[From Manx Soc vol 3]

A.D., 1414-1432.



The Booke wherein be contayned Ordinances, Statute's, and Customes, presented, received, and used for Lawes within the Land of Man, wch were ratified, approved, and confirmed as well by ye full honorable Sr John Stanley, Knight, Kinge and Lorde of Man, and divers others of his predicessors, as by all the Barons, Demesters, Officers, tenants, inhabitantes, and Comons. of the same.

OUR doughtfull Lord, and gratious, this is the constitucons of the ould tyme, the well we have seene in our dayes, how you shalle be governed upon your Tynwald dayes. First, you shall come thither Royally and in yr Royall arraye as a Kinge ought to doe by the prerogatives and Royalties of the land of Man: upon the Tynwold sitt in a Chaire covered wth a Royall Cloth and Quishines, and yr vissage unto ye east, yor swoard before you, houlden wth the pointe upwardes, yor Barones sittinge in their degree beside you, and yr Benificed men and yr Demesters sittinge before yor. and yor clarkes and yor own knightes, esquires, and yeomen in wynge about you in their degree, and the worthiest men in ye Lande to be called in before yor Demesters, if they will aske any thinge of them, and to heare the governance of yor Land, and yor will, and the Comones to stand wthout in a circle in the folde, and the 3 Reliques of Man there to be, before you in yor presence, and three Clarkes bearing them in theire Surplesses. And then you skalle make be called in before the More Glanfaba, and be shall call in the Crowners of Man, and theire yardes in their handes, with theire weapons over them, sword or axe, and the more that be of every sheading. Then the cheefe, that is the More of Glanfaba, shall make proclamacon upon lyfe and lyme, that no man make any disturbance or stirringe in the tyme of the Tynwald, moreover no risinge make in the kinge's presence upon paine of hanging and drawinge. And then you shall lett yor Barons and all other acknowledge you to be ther Kinge and Lorde. And tyme you were here, yea receaved the land as heire apparent in your Father's dayes, and all yr Barones of Man, wth your worthie men and Comones, did yor Father fealtye ; And inasmuch as ye are nowe by the Grace of God Kinge and Lorde of Man, ye will nowe that the comons. come and shewe to you theire Charters how they hould of you; and yor Barones that made noe faith ne fealtie to you, that they will nowe. And if any of yor Barones be out of yor lande, they shall have space, fortye dayes after they are called in, to come and shewe whereby they hould and clayme Landes and tenementes within yr Lande of Man, and to make faith and fealtie yf the winde and wether '-serve them, or ellse to take theire temperalities into yor handes, and then to proceede in ye matter whatsoever you have for to doe in fellony or treason, or any other matters that touche the governaunce of yor Lande of Man.

First.-That watche and warde be kepte thoroughe yor Lande, as it ought be upon lyfe and lime, for whosoever faileth one night of the watche forfeiteth bodye and goods: And whosoever faileth any night in warde, forfeitheth a wether to the witnesses, and the warde the seconde night a cowe, and the third night lyfe and lime to ye Lorde, and to charge all manner of men within yor Lande to be readye at yor callinge, upon payne of life and lyme, and then ordayne and proclayme that neither vessell ne boate take any man out of the Lande upon paine of forfeiting their vessell and goodes, and restorance of the man into the Lande againe, and he paying the debte he oweth to the Lorde, but if it be Marchantes or Shipping that to-daye come into the Land and doe pass away at the next winde, and no man elles that is resident within the Lande of Man, without specyall licence.

Also, when you sende yor Livetenant into the Lande of Man and cometh thether and is receaved as Livetenant in settinge of Lande, courtes houlding, and all other governaunces we give for law that all his be firme and stable, and what man that offendth to him to be punished as if he offended to the Lorde ; and whoso-ever is borne and is resident within your Lande of Man, though he had payed his debts and fearme, he ought not to goe out of the Land wthout speciall leave. And if he doe, the lave is to be tould you in the governaunce of the Tynwalde. But if he goe himself away with any Boate of his owne, for if he steale any other mane's Boate hee is a fellon, and if it may be found, he forfeiteth his goodes; house, tenement, soever he be.

Also, whosoever occupieth any parcell of ground wthin ye Land of Man wth cattailë either, with manurance, but if bee be any of the tenantes of the Siolantes, he ought to paye ye vallewe of his occupyinge without quest settinge or farme takinge at yor lust by the lawes of the Lande of Man.

Also, whosoever is sett by an inquest swoarne, whether he be poore or riche, be shall paye it if he have any goodes that occupieth the Lorde's ground, either in herbage or manureance, and if he have no good in tyme of settinge, the quest shall paye for him in the Roll that no goodes hath, and then he to be put to service, or ells to take, of ferme, and to finde surety of payment by our lawe of Man.

Also, where it is said that yor porter of yor Castell, yor aged yeoman within ye garrysone dwelling should beate yor tënantes when they be brought into yor prison, and take of them more then his fees: that ought not to be redressed before yor Demesters, but before yor Conestable wthin yor garrisone, by yor lauve of Man.

