From Manx Soc vol IV,VII & IX
BULL OF POPE CALISTUS, UNITING THE CHURCH OF SODOR TO THAT OF YORK, A.D. 1458. ACTS UPON THE EXHIBITION OF APOSTOLIC LETTERS. IT is to be noted that on the 18th day of the month of February, in the year of our Lord 1458, Thomas,* bishop elect of the church of Sodor, exhibited at London a certan Bull, written below, sealed according to the custom of the Court of Rome, safe and sound, and in no part doubtful, to the aforesaid most reverend father in Christ, the Archbishop of York; being present Thomas Stanley, dominus de Stanley, and William Stanley, his brother, and William Brand, notary public, etc. BULL THAT THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF SODOR IN MAN IS SUFFRAGAN TO THE CHURCH OF YORK. Calistus, Bishop, servant of the servants of God, to the venerable brother, the Archbishop of York, Greeting and Apostolie benediction. It adds to the. amount of your honor and fame, if you advance Ecclesiastical personages, especially those endowed with Pontifical dignity, by the intuition of Divine propitiation and by the assistance of opportune favor. At the present time moreover, concerning the person of our beloved son Thomas, the elect of the Church of Sodor, through the death of Thomas Burton of happy memory, deceased beyond the Court of Rome, late Bishop of Sodor, at this time devoid of the comfort of a pastor, and hitherto reserved for Apostolic appointment, with the consent of our brethren we have by Apostolic authority chosen and appointed him to it as bishop and pastor, fully committing the care, order and government of that church to him both in spiritual and temporal matters, as is more fully contained in our letters drawn up to that effect. Since therefore that the said elect may the more readily profit in the care of the aforesaid church committed to him, it will be most serviceable that your favor towards him be known ; we implore and diligently exhort your brotherhood, commanding you by our Apostolic writings that having the aforesaid elect, together with the aforesaid church entrusted to him as your Suffregan, for the sake of reverence to us and the Apostolic See most particularly recommended to encrease and preserve their rights, that you should so support them with the assistance of your favor that the elect relying on your aid may be able more usefully to exert himself in the government of the said church committed to him, and that you by the mercy of God may be able thereby to be more fully promoted. Given at Rome, at St. Peters, in the year of the incarnation of our Lord, 1458, on the 11th of the calends of July, in the fourth year of our Pontificate. |
MEMORANDUM quod XVIII° die mensis Februarii, Anno Domini, Millesimo CCCCmo . quinquagesimo octavo, Thomas, electus Sodorensis eclesiæ, London exhibuit quandam bullam infra scriptam, more Romanæ curiæ bullatam, sanam et integram, in nulla ejus parte suspectam, prefato reverendissimo in Christo patri Eboracensi Archiepiscopo, I Ex registro Willelmi Bothe, archiepiscopi Ebor. fol. 369, a. presentibus ibidem Thoma Stanley domino de Stanley et Willelmo Stanley fratre ejus, et Willelmo Brand, notario publico, etc. BULLA QUOD ECCLESIA CATH. SODORENSIS IN MAN EST SUFFRAn ECCLESIÆ EBORACENSI. Calistus Episcopus, servus servorum Dei venerabili fratri Archiepiscopo Eboracensi salutem et Apostolicam benedictionem. Ad cumulum tuæ cedit salutis et famæ si personas Ecelesiasticas, presertim Pontificali dignitate preditas, Divinæ propiciacionis intui~u, oportuni favoris presidio prosequaris. Hodie, siquidem, di persona dilecti filii Thomæ electi Sodorensis Ecclesiæ, per obitum bonæ memoriæ Thomæ Buxton ohm Episcopi Sodorensis,extra Romanam curiam defuncti, pastoris solaciotunc ðes~itutæ, et, antea disposicioni Apostolicæ reservatæ, de fratum nostrorum consilio anctoritate Apostolica providimus, eumque illi prefecimus in Episcópum et pastorem, curam regimen et administracionem ipsius Ecclesiæ sihi in Spiritualibus et temporalibus plenarie committendo, prout in nostris inde confectis literis plenius continetur. CL1m, igitur ut idem electus in commissa sibi dictæ Ecclesiæ cura facilius proficere valeat, tuus favor ei noscatur fore plÌu~imum oportunus, fraternitatem tuam rogamus, et ortamur ttttente, per Apostolica tibi scripta mandantes, quatiñus prefatum ele~um et commissam sibi Ecciesiam predictam Suifraganeam tuam habens, pro nostro et Apostolicæ Sedis reverencia propensiús commendatism in ampliandis èt conervandis juribus suis, sic eos tui favoris presidio prosequaris quod ipse electus tuo fultus auxilio in commisso sibi dictæ Ecelesice regimine se possit utilius exercere, eaque Divina misericordia valeas exinde uberius promoveri. Data Romæ, apud Sanctum Petrum, Anno incarnacionis Dominicæ millesimo CCCCmo quinquagesimo octavo, undecimo Kal. Julii, Ponteficalus nostri anno quarto. |
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