From Manx Soc vol IV,VII & IX



A.D. 1570.

THE Queen, etc, to the most reverend father in Christ and the Lord, the lord Edmund, by divine permission, Archbishop of York, Primate and Metropolitan of England, Greeting. Since the right of patronage and nomination, presentation and disposal of the bishopric of the Island of Sodor or of Man, in your province of York, notoriously belongs and appertains at each vacancy to our well beloved and faithful kinsman, Edward, Earl of Derby, Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, of the indulgence and liberality of the kings and princes of this our kingdom of England, our progenitors, made and bestowed of old time, upon the Earls of Derby, his ancestors, and lawfully and rightfully confirmed to him and his heirs, and by long customed established.

And since the same bishopric being some time since vacant by the natural death of lord Thomas Stanley, the late Episcopal Prelate of this dignity, and destitute of the Episcopal consolation, the said, our well beloved and faithful kinsman, Edward, Earl of Derby, the patron aforesaid, has lawfully nominated and presented to us by his Letters, as hitherto he has been accustomed to do, his beloved in Christ, the venerable lord John Salesburye, late suffragan of Thetford, Dean of the Cathedral Church of Norwich, at another time lawfully, and according to custom ordained, and consecrated bishop, to the aforesaid bishopric of the Island of Sodor or of Man, in that way vacant; humbly supplicating us, of our royal clemency, goodness and grace to accept and admit the said his presentation and nomination, and likewise to condescend, among other things, to write and send our letters mandatory to you, the archbishop aforesaid, for the confirmation of the said lord John Salesbury, to be bishop of the said bishopric of the Island of Sodor or of Man, and for the real and effectual induction of him so confirmed, to and in the said Episcopal dignity, with its privileges, immunities, rights, and other appurtenances aforesaid, as, among other things, more fully appears in the letters of the said Earl above made, and by him subscribed and sealed with his seal.

We signify therefore, and make known to your reverend fatherhood, by this order, that we have, of our special grace, accepted, admitted, and approved of the nomination and presentation of the said lord John Salesbury, to the said bishopric of the Isle of Sodor or of Man, thus, as has been shown, made to us by the same Earl of Derby.

And therefore we entrust and command you the reverend lord archbishop aforesaid, by the tenor of these presents, to confirm or cause to be confirmed, lawfully and according to rite, the said lord John Salesbury, thus, as has been shown, nominated and presented, and by us admitted and approved, and otherwise noted by the act of Episcopal consecration, to be bishop of the bishopric of Sodor or of the Island of Man, and by consequence, for the same so confirmed, to and in the real and effectual possession of the said bishopric and of the Episcopal dignity, with its privileges, advantages, immunities, rights, and other appurtenances whatsoever, according to the requirements of law, and of times past, and the manner and custom of the said bishopric, hitherto accustomed to be made and observed on like occasions, and that ye take care to write and command [to this effect], and perform and execute all other things which belong to the pastoral office in this particular.

In testimony whereof, etc

Witness the Queen at Gorhambury, the 29th day of September.

By writ of Privy Seal.




REGINA etc. Reverendissimo in Christo Patri ac Domino, Domino Edmundo Permissione Divina Eboracensi Archiepiscopo Angliæ Primati et Metropolitano, Salutem. Quum jus patronatüs nominatio præsentatio et dispositio episcopatüs Insulæ Sodor sive de Man vestræ Eboracen. Proyinciæ, ad prædilectum et fidelem consan-guineum nostrum, Edwardum Comitem Derbiæ præelari Ordinis Garterii Militem,. ex iudultis et largitionibus progenitorum nostrorum Regum et Principum hujus regni nostri Angliæ, antecessoribus suis Comitibus Derbiæ ab anti, quo factis et elargitis, eique et hæredibus suis rite et legittime confirmatis, ac longo usu stabilitis, in qualibet ejusdem vacatione notorie spectet et pertineat. .

Quumque eodem episcopatu, per mortem naturalem domini Thomæ Stanley ultimi ejusdem dignitatis episeopalis præsulis, jam pridem notorie vacante, ac episcopi solatio destituta, dietus, prædilectus et fidelis consanguineus noster, Edwardus Comes Derbiæ Patronus antedictus, dilectum sibi in Christo, Venerabilem Virum dominum Johannem Salesburye neper Suffraganeum Thetford Decanum ecclesiæ Cathedralis Norwicensis, alias in episcopum rite et legittime ordinatum et consecratum, ad prædictum episcopatum Insulæ Sodor sive de Man, modo præmisso vacantem, nobis, per literas suas, prout hactenus in ea. parte fieri solebat, legittime nominaverit et præsentaverit. Humiliter supplicans quatenus, ex Regia nostra clementia benignitate et gratia, eandem suam præsentationem et nominationem acceptare et admittere, necnon literas nostras mandatorias vobis archiepiscopo antedicto, pro confirmatione ejusdem domini , Johannis Salesbury in episcopum dicti episcopatüs Insulæ Sodor sive de Man proq ; ipsius sic confirmati reali et effectuai inductione ad et in eanden dignitatem episcopalem, cum suis privilegiis immunitatibus juribus et cæteris pertineritiis prædietis, inter alia scribere et mandare dignaremur ; prout in ipsius Comitis literis desuper confectis, et per eum subscriptis ac sigillo suo sigillatis inter alia plenius liquet et apparet.

Vestræ igitur reverendissimæ paternitati, harum serie significamus et inotescimus quod nominationem et præsentationem ipsius domini Johannis Salesbury ad dictum episeopatum Insulæ Sodor sive de Man sic, ut præfertur, per eundem Comitem Derbiæ nobis factas, ex gratia nostra speciali aceeptavimus admisimus et approbavimus.

Et idea vobis reverendissimo domino archiepiscopo antedieto, tenore præsentium, committimus et mandamus, quatenus eundem dominum Johannem Salesbury sic, ut præfertur, nominatum et præsentatum, ac per nos admissum et approbatum, atque alias munere episeopalis consecrationis insignitum, in episeopum dieti episeopatiis Sodor sive Insulæ de Man rite et legitime confirmare sen. confirmari farere, ac consequenter, pro ejusdem sic confirmato, ad et in realem et effectualem possessionem ejusdem episcopåtüs et dignitatis episeopalis, cum suis privilegiis, præeminentiis immunitatibus juribus, et cæteris pertinentiis suis quibuscumque juxta juris exigentiam,_ atq; præteriti temporis et dieti episcopatüs morem et consuetudinem, hactenus in similibus fieri et observari solitis et consuetis, seribere euretis atque mandetis, cæteraque faciatis et exegnamini quæ vestro in hac parte incumbunt officio pastorali.

In cujus rei, etc.

Teste Regina apud Gorhambury XXIX. Die Septembris. Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.



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