Also we give for lauve that a Castell may be payed out of 5 mazes in a boat taken, and half a maz of iv mazes and a half in a boate gotten, as ofte as they goe to the sea: and get soe, and that is oure Lauve by Cutome and usage, and my Lorde to paye vjd for a maz thereof.

Also for the carryage of yot' Turffe, all yor tenauntes of yor sixe Sheadinges ought by yor Lauves to carrye yor Turfes to yor places soemuch as yor lust is to have, wth all other carryages, suite, and services that you neede wthin yor Lande of Man, for that is use and Custome wthin that Lande of longe tyme.

Also, Use and Custome of longe tyme is that moores of every Shedinge paye two markes for fyer sylver, yearly, to the Lorde, for it hath bene used in dyvers Lorde's dayes, and soe we give it for Lauve to be payed.

Also our Lauve is that the Crownere arest no man for Debte uulese he have a speciall warrante from the Lorde, or from his Livetenante, but in pointe of fellonye, of deliveraunce of Servants, or of suretie of peace, wth many other pointes that belonges to his office, he ought to doe this by vertue of his office w"out any warrante.

Also it is laweful for any of my Lordes councell to styre and excyte any man to doe that may profitt our Lorde trulie.

Also forasmuche as Rysinge was made at Church Mychell upon the Livetenante that repnted the Kinge's Estate and his officers and his men, those that the Livetenant saw rise upon him there, wthout any travers, or lauve, is that they be first drawne, and then hanged and quartered and their heades stricken off, and sett upon the Castell towers, and one quarter upon the Castell bourne, the second quarter at Hollone tovne, the third quarter to be sett at Ramsey, the fowerth quarter at Duglas tovne.

The Courte of all the Country is houlderf at Kirke Michell, upon the hill of Reneurling, before our most doubtfull Lorde, Sr John Standley, by the grace of God, King of Man and Isles, the Tewsdaye next after the Feaste of St Barthioamew the Apostle, in the yeare of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1422, in the wch Courte was called the Bishoppe to come to make his fealtie and faith to the Lord as the lauve askethe, and to shewe by what clayme he houldeth his Landes and his tenementes wthin the Lordshippe of Man, the wch came and did his fealtie to the Lorde.

Alsoe the Abbott of Rushine, and the prioresse of Duglas, were cauled to doe theire fealtie, and to shewe theire clayme of theire houldings, landes and tenementes wthin the Lordshippe of Man, the wch came and did their fealtie to the Lorde.

The Priore of Whithorne, in Galloway, the Abbot of Furnes, the Abbot of Bangor, the Abbot of Saball, and the Priore of Sanntlebede, in Copland, were called and came not, and therefor were they deemed by the Demester, that they should come in their proper persones wthin fourtie dayes, and came not, for the wch. all their temperalties were seised into the Lorde's handes. In the same Courte it was ordayned and proclaymed that all the watche and warde upon the partes and cortes of the sea be well and duly kepte, and whosoever faultes, he forfeiteth al'. his goodes to the Lorde, and his bodye at the Lorde's will.

Also it was ordayned and proclaymed in the same Courte, yt no man, of what condicone. soever he be, goe not out of the lande wthout specyall leave of the Lorde or his Livetenante, wth no vessell, upon payne of forfeiture of the same vessell and all the goodes therein.

In the same Courte all these Lauves of Man are confirmed by Ss William Standley, through the grace of God and of the Isles, gand by the best of the Comones. of Man, that is to saye, William Skerffe, Renold Steevenson, and other. In the same Courte, Howlac Mackissacke is arrayned that he felloniouslie rose upon John Walton, Livetenant of Man, sittinge in the Court at Kirk Michell, upon the Tusdaye next after the Feaste of Corpus Christie, in the yeare of our Lord God, 1422. And men there being wth him, did beate and misused the Livetenant's men in the Churcheyearde ; and there Hawley came and entirlie with saied all his deeds, and put him to the country. And to this the Demester answered and said, forasmuch as it was trayterously done to rise upon the same Livetenant, he sitting upon the Lawes of the country, denyed that he should not be reseaved into the quest, for he rose with strong hande; And therefore the Lawe deemeth that the said Hawley ought to be drawn wth horses and then hanged, and headded, and after that doom given, he put him into the Kynge's handes. And in the same Courte Fynlow MacCowlay, Mold MacGawne, Willm. Mackarhare, Lawrence Banister, and Finlowe MacJoyene, were arrayned, that felloniously and traiterouslye they rose upon John Walton, Livetenante of Man, sittinge in the Courte the daye and yeare abovesaid, him to slay, the wch appeared and wthstood the treason, and therefore put them to the quest. And to this the Demester answered and said, forasmuch as they rose against the Livetenante to slaye him, therefore the Lawe deemeth the said Finlo MacCawlowe, Mold MacGarone, William MacKarhere, Lawrence Banaster, and Finlo Macjoychene, to be drawne and their heades smitten off, and after that dome given they asked grace of the Kinge. And in the same Courte, Gibbon MacCaran, Donald MacKissacke, Patricke MacLyonyll, Donald Watersone, Gybbon, John Moryson, and Gybon MacCrawtone were arraigned for that they trayterously rose against John Walton, Livetenante of Man, him to slaye sitting in Kirke Michