From Manx Soc vol IV,VII & IX
A.D. 1617.
15 JAS I INSTRUCTIONS given by our most gracious Sovereign Lord James, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc., to his right trustie and right well beloved William Lord Compton, Lord President of this Council, within his Majesties Domynyon and Principalitie of Wales and Marches of the same, and to all hereafter mentioned and appointed to be of his said Councell, to bee observed as well by his said President and Counsellors and every of them, as by all others named, mentioned, or comprised in tlieis Instructions according as in the same is hereafter declared.
Signed by his Majestie at Theobalees, the twelveth day of November in the yeares of his Majestys reign of England, France, and Ireland the fifteenth, and of Scotland the one and fiftieth,1617.
First, His Majestie much desireing the contynuance of Quietness and good Government of his Highnes People and Subjects within the said Domynion and Principalitie of Wales and the Marches of the same, by the placeing and continuance of a President and Conned there, as heretofore hath been used, for the good and indifferent administration of justice to his subjects of those parts ; and for the good opinion by his Highnes conceived in his right trustie and right welbeloved William Lord Compton, and of his Wisdom, Discretion, Dexteritie, Fidelitie, Courage, and Integritie in the executing of Justice without respect of Persons, hath made choice of him the said Lord Compton to bee President of that Councill during his Majesties Will and Pleasure, and therefore doth allowe to him, or to his Vice-President for the tyme being, the Authoritie and Power to call together all such as bee or hereafter shall bee named and appointed to bee of the said Councell at all times when it shall bee thought convenient, or otherwise, by Letters, to appoint them and everie of them to do all such things for the advancement of Justice, and for the suppressing and punishing of Male-factors, and for the furthering of his Majesties Affairs according to theis Instructions, as shall bee requisite or convenient, and his Majestie willeth and commaundeth that all and everie his Majesties said Councell named, and to be named hereafter, shall exhibit and use unto the said Lord President and Vice-President all such Honor, Reverence, and Dutye as shall appertayne.
And to the intent the Lord President, thus established, may at all tymes bee furnished and assisted with a convenient number of men of Understanding, Experience, and Discretion, and thought meet to have the names of his Majesties Councellors, his Majestic, upon good Advise and Deliberation, hath elected these Persons whose names ensue hereafter to be of the said Councell, with the sayde Lord President. That is to saye :
Sir Frauncys Bacon, Knight, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of
Thomas, Earle of Suffolke, Lord Treasurer of England.
Edwarde, Earle of Worcester, Lord Privie Seale.
William, Earle of Pembrooke, Lord Chamberlayne of his Majesties
Thomas, Earle of Arrundell.
Edward, Earle of Shrewsbury.
William, Earle of Darby.
Robert, Earle of Essex.
Philip, Earle of Mountgomery.
George, Earle of Bucks, Master of his Majesties Horse.
John, Earle of Bridgewater.
Robert, Viscount Lisle.
The Bishopp of Worcester for the tyme being.
The Bishopp of Hereford, ,,
The Bishopp of Saint Assaple, ,, ,,
The Bishopp of Gloucester.
The Bishoppe of Landaphe.
The Bishoppe of Saint Davids.
The Bishopp of Chester.
The Bishopp of Bangor.
John, nowe Bishopp of Mann.*
The Lord Dudley..
- etc., etc.
* From the above and other documents printed in this volome it will be seen that in ancient times the Bishop of Man was included in most of the Royal Commissions issued by the sovereigns of England.
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