's notes



From yo varietie of their name written in ould evidencies all theis conjectures are probable.

Birthe and death are equally ye gifts of nature ; he yt is of other minde shall never be quiet.

Peers Ewood, with many other gentlemen thereaboutes, had land given uvto them at ye same time by Adam de Berrye, ye charters of which donations are yet extant. Theis charters are anciently calld books, and signe of a free tenure.

HIGH holtt of woods, or haye enclosed with woods,
Or woddie Isle surrownded with fierce floods
Thy antique bounds; from whence so ere thou haue
Thy name, I blesse ye, Heywoods wombe and graue,
The board and bed vnto thy ofspringe be
Kinde of their seasons with tranquillitie.
Thou bookland Heywood, lett each aged Sire
To well growne children ye with lightsomme fire
Deliver gift of Berries Lord, when pejres
Rejoicd in men, not onely in their steeres


Theis were not chief Lords, but free men, whoe after griew to great worshippe. whence Chaucer in his character of ye Frankelin-
Atsessions there was he Lord and sire.
Full ofte there he was Knight of ye shire.

And towne-devouring sheepe, about ye date
When second Harrie mightye was of state.
The Lords him followd to ye wars, and they
With their bolde Francklins dowbted not ye day
Of battle, men each other knowing voyd of strife,
Honour resolvd to winne, or laye their life.
Fulchis of Crew in Chesshire, thy braue worde
Once spoken doth to after times afford
Worthy example: when in dismall fight
A horse was offerd to secure thy flight


And leave thy fellowes to it bloodie field,
If their stoute couradge did refuse to yeeld,
Thy wordes were, " Hether, trustie friends, we came,
And, if we doe not gaine, weele looze no fame
Goodwives of Nantwitch and their daughters shall
Nere houle aboute me for their kindreds fall."
So he, so Talbot, Frances terrour, dide,
Because they would not from their fellowes ride.
Such times were those which never heard ye crye,
" Break open ranks for now my Lord doth flye."


Such is yo tradition of him at Crewe once his Lordshippe now in ye possession of Sr Ran-dall Crewe. Every stone speaks ye manner of Talbot's death. Theis Talbots before their Erldom were auncient rich Barons of this kingdome whence of one of them tis sayd, ditissimus baro totius Angliae, and so no doubt but they came brauely attended into ye wars.

Free lords free tenants lou'd ; againe they trye
To loue their Lords m life and memorie.
Ashton of Middleton, to ye I went
From my deere Heywood once, and there I spent
One space of leasure, to behould and see
The fairenesse of thy Beate and courtesie,
In which we kiudely fed, slept, rose againe
Next day, with other views to eutertaine
Free welcomme, and summe miles beyond thy home
Mounted vppon thy horses we did rome,


Quà causà Deus Ro-manos secundü quandã formam terrenae civita. tis bones adjuverit ad antiqui imperii gloriam consequendam. - dedit mercedem bonis Roma-nor artibus terrenam gloriam excellentissimi imperij. Aug. Civ. Dei.

Nic. Bergier à. French Lawyer hath written a lardge historie of their Roman high wayes.

Vnder thy guidance, to it Roman wage
High cast yet standing, as perchance it laye
From Yorclk to Chester. Austins voice is true,
Empire condignly was to Romans due.
Our wayes are gulphs of durte and mire, which none
Scarce ever passe in summer withoute moane;
Whilst theirs through all ye world were no lesse free
Of passadge then ye race of Wallisee,
Ore broken moores, deere mosses, lake and fenne,
Now worcks of Giants deemd, not arte of men.


Peradventure thence in ye North a Roman forte is calld Reising-ham. Reus, or Rese in Dutch signifies à giant, and our ould storyes say in a mistake from hence yt giants aun-ciently inhabited this land and built their citties vppon high hills.

Aunciently people did not vse to borye in yo citties In much lesse so frequently in churches. Luthers advise in this point is not only civill but allso preservable to ye health of citties. See allso of this William Zepper in his ecelesiasti-call policye how monas-ticall avarice brought
funerall,s to yo church. See Rivet aud Beza.

On theis their stages stood their forts and tombes ;
They were not oriely streets luft halydoms
So did their buisnesse speede, and armyes flye
From East to West like lightning in the Skye.
Now go we to ye church of Middleton,
To finde out there summe glorye of our owne.
At chardge of those good men, whoe went out far
In suite of our braue Ashton to the warre,
There stands it painted windowe, where I weene
The shove of their departure may be seene :



The excellent prince Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk with bowe-men of Englaud sleve King Jamye, with many .L Noble Scotte against Floddon hill, in which battell ye stout archers of Chesshyre aud Lancashire for one day bestowed to ye death for their Prince and Counerye sake hath gotten immortall name aud praise forever. Aschatn in his Schoolc of Shootinge.

Of ye wearing haire long or short Galen hatte i verie tine discours. See allso.Lycurgus pro-verb of it in Plutarch. terribile quiddam prie se fert densa Gallor et Scythaï capillitiït Clem. Alex.

The Lord and Ladve first in skarlett ; then
One neere attending of ye chiefest men ;
Their garments long, his short and bliew, behinde
The chaplaine of ye warfare you may finde
In robe of ye same colour, for to say
Before an altar praiers of ye daye
On bended knees; him followe neighbours bould,
Whoe doe bent* bowies on their left showlders hould,
Their girdle sheaft with arrowes ; as ye squire
So are they all, courtmantells in attire



With such camarades as those of which Larroue speakes ye com-mendation in his militarie discourses, all our auncient wars were fought, aud so it conti-m:ed I believe vntill ye dissolution of Abbyes, vppon ye lubbers of which pressing beganne to be sufferd. They were so many fitt for no civill course of life ye Bishop Hooper in a sermon complainer, how twentie men could hardly passe safe to-;;ether vppon ye high wayes. The former ser-vice was yeither hy te-nure or by agremen t, whence in yt pell office are yet mttnie obligations extant betwixt ye King ye Nobles and Gentrye of ye Land.

