[From Manx Soc vol IV,VII & IX]




OUR Lord the King being at Bishoptborp near York, the thirtieth day of May, in the sixteenth year of his reign, caused to be summoned before him at his council there, the venerable fathers William, archbishop of York, primate of England; J. Bishop of Norwich, his chancellor; William, Bishop of Exeter, his treasurer; Edmund, Earl of Kent, his brother; Adomar de Valencia, Earl of Pembroke; Hugh de Despenser, Earl of Winton; David de Strobolgy, Earl of Athol; Hugh le Despenser, junior; William le Ros of Hamelake, and many other Barons and nobles of his kingdom, and his Justices of either bench, Barons of the Exchequer, and others of his council to deliberate upon a certain truee between the said king and Robert de Bruce, his associates and abettors being in arms against the king before mentioned, to be confirmed or rejected, amongst whom lord Henry de Bello Monte Baron, and sworn one of the king's privy councillors was called, and appeared; and when our said lord the king, desiring to have the opinion and advice of all those present upon this matter, and of each of them, singly, upon the aforesaid business, had, amongst many others, with his own mouth enjoined and required of the said Henry, to counsel the said king in this particular, the said Henry with violent action and disrespectful demeanour, had frequently replied to the said lord the king, that he was unwilling to advise him in this particular; the king being troubled at this reply, commanded the said Henry to quit the Council, upon doing which, he the said Henry replied then as before, adding that it would be more pleasing to him to be absent from the said council than to be present thereat. Upon which the said lord the king had enjoined the aforesaid nobles and others of his council then present, to advise as to the judgment to be passed upon the said Henry in this particular, namely, that he the said Henry being his liege subject and baron, and sworn of his privy council, and required to advise the said lord the king upon so great and difficult a matter, touching the said lord the king and his kingdom, had thus answered, that he was unwilling to advise the said lord the king, and other disgraceful things, as aforesaid, and to put such judgment in force. And a consultation being then held by the aforesaid nobles and others of the council of the lord the King there present, and due deliberation given, and the said Henry being afterwards on the same day recalled before the said lord the King, his nobles, and others aforesaid, it was adjudged by the aforesaid nobles and others of the said Council, that the said Henry be committed to prison for the contempt and disobedience aforesaid. And afterward Henry Fitz Hugh, Ralph de Nevill, Simon Ward, Henry Fitz Hugh, Roger de Sommerville, and Thomas Ugthred of the county of York, and William Ridell and Thomas Gray of the county of Northumberland, released the aforesaid Henry de Bello Monte, namely, each body for body, being forewarned to produce him before our lord the King in the same condition as at that time when required.



16 ED. II.

DOMINUS noster Rex existens apud. Bishopthorp juxta Eboracum tricessimo die Mali, Anno Regni sui sexto decimo,vocari fecit eoram ipso,adConcilium suum ibidem, venerabiles patres Willielmum Arche-episcopum Eboraci Anglim primatum; J. Norwiciensem Episcopum, Cancellarium suum; W. Exoniensem Episcopum, Thesaurarium suum ; Edmundum Comitem Kanciæ, fratrem suum ; Adomarum de Valencia, Comitem Pernbrokiæ ; Hugonem le Despenser, Comitem Winton ; David de Strobolgy, Comitem Athol ; Hugonem le Despenser juniorem, Willielmumn le Ros de Hamelake, et plures allos Barones, et nobiles de regno sno, ac Justiciarios suos de utroque Banco, Barones- de Scaccario, et allos de consilio suo, ad tractandum super quadam Trenga inter ipsum Dominum liegem et Robertum de Brus, suosque acomplices, et fautores, contra Dominum Regem de guerra existentes, prelocuta, firmanda, vel neganda, inter quos nobiles Dominus Heuricus de Bello Monte, Baro, et de magno et Secreto Concilio ipsius Domini Regis juratus, vocatus fnit, et ibidem venit ; et cum dictus Dominus noster Rex, volens seire consilium et avisamentum ommum ibidem coram ipso ex causa prædicta existentium, et cujuslibet eorum singulariter, super negotiis praedictis, et inter cæteros plures ore proprio injunxisset ditto Henrico, et ipsum requisivisset, ut eidene Domino Regi consuleret in hac parte, dictus Henricus quodam motu excessivo, et animo quasi irreverenti, Ditto domino Regi, sæpius respondit quod sibi consulere noluit in hat garte: De qua responsione, idem dominus Rex commotus, præcepit ditto Henrico, quod consilium suum exiret, et idem Henricus exeundo concilium, dixit, modo quo prius, et quod plus sibi pli ceret a ditto conncilio absentari, quam eidem interesse : Super quibus idem Dominus Rex præfatis magnatibus et aliis de concilio suo ibiclern existentibus, præcepit, quod consalerent de Judicio faciendo, de ditto Henrieo in hac parte, sicut idem Henricus homo suus ligius et Baro, ac de concilio suo Secreto juratus fait, et requisitus de consulerudo ditto domino Regi, super tauto, et tam arduo negotio, ipsum Dominum Regem, et regnum saum ita specialter tangelite, eidem sic respondit quod eidem Domino regi consulere noluit, et alla approbria dixit, sickzt prædictum est, et quod judicium illud facerent Et habito inde per dittos magnates et alios de Concilio Domini Regis ibidem existentes, tractatu, et deliberatione diligenti, præfatoque Henrico toram ditto Domino Rege ma gnatibus et allis supradictis, ibidem eodem die postmodum revocato, consideratum est per prædietos Magnates, et aliios de Concilio supradicto, quod dictus Henricus committatur prisonæ, pro contemptu et inobedientia supradictis. Et postea Henricus filius Hugonis, Rodulfus de Nevill, Simon Warde, Henricus filius Hugonis, Rogerus de Sommervill, et Thomas Ugthred de Comitatu Eboraci, et Willielmns Ridell, et Thomas Gray de Comitatu Northumbriæ manueeperunt prædictum Henricum de Bello Monte videlicet quilibet eorum, corpus pro corpore habend, eum toram Domino rege in eodem statu quo mune est cum inde fuerint præmoniti.



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