From Manx Soc vol IV,VII & IX
A.D. 1213. THE king to his seneschals, governors, and bailiffs in Ireland, etc. We command you, that if any Wikini,* or others, should offend_in the territory of Reginald, King of Mann, ye be assisting him for the destruction of his and our enemies, since he is bound to us by fealty and oath, to perform the same for us against those who offend in our territory. Witness ourself at Lameth, 16th of May, in the 14th year of our reign.
ROTULI LITTERARUM PATENTIUM. 14 JOHANN. [note the given latin script kept the abbreviated hand and used characters not representable within the HTML latin alphabet - as the resulting scan is not usable I have decided to omit it ] |
* vikingrs [vikings], or Norwegian sea rovers. |
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The Editor |