Of blewe ; like Greeks in Trojan warre, their haire
In curler long dangling makes ye semblance faire
And sterne ; each hath his name, and people tell
That on ve same lands noiv their children dwell
As yet so called. Larroue, thy camarades
Of ruen their were, which feare would never shades
Of death in warlike service; Agincourt,
Cressy, Poitiers, and Floddon field reporte
Their mightye acts, such as were never donne
Greater by Roman or ve Macedon.


* Our great Sires were so farre from pressing to warre yt King Edward ye 3, in ye first volume of Froissard, cap. 206, speakes thus to his souldiers at Do-vore vppon their depar-turefor France. que son intention etoit teille qüil vouloit pas-ser outre au royaume de France, sans jamais rappasser, jusques a tant quil auroit fin de guerre on paix à sa sul-fisance,ou à son grand honeur: ou il mourroit en la peine : et s'il avoit entre eux, qui a ne vousissent entendre, il leur prioit qu'ils s'en vousissent retourner.

Fillos quatn prim[[ mtas patiebatur more Francorü equitare, armis ac venationfbus ex-erceri fecit: filias verõ lanificio assuescere, co-logne ac fuso, ne per ociü torpescerent operam intendere, atque ad oein honestatem erudiri jusset. Egin-hartus de vitaet rebus gestis Ca roll Magni. See allso Vives de xpiana finmina. Sed fmminam saith he, nullo modo placet mihi artiü qum manibus tractantur im-peritamesse: ac neprin-cipem quidem, ant Re-ginam. Quidenimalitnd potius aget ant melius vacua domesticis nego-ciis? Confabulabitur acilicet cum viris nut alijs fauninis. Quibus de rebus? semper lo-quetur? nunquam con-ticescet? At cogitabit qum? teler est cogita-tus fmminm ac fere von-stans vagus,perigrinus, nescio qua lubricitate devolvetur sua, etc.

Were I ye, gentle Ashton, their should be
In pourtrait honour of my pedigree
I would in statue or in table make
A commelye niew remembrance for their sake,
And lett the state learne from my Auncestrye
What course is fittest deeds of warre to trye,
Not men of meanest ranke, whoe prest putt on
Withoute il shirte il poore mandillion,
Whoe in despaire of life more* willing gee
Vnto ye gibbett then against ye foe.



Middleton, adieu ! ye setting sunne doth trace
Far to ye West, and wee to Heywood pace,
Where dairie worck goes forward, fairies spinne,
And of their ferrs good housewife praises winne.
Ladyes of Courte and Cittie dames, not fleere,
Because I praise my virgins for this gheere
This worck, this gheere, if storyes do not faine,
Was donne by daughters of great Charlemaine
This doing keepes them in a liuely heate,
And still preserves a stomack to good meate



They are not lazie, queazie, wanting breath,
Nor in a wan fainte palenesse bourding death;
They coven not as you to clove their tripes
With coles, Tome, asshes, foule tobacco pipes
Happinesse attends them if they marrye,
And comme lovers whoe not lone to varye :
I wish lone constant.

Let us varie sportes
Whoe are at leasure, and seeke view resortes
For recreation. Ormeschurch and ye Meales
Are our next jorney, we direct no weales


Both christian and heathen writers mention ye reverence of ye sea unto y? sands, but God's providence needs not any such weake proofes. The sand and peobles are indeede roveld up by ye sea and so aboute Winchelsey, Dele, and many other places ye sea doth as it were make a fence a-gainst it self. Chrysos-tome vses ye worde of reverence and Dlinutius Felix says neerely, mari intende, legelitoris stringitur. But to those whoe haue viewed ye site of sea and landtis apparant yt if God had not made other fenses of high rocks and shores, a reverence of sands would not keepe ye seas from drowning all.

Of state, to hinder our delight. ye guize
Of those chaffe sands, which doe in mountaines rize,
On shore is pleasure to behould, which Hoes
Are calld in Worold : windie tempest blowes
Them up in heapes : tis past intelligence
With me how seas doe reverence
Vnto ye sands; but sands and beach and peobles are
Cast up by roveling of ye wanes a ware
To make against their deluge, since the larke
And sheepe within feede lower then ye marke




Of each high flood. Heere through ye wasshie shole~
We spye an owld man wading for ye soles
And flukes and rayes, which the last morning tide
Had stayd in nets, or did att anchor ride
Vppon his hooks; him we fetch vp, and then
To our goodmorrowe, " Welcomme gentlemen,"
He sagd, and more, "you gentlemen at ease,
Whoe money hane, and goo where ere you please,
Are never quiett ; wearye of ye daye,
You now comme Nether to drive time away




Must time be driven ? longest day with vs
Shutts in to soone, as never tedious
Vnto our buisnesse ; making, mending nett,
Preparing hooks and baits, wherewith to gett
Cod, whiting, place, vppon ye sandie shelvs,
Where with to feede ye markett and our selvs."
Happie ould blade, whoe in his youth had binne
Roving at sea when Essex Cales did winne,
So now he lines. If any Busshell will
Line west the world, withoute projecting skill




Of Ermitage, he shall not neede to seeke
In rocks or Calve of Man an ember weeke
Heere at ye deserte Meales he maye, vnknowne,
Bread by his owne paines getting, line alone
Withoute it tallott or à page to dresse
Or bring bought mente unto his holinesse.
But haste we back to Ormeskircke, least, I feare,
Our friends departe, and leaue vs in ye reare;
And home to Heywood, whence I joy to tell
Our next niew Sallie to ye holye well,


Gilbert de stone being for ye time a trimme man of his penne was sollicited by ye Monks there to write their founders or saints life when he required summe memories of him, they had none at Wherefore in a letter of his, he says tis no matter, for he would write them notwith-standing a fine legend after ye manner of Tho-mas of Canterburye, and certainly moste le-gends are written after yo manner of Gilbert.

Foure miles beyond Flint castle, where our age
Doth yet behould h doting pilgrimadge.
Authors, yt legends write and holye tales
Without book, say yt whilom dwelt in Wales
An amorous young prince calld Caradoc,
The sonne of Alaine, born of Royal stock,
Enflamd of lone of fairest Winefride,
Lord Thebith's daughter, whoe had promised
Vppon Beulions preaching, to line aye
A votall virgin till hir dying daye.



But, when hir parents veto church were gonne,
Into ye house came Caradoc anonne,
And, as he found hir setting by ye fire
Vndrest, he quickly opend his desire.
To which she mildely sayd, "pray, Sir, lett be,
Yntill my parents from ye church you see
Returnd ; you are yo prince, and soone may gaine
Their good consent to make their daughter raigne
A Queene by mariadge : better cloathes I will
In ye mante while putt on, for to fulfill




Your lawfull pleasure." To hir chamber so
She went, and soone doth through it posterne goe
To save hir self. She fled, he did pursue;

Lone grieve to rage, and forth his swoard he driew,
With which at one blowe, with an angrie looke
Ilir lonely head he from hir bodye tooke.
The head fell downe, and tumbling rowled was
Into ye Temple where ye priest said mass
Beunous was ye priest ; so ghastly sight
Sett him and all ye people in it fright


* See Euseb. de prepar. lib. 4, cap. 2, for the Ethnic and now Roman superstition (loe much agree. Cogita vero ipse tecu.saithhe, exempla vetera repetendo, quam isti sæpe, enm affectæ valetudinis hominibus, robur, vitam, salutern-que promisissent, iisque postea non secus ac dijs fides haberetur, paulo post ingenti pecuniæ vi ex hoc affiatæ divinitus mercaturæ genere cor-rogatà, quales tandem essent manifestë depre-hensü fuerit, imposto-res scilicet ac circulato-res, non auteindij etno decepti a,b ijs homines infaustü exitum habil-issent. Quid porrõ atti-net dicere, ne popula-ribus quidem suis, et ejnsdem secnm civitatis indigenis vates egregios quicquam præsidij vel opis atlerre, cum infini-t os ibidem videas morbis Leborantes, daudos, cæ-cos ac toto sæp o corpore mutilatos? Quid verõ in causa fuerit, cur pere-grinis quidem homilui bUs, et ex longinquà - regione venientibus re-rnrn meliornm spes quasdam vmbratiles ac fucatas ostenderent ei-vibus autem populari-busque suis non item, quibuscurn tamen eos vtpote domesticis ami-ac civibus deriva-tum ex numinum præ-sentia bonum cotnmu nicare oporteret; nisi quõd extraneos homines veteratoriæ calliditatis ignaros facilius in erro-rem, quam alios sibi notos ac familiares im-pellerent, quippe qui artis huius imperiti non essent, sed vsitatæ ludificationis optime conscij ? And hence it is yt St. Godric and St. Thomasarespydtohave made a bargame yt God-ricshould cure ye south, and Thomas ye North peoples diseases. But for truth Harrye ye eight cured bothe their impostures.

Yet takes he vp ye head, and marches on
Vnto the body with procession.
Curse falls on Caradoc, and he with it
Doth vanish forthwith to infernall pitt.
The holye man doth often kisse hir face,
And then it aptly on hir body place.
Bothe coverd are with mantle, till he goe
Againe to church and end his masse belowe,
First breathing in hir nostrills ; by which breath,
At their returne, she raised is from death


As from a sleepe, he praiyng, and ye men
Whoe there came with him, saying, " Lord, Amen;"
And raised is as perfitt as before,
Saving yt all hir after life she wore
A circle in ye,juncture white as milke,
Which seemd to view it thread of finest silke
And so, not loozing aught but in her name,
She thence from Breulla Winefride became.
With Britaines wen is white; but stained red
Still are ye stones where ravisht was hir hed


From of hir bodye in à fountaine cleere,
Which at this cruell deede did first apeere,
Since curing each disease, each sore and grief
In those which of this Ladle seene relief.
Reade Surius and Baronius, whoe more
From Thomas Asaphs Bishop keepes in store.
But Capgraue says, and truth he says I weene,
All things y t are related are not seene.
Nay, here we see,* ye lame, ye halt, ye blinde,
Bothe rich and poore, no health can ever finde,


See Gabriell Powell in his annotations vp-pon Giraldns bis sur-veye of wales.

Of Elerius and Ro-bertus Salopiensis see Ilion Bale; &c.

And manye pilgrims dye vppon ye place,
Whoe on their bare feete seeke hir healing grace,
Nay, nothing of the name of Winefride
Is in Geraldus or Galfridus read,
Whoe ye survaye did write and ye storie
Of their deere Wales, in which they glorie.
Theis learned clercks of Wales of hir kniew naught,
Or wand such tales as Salope Robert brought ;
They neither him nor yet Elerius cite,
Though sunlme men say they bothe of hir did write.



There is an other spri jig ten miles distant from winefrides well, where are fownd stones in great number spotted in ye saine manner, summe of which Al;. Tredescant sheaves giv-en unto him by Sr Jhon Trever, as theis springs staine their peobles red so wellingborowe wa-ters make things yel-lowe, and bothe haue their cause from nature not historye.

But here to Templers cell were monkes put in
Vnder our seconde Edward: then beginne
Theis craftie tables: stories they invent;
They purchase pardons which from Rome are sent;
They builde a structure, chappell, cloysters rowed
Aboute ye well; to put of cloathes they founde
A joining roome : in seventh Harryes time
And in Queene Maries, with such toyes they chime
Much people in with coyne to buye no health,
But to encrease their Greene-field Abbyes wealth.



The smocks which now for bathing we doe hire,
Were then belike theis monks rent and desire.
From natures secretts poets storyes faine ;
Naught ell of poets doe theis monks retaine.
This faire cleere springe, which courses through ye hills
Conveys summe mettall tincture in hir rills,
Which they make staine of blood.

But now the tide
Hath left the saudes, and we to Chester ride,
Chester a Roman station, where are fownd
As yet summe of their reliques vnder grownd.



The Romans hypocausts did vse, where heate
Of fire putt vnder made them kindely sw eate
Aboue ; ye bricks of such worke, lardge and square,
In knowing Whitbyes house preserved are.
Theis drie baths were of antique times ye cure,
Which doe in many countryes still endure,
And from my owne experience to be plaine,
I thinke no waters are so soveraigne.
Of bucks and does, strainge beasts with peeled crowne,
Were whilom manye cloysters in ye towne.


For is it not pittie yt pe oore wenches should putt to ye shifte of abortions molaes and so manye murders of their owne infants, as this forct Virginitie did enforce them to. See Vlrick's epistle to Pope Nicholas and yerepen-tance of Gregorie ye g'reat in this point after he had fownd six thou-sand infants' heads in ye foing of his fish-ponds; see more of this m Honorius Augusto-duii. and Clemangis.

'T was well contriued ; when Friers were so nighe,
I hope no sisters did of molaes dye,
Of which disease ye Jew Amatus sure
Hath writt as well ye pittie as ye cure.
Fond fall imposture ! can mans wisedomme haine
The streames of Dee from gliding to ye manne ?
Three miles from Chester lyes h common heath,
Famous as yet with people for ye death
Of Bangor Monkes, Whoe came to blesse ye fight



Ethelbert did put Ethelfride upon ye ac-tion by ye instigation of Austin ye bloodie moncke as it is clecre out of ye translation of Belle by King Alfred into ye Saxon tounge, howsoever y Lattin co-pies haue it now quam-vis ipsa jam multo ante tempore ad ca3les-
tia regna translato. see Lisle in his Mine. See i\lason and .lewell. There was a great con-spiracie of religion to destroye ye Britanes, and to this way allso Gildas was no small traitour.

Of Brockmail Chesters Consul, put to flight
By Ethelfride Northumbrian king: from farre
He came, incited to it bloodie warre
By Ethelbert ye king of Kent, to slaye
The Christian Brittaines scorning to obeye
The pride of Rome in Austin, whoe with slight
Had made that foolish prince his proselyte.
Malice, rage, murder, and confusion
Markes use of Romish superstition
Rome plants in blood, blood makes her thrive wee see;
The Turke to Christians is more milde then shee.


They came with their flags and crosses and having converted hire vnto his wives religion, he surrenders to them yo whole power of Can-turbury and retires him-self to Roculvers in Tenet, inciting blood and warre vpon ye Brit-ain.s whoe would not submitt themselves to ye insolent pride of ye Roman church. The Brittaiues vnder ye Ro-mans subsisted still botho in lignage and landguadge, but ye sax-on Christianitie de-stroyed both men and wordes, according to yo Monks counsell veto Philip king of France, yt he showld destroye :111 ye Greeks books as well as their persons. See in Malmesburiensis à consideration of theis Saxons whether they were better men in their Christianitie or their gentilitie, for I much dowbte whether Rome makes Christianitie or manners.

America, thy wofull tragedie,
Was not more fell then this of Brittanie
In lignage and in landguadge. Austins worde
From Catnys to ye Mount putts all to swoard.
Foule sorceresse of Rome, I leaue thy heape
Of bloodie crimes to God's revendge and threape.
" Penigent, Pendle hill, Ingleborough,
Three such hills be not all England thorough."
I long to climb up Pendle ; Pendle stands,
Rownd cop, survaijng all ye whde moore lands,


As Comineus says of Princes they would not be extreme vppon their subjects if they did be-lieve yt God tooke cog-nizance of their actions. So I say of judges. If they did thincke there were a nivell no earthly hope or feare could make them doe such things as in severall ages times complain of them. Andhoweverthe truth be, those poore wretches finde pittfe and apologie from inanye. Whence Ewich yt fee physician of Breme. hnpiæ vene-ficæ qua., vulgõ stryges appelhuntur,gravem qui-dern pænam merentur, et si multis in locis m-mis teinerë, et nonmin-quam illegitiinë Liceat
mihi id hoc loco obiter dicere, sati,s. enimhanc causam hotle viri cru-diti disceptarunt tract-ari consueverunt, frigi-dam ant potins focü suff'undente Alolocho qui talibus 1)olocaustis delectari solet.

And Malkins Toure, a little cottage, where
Reporte makes caitive witches meete to sweare
Their homage to ye divell, and contrive
The deaths of men and beasts. Lett whoe will dive
Into this banefull search, I wonder much
If judges sentence with belief on such
Doth passe : then sure thy would not for lewd* gaine
Bad clients fauour, or putt good to paine
Of long pursuite ; for terrour of ye fiend
Or lone of God they would glue causes end


An alewife so called. she bath ye borne of plentie according to all.

With equall justice. yet I doe confesse,
Needs must strainge phansies poore ould wines possesse
Whoe in those desert mystic moores doe liue
Hungrie and colde, and scarce see priest to giue
Them ghostlye counsell. Churches farre doe stand
In lay mens hands, and chappells haue no land
To cherish learned Curates, though Sir Jhon
Doe preach for foure pounds vnto Haselingdon.
Such yeerely rent, with right of begging corne,
Makes Jhon it sharer in my Ladyes horne


You may see this at a place calld yc stocks in Worold.

Lib. v. de bello Gallico he says. Materiacujus-que genoris, vt in Gallia est, præter faguro atque abietem. Anditseemes Cæsar did enquire all things of ye Countrye when in ye same place he could say Nascitur ib! plumbü album in mediterraneis regioni-bus. And theis mines were after much urd by ye Romans, whence at Castelton a Roman sepulcher lately found had much led ore in it.

Torellius Sarayna. Coropius, Palissi, and divers others have writt of this subject. Seeallso Fulgosius. Mr. Rowlt allso of Pertenhall in Bedfordshire hath ye rigg bone of a whale petrifled found. vnder ye arches of St. Neots bridge. he now vses it for a saltseller. See many like things in ye cabbinets of Hubbart and Tredescant, ye later of whoe hath binne my fellowe traveller. For ye yvorie foø•nd in yc northerne partes of ye Russian Empire tir ye constant relation of ye woodmen there whoe goo forth at certaine times to kill bearer wolves etc. and ye Em-perour Rodolph's lapi-darie Anselmus Boetius
writes of ye petrified unicornes borne, which is ye borne of a fish, manic of which it seems ye fluds buried in ye maure land.

He drinks and prayer, and fortie yeeres this life
Leading at home keepes children and it wife.
Theis are ye wonders of our carelesse dayes:
Small store serves him whoe fbr ye people prayer.
But greater wonder calls me hence: ye deepe
Love spongie mosses yet remembrance keepe
Of Noahs flood: on numbers infinite
Of firre trees swaines doe in their cesses light ;
And in summe places, when ye sea doth bate
Downe from ye shoare, tis wonder to relate



* See of theis things more in Septalius his treatise de margaritis, and Wernberus de ad-mirandis Hungariæ a. quis.

See Thevet's cosmo-graphye where he bath a speciall discourse of ye vnicorne. But I doubt not but yt a,ars se he and his cke are deceivd in rig it for a land it, when our North-. and Greenland overies have proovd horud beast to be a ,e in Aschams epis-howyewieer Greeks

ye storye of St. rge but for a resein-ice, although now a long time they shippt him as a man i pestle and gospel hollyday, for all ch there is no more rant than ye meere nd. According vnto ch at this daye they we pilgrims ye verie •e where ye Kings ghter was deleverd ye dragon slaine eim. See Mounsieur nis his relation, and ;r itineraries of ye re lands. wherefore aye not vnseemely zllel St. George with it Sundaye in ye th casement of :kharn Church.

How many thowsands of theis trees now stand
Black broken on their rootes, which once Brie land
Did cover, whence turfs Neptune yeelds to shove
He did not allways to theis borders flowe.
We reade in Cesar yt no firre trees griew
Within this Isle, if what he write be triew.
But sure I am, yt growing heere, or sent
With storme of seas, theis are an argument
That God, offended with earths crimes, did raine
Till all once drownd was in a hurling maine.



Hence, tis* Sarayna, yt on hills we finde
And inland quarries things of sea borne kinde,
Wilks, cockles, oysters: threescore miles from wale
Of sea at Conyngton was fownd à whale
Vppon it high downer, whose ribs and bones
With chance and time were turned into stones ;
And ofte earths bosomme yeelds ye rich prizd hornes
Of counter-poyson sea-fish unicornes.
What shall I speake of southerne yvorie
Which yet seas vast doth in Pechora lye ?




Such changes doe from ye great deluge syringe,
And fire shall all to ye oulde Chaos bringe.
Meane while ye works of nature and of arte
To view and weigh, it is my pleasinge parte.
I Hubberts and Tredescants ernest prize,
Who not of second notions doe devize,
Where endles prate doth vainlye beate ye care,
But to no worth our vnderstanding reare.
At Norton Abbye, now yo Brookses land,
Twice big as life Saint Christopher doth stand, ;




One giant stone, and in Hale chappell wee
Againe him painted with saint George do see
In ye East windowe. Hylin, lett thy penne
Once more from hence prooue yt theis shows were men
And I from Wickham, if he be not nesh,
Will fetch Saint Sunday to make vp a lesh
Of retrivd Saints; and George for Sunday stand,
Or els he feates ye strong Maypolian band.
Such things I sawe and thought, in Lancashire,
At Heywood hall to trading Rachdale neere. ,



My safe bould harbour Heywood, much I owe
Of praise and thanks to ye where ere I goo.
I love ye men, ye countrye, and ye fare,
And wish heere my poore fortunes setled were,
Far from ye courtes ambition, citties strife,
Reposd in silence of a countrye life,
Amongst ye Dingles and ye Apennines,
Whose safetye gaue occasion to ould lines
Thus riming, " When all England is alofte
Then happie they whose dwelling's in Christ's crofte,"


Bothe auncient and moderne writers mention springs ebbing and flowing like ye sea, but they are deceivd. They indeede have vn-certaine spaces of run-ning and ceasing, but no constant course with yo sea: inwalesseeyelike.


And where thincke you this crofte of Christe showld be
But midst Ribchesters Ribble and Mercy ?
My passadge hether I not liste to tell,
Though then I sawe Saint Anne of Buckstones well
Hot with a chimney; for springs colde and warme
Rising together doe ye bathing harme.
At Casteltoun ye waters nature strainge,
Which in same day doe (livers vertues chainge,
Long-sownding Elden hole, and Pooles vast cane,
The leadmens grooues who lines of mole-warps haue,



The Howorths are a gentle familie according to Aristotle, because they haue had apXaLov aNoirrop being in Edw. ye 1, time pre-ferd to be Lords of Howorth castle. yet in parliamentarie pardon of Henrye ye sixts time ye words runue thus, Relaxivimus Thomm de Haworth in corrï Lane. yoman alias dcõ Thorne de Haw de Rachedale in corn Lane. yoman, alias dcõ Th. de Haw. de Todmerden in coür Lane. yoman, alias dcõ Th. de Haw. de Tod-mardene in com. Lanc. gentilrnan, quocumque nomine censeatur omni-rnodas transgressiones. otherwise as themselves reporte they haue an-other name, at their comming in with ye conquerour.


The loftie Winyates, and wall-tiding springe,
His worships breetch and mystes, I leaue to singe ;
I leaue, because I finde my Muse to weake
To sing with arte ye wonders of ye Peke.
To my two hoasts of honour, Chetwyn, Crewe,
Whose feates and bountyes our returne did viewe ;
To ye young heyre of Speke, in Stevens right
Whose old Sire did ye standards battle fight,
And from whose house and name of late were scene
Two chiefs of warre vnto our mayden Queene ;



Of Novellus Tricon-gins a Milanese read Plinie, lib. 14, cap. 22. accordingly this gentle-mans armes are for surne hundreds of yeeres ye three cups. But ye ver-tues and auncient de-meanes of their house glue them a fairre glo-rie. So yt I should not willingly fetch their pedigree from a drunkard and ye cups may rather be a signe of hos-pitalitye, three Chris-mas cups for Noelle in FrenclrsignifiethChrist-mas of which name there be allso gentle families.

To Rigby of ye Hut, where to our cheere
We plentie had of clarett ale and beere ;
To Sander Butterworth, whoe ledd me cleane
Through all yo cataracts of Healo dene ;
To Robin* Howorth, from whose familie
Great Noble peers derive their progenie ;
To Roman Novell, Ashton of Penkith,
Ireland of Hale, to all my Heywods, with
Brock, Holcroft, Holt, this journall poeme sends
Greeting and faire observance: - so it ends.


* of ye French lawyers and judges wickednesse see ye great cliancellour of France Michael Hospitalius in his epistle to Faber and to ye Cardinall of Loraine, to Marilliac ye Arch Bp. of Vienna.

Hoe iter Lancastrense
fecit scripsitque
Richardus Jamesius Vectensis
An. Dni. 1636.


L. 1. ,High holtt."] An enclosure, still used in provincial dialects for a small plantation; a wood or grove : -but see Promptor. Parvul. ed. Camden Soc., and Mr. Way's note thereon; vol. i. p. 244.

L. 1. "haye."] From the Ang. Sax. haez; a hedge or fence ; a toil to inclose wild beasts in. -"Heywood is the wood abounding in streams of water, or bounded by them, as Heywood is on one side by the river Roch ; or the wood inclosed by a paling ; but probably the former, the earliest orthography of the word being Eywood," i. e. Eau-wood, as pronounced by the common people of Lancashire at this day. See Hunter's Life of Oliver Heywood, p. 3, note.

L. 4. "Heywoods wombe and grave. "I At this tune the head of the house was Robert Heywood, (probably the author's friend, son and heir of Peter Heywood, of Heywood Hall, Gent., by his wife Margery, daughter of' Mr. - Holland, of Rochdale, and relict of Roger Gartside, of Ewood Hall, near Haslingden, Gent.'- He rebuilt Heywood Hall in 1611, and is characterized by Oliver Heywood, who remembered him as an aged person, as "a pious, reverend old gentlemen, and an excellent Poet." See Hunter's Life of Oliver Heywood, p. 4. With respect to the latter qualification, whatever may have been the result of Mr. Robert Heywood's acquaintance with the Muses, nothing whatever is known of his writing at the present day.

1 In Dodsworth's MSS. the mother of Robert Heywood is described as "Margaret, cousin and coheir of Roger Garside." See Dodsw. MSS. in Bodl. Lib. vol. 79, fol. 59.

He died in 1645, having married Margaret, daughter and co-heiress of John Assheton, of Penketh, Gent., hy whom he left issue three sons and two daughters. The eldest son, Peter, married his kinswoman Alice, daughter of John Greenhalgh, of Brandlesome Hall, Esq., Governor of the Isle of Man, and widow of Theophilus Holte, of Grizzlehurst, Esq. He was a Royalist, and in 1646 he compounded with the Parliament for his estates, paying £351, and died in 1657. The second son, Robert, was a layman in the second Lancashire Presbyterian Classis in 1646. And John, the third son, adhering to the principles of his father and elder brother, became Rector of Walton-on-the-Hill after the Restoration. He was of Christ Church College, Oxford, and was created D.D. Grand Compounder July 5th, 1666, 18th Car. II. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Olney, of Whit-marsh, in the county of Worcester, Gent., and was a great opponent of the Puritans.-See Life of 0. Heywood, p. 197, note.

Of this family a meagre pedigree of five descents was recorded by Dugdale, which has since been considerably amplified in a private collection of Lancashire Pedigrees, by an antiquarian member of the Council of the Chetham Society. The last of the family who resided at Heywood Hall was Robert Heywood, who was afterwards in Holy Orders. It appears from some family papers, that in 1717 this "Robert Heywood of Heywood, Gent., son and heir of Peter Heywood, then late of Heywood, Esq. decd. who was son and heir of Robert Heywood, then also, late of Heywood, Esq. decd." in consideration of the sum of £1841 8s. 6d. sold the Hall and one hundred and fifteen acres of land in Heywood, and several other farms in Heap, Bury, and Middleton, to John Starky, of Rochdale, Gent., whose grandson, James Starky, Esq., is the present owner. The ancient family had been gradually declining in worldly circumstances, occasioned perhaps in part by their attachment to the Royalist cause; for the estate had been previously mortgaged hy Robert Heywood the grandfather, and Peter his son, to the Rev. David Jenkins, D.D., and afterwards by mesne conveyances were vested in the Rev. Will. Assheton, B.D., of the Deyne, Rector of Prestwich, and the said John Starky, Attorney at Law. On the 11th of June, 1726, "Robert Heywood, then of the city of London, Clerk, covenanted that £600. left in the hands of Mr. Starky, and part of the purchase money of the Heywood Hall Estate, should he sunk, in order to raise him an annuity of £50. to he paid by quarterly payments," "so that it might not he in the power of the said Heywood to mortgage, alien, or incumber the said annuity." In 1729, he became still further reduced, having contracted fresh debts, "and thereby involved himself in great difficulties," so that he requested Starky to advance him money to discharge his debts, proposing to permit Starky to retain £30 a year hy quarterly payments, until the said principal and interest should he liquidated. And afterwards the whole annuity of £50 should he paid to Will. Bamford, of Bamford, Esq., Rev. Will. Assheton, Rev. Nathan Stock, of Rochdale, and James Haslom, of Falinge, merchant, for the use of the said Robert Heywood, 11 for his relief, support, and personal maintenance, hy such weekly, monthly, quarterly, or other payments, as they, in their discretion, should think fit."

Robert Heywood afterwards retired to the Isle of Man, where he (lied without issue, some time previously to April 1742, as appears by a letter from Dr. Thomas Wilson, Bishop of Sodor and Man, annexed to an agreement.

Notwithstanding, however, their ancient patrimony in Lancashire was sold, and the fortunes of their ancestral house were thus under a cloud, other branches of the family, who were induced hy the Earls of Derby to settle in the Isle of Man, rose to eminence there, and "filled the highest offices of trust and importance belonging to that singular political community, being Deemsters, Speakers of the House of Keys, one of them Attorney General," and another Governor of the Island.1


1 This branch of the Heywood family were descended in direct line from Robert Heywood, the friend of James, who died in 1645.

Peter John Heywood, Esq., who was living at Whitehaven, in co. Cumberland, in 1782, and was one of the Deemsters of the Isle of Man, and Seneschal to his Grace the Duke of Athol, communicated an account of his family to Mr. Samuel Heywood, of Nottingham, (great grandson of Oliver Heywood,) in which he says that his father, Thomas, was Speaker of the House of Keys, and his grandfather, Peter, Attorney General, and his great grandfather, Robert, Governor of the Island. This Robert Heywood married for his first wife Mary Haslom, daughter and co-heiress of -Haslom, of Rochdale, Gent., by whom the direct line was continued. He had also a second wife, by whom he had six sons and six daughters, and dying at Heywood Hall, December 19th, 1702, was interred in the Parish Church of Bury, December 22d. A sister of Thomas Heywood, the Speaker, married one of the Christians, a considerable Manx family: and the two married sisters of Mr. Peter John Heywood were the wives of Capt. Holwell, son of Governor Holwell, and of Admiral Sir Thomas Parley.

Mr. Peter John Heywood in 1782 had a family of five young children, (his eldest ,on, Thomas, having died young in 1770,) the names of whom were James, Peter, Elizabeth, Hester, and Mary. The eldest surviving son, James, appears to have died early, unmarried. Peter, who then became the head of this branch of the Heywood family, was a Post Captain in the navy, and a remarkable man. He was born at the Nunnery, near Douglas, on the 6th June, 1773, educated at Nantwich in Cheshire, and, at the early age of 15, entered the naval service of his country as a midshipman on board the Bounty, which was sent out by government for the purpose of conveying the Bread Fruit and other useful plants from the South Sea Islands to the West Indies. The melancholy issue of this voyage is very generally known, in the unhappy discord which arose between the commander and his men, and the piratical seizure of the vessel by a part of her crew. Young Heywood, although perfectly innocent of any share in the transaction, was then considered one of the mutineers, and, after undergoing almost incredible hardships and sufferings, was brought to England, tried by a court-martial, and lay for some time under sentence of death. He was, however, afterwards reprieved, and became a very gallant officer, being employed for many years, with honour and distinction to himself, in the service of his country. The details of this eventful affair are well known to our readers, as there is an octavo volume, entitled "A Memoir of the late Captain Peter Heywood, R.N., with Extracts from his Diaries and Correspondence," containing all the particulars, published after his death by Edward Tagart, in 1832 ; and a more popular work, "The Eventful History of the Mutiny of the Bounty," written by Sir John Barrow, Bart., the late Secretary to the Admiralty, forming the 25th Number of the "Family Library," a work which, from the truthful simplicity and pathos of the narrative, the account of the manly firmness and heroic fortitude of the youthful Heywood throughout his extraordinary and unmerited sufferings-and the beautiful and affectionate letters and occasional poetry of his most amiable and warm-hearted sister,-will always attract the interest of the reader. Capt. Heywood retired from public life in 1816, after having been actively employed at sea for more than twenty-seven years, in which he had distinguished liixnself as a scientific, intelligent, and honourable member of his profession. In the same year lie married Frances, the sole daughter of Francis Simpson, Esq., of Nears-house, in the county of Stirling, North Britain, who survived her husband. Capt. Heywood lived for many years in retirement in the environs of London, dying without issue on the 10th February, 1831, in the 58th year of his age. His father had, however, some brothers ; but whether any of these left issue we are unable to say.

Other branches of the family settled in the West Indies, one of whom, Peter Heywood, was one of the Councillors of Jamaica, and married Grace, daughter of Sir John Muddeford, Bart.

For this information we are chiefly indebted to the kindness of the Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A. ; and for further particulars concerning other branches of this ancient family, the reader may consult that gentleman's valuable and interesting Life of Oliver Heywood.

Col. Rosworrn in his interesting but angry Complaint against the Inhabitants of Manchester, relative to its siege by the Royalists in 1642, makes mention of Peter Heywood the son of Robert, as secretly employed by Prince Rupert to win him over to the Royal cause, and to induce him to betray the town: -" This Mr. Peter Heywood," says he, " who at this time sits at his ease, and enjoys his own, whilst 1 for the want of it endure extreem miserie, was a Captaine in Lancashire for the Parliament, was often in our private consultations; and by holding intelligence with the Enemy, did us much mischief. He went oft to Chester, Oxford, and other Garrisons of the Enemy, discovering our secret results. This being at length found out, and proved against him, he was secured by the Committee, and yet without the consent of the rest of the Committee, contrary to an ordinance touching such cases, released by Col. Holland; two of his friends also being bound for his appearance, which never was questioned ; though he presently upon his enlargement went to the Enemy, and was afterwards thought the onely fit instrument to work me to this treacherie. His method was, first to take advantage of the injurious and most unthankfull unworthinesse, which the Town had used towards me, stirring those passions in me which he knew were deeply provoked. This done, he offered in behalf of Prince Rupert, that I should have great preferments under Prince Rupert ; besides the perpetuall obligations of affection and honour from many most noble friends, which I should look upon as purchased by the desert of such seasonable and usefull service.

" I was not so little a fool, though I never meant to be a knave, but I gave the propounder audience, to give some encouragement to the businesse, so much as to fish out which way the Enemy would lay the stratagem, and, to secure myself from suspicion on their part, appointed them a time of re-ceiving their hopes. And I must needs say, I could with more ease have sold them, man, woman, and child, with all they had into their Enemies' hands than at any time I could have preserved them; but, alas, I should then have been a Manchester man, for never let an unthankfull man, and a promise breaker, have another name." Rosworm was not to be induced by the offers of Mr. Peter Heywood to betray his party, but disclosed the whole design of the enemy and remained true to his cause.

Mr. Ormerod, in a Biographical note, p. 345, of his "Civil War Tracts," printed for the Chetham Society, states this Peter Heywood to be of Manchester, and the son of Peter Heywood, of Heywood, a Lancashire magistrate, concerned in the apprehension of Guy Fawkes, and afterwards stabbed in Westminster Hall by a Dominican Friar, and refers to Palmer's Siege, p. 83, and Baines's Hist. ii. 676. But there is here a confusion of persons. In the Lancashire Pedigrees, Peter the second son of Peter Heywood, of Heywood, Gent., is stated to have lived in London, was a Justice of Peace and Lawyer, and was celebrated for his persecution of the Roman Catholics, one of whom, a Jesuit, of the name of John James, a Kentish man, stabbed him in Westminster Hall, in 1640.' He was uncle of Peter Heywood, who in 1649, according to Rosworm, "sits at his ease and enjoys his own," although the disappointed Engineer omits naming that the Parliament had, in 1646, fined Heywood in £351 as a malignant. Rosworm's statement is clearly applicable to Peter the son and heir of Robert Heywood, of Heywood, and not to Peter the brother of Robert.

No Pedigree of this family has been given by Baines in his History of the County of Lancaster, and as we are not aware that any account of the different descents has ever been published, it may perhaps be interesting to our readers to be able to trace them in the accompanying Pedigree on the other side, which has been drawn up with great care, assisted by much valuable information afforded by several antiquarian friends.


1 In a scarce little tract, entitled "The Rat-Trap : or, the Jesuites taken in their owne Net, &c. Imprinted 1641," in the Editor's possession, there is a curious woodcut of this circumstance, representing John James in the act of stabbing Mr. Justice Heywood "with a rusty dagger in Westminster Hall, as he was going to the Parliament House, to deliver up a catalog of divers Papists and Jesuits names which inhabited in or about Westminster, who being commanded, according to his office, to give notice thereof, for the good of his King and Country, was violently assaulted and stabbed in the side, thinking to have deprived him of his life, which God be thanked, proved otherwise." The tract was probably written by that voluminous author Thomas Heywood. See Clarendon's Hist. Rebell. v. i. book iii. p. 196. fol. ed. 1707.

L. 6. "Kinde,"] i. e. by nature. See marginal note.

L. 7. "Bookland."] See marginal note.

L. 9. " Deliver gift of Berries Lord," &c.] The original charter by which Adam de Burgo, or Adam de Berry, or Bury, the chief lord of the fee in which Heywood is contained, gave land to Peter de Heywood, runs as follows: -

"Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Adam de Byry dedi et concessi et hat presenti carta mea confirmavi Petro de Hewode et heredibus suis pro bomagio suo et servitio unam partem terrm que vocatur Hewode infra has divisas incipiendo ad Golden et sic sequendo Golden usque in aquam de Ratch et sic sequendo Rache ascendendo usque ad Heedene et sic sequendo Heedene ascendendo usque ad metaro Adm de Byry et Rogeri de Midleton Tend& et hendum de me et heredibus meis sibi et heredibus suis libere et quiete et hereditarie cum omnibus pertinentiis tanten terror pertinentibus et cum communibus easiamentis villro de Hewode Reddendo annuatim mihi et heredibus meis ipse et heredes sui duos solidos argend ad festum Sancti Oswald regis pro omnibus servitiis et demandis exceptis . . . visi sit in bosco et si ita contingat quod porci Adm de Byry proprii veniunt in tempora pascendi infra boscum de Hewode dictus Petrus cito debet removere praedictos portos sine parcamento de bosco suo. Ego vero Adam de Byry et heredes mei dictam terram sicut praedictum est ditto Petro et heredibus suis contra omnes homines et faeminas in perpetuum warrantizabimus. Et ut hmc mea donatio rata sit et stabilis sigilli mei appositione istum scriptum roboravi Hiis testibus Domino Galfrido de Cheteham, Alexandro de Pilkington, Thoma de Prestwich, Rogero de Midleton, Willõ Clerico de Forresta, Rogero de Walmisley, Galfrido de Radclive, Willõ de Radclive, Ricardo de Notehoe, Adã de Haslam, Gil-berto de Brandollisholme et multis aliis."

The author in his Poem seems to refer the date of this charter to so early a period as the reign of Henry II. But Mr. Hunter, probably with more correctness, says, that it "cannot be referred to a period later than the first fifteen years of Edward the First." See Life of 0. Heywood, p. 2. The original grant from Adam de Bury, the foundation of the evidences of the Heywood estate, was, in 1782, in the possession of Peter John Heywood, of Whitehaven, Esq., one of the Deemsters of the Isle of Man.




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