From Manx Soc vol IV,VII & IX
FOR THE KING OF MAN, RESPECTING THE GUARDING OF THE COAST OF IRELAND. THE King, to his faithful and beloved M. son of Gerold, his Justice in Ireland, greeting. Know that we have given, and by our charter have confirmed to our beloved and faithful Olave, King of Mann and the Islands, for his homage and service in guarding, at his own cost, the coast of the sea of England towards Ireland, and towards the Isle of Mann, and likewise the coast of the sea of Ireland towards England, and towards the aforesaid Isle of Mann, lest injury might happen to the aforesaid our lands of England and Ireland, by sea, upon these coasts, according to his ability, forty marks and one hundred crannocks of corn, and five doles of wine, to be annually received from our land of Ireland at the Feast of Easter, through the hands of our Justice of Ireland, so long as the aforesaid King of Mann shall truly and faithfully serve us, by giïarding the aforesaid coasts. We therefore command you to cause him to receive the aforesaid forty marks, and the aforesaid one hundred crannocks of corn, and the aforesaid five doles of wine, yearly, as is aforesaid, commencing the first term at Easter next ensuing, in the 20th year of our reign. In testimony whereof we send you these our letters patent. Witness the King, at Westminster, the eleventh day of July. |
PRO REGE MANNIÆ, DE CUSTODIENDA COSTER~ HYBERNIIE. FOEDERA. 19 HEN. III. REX dïlecto et fideli suo -LI. filio Geroldi, justici ario suo Hiberniæ, salutem. Seiat s nos dedisse, et carta nostrå confirmasse dilecto et fideli nostro Olavo, Regi Manniæ et Isularum, pro homagio suo et servitio custo diendi, ad custurn suum, costeram maris Ane- iæ versus Hiberniam et versus insulam. de Mannia, et similiter costeram maris Hiberniæ versus Angliam, et versus prædietam insulam de Man' ne dampnum prædictis terris nostris Angliæ et Hiberniæ, pro posse suo, per mare incosteris illis possit evenire quadraginta marcas, et centum crannocos frumenti, et quinque dolia vini, singulis annis pereipienda in terrâ nostrâ Hiberniæ, ad terminuro Paschæ, per manus justiciarii nostri Hiberniæ, quamdiu prædictus Rex Manniæ bene et fideliter nobis serviret, prædietas costeras custodiendo. Et ideo vobis mandamus, quod prædietas quadraginta mareas, et prædietos centum crannocos frumenti, et prædieta quinque dolia vini, singelis annis ei habere faeiatis, sicut prædictum est; incipientes primum terminuron ad Pascha proximo venturum, Anno regni nostri xx. In cujus rei testimonium has litteras nostras patentes vobis mittimus. Teste Rege, apud Westmonasterium, undecimo die Julii. |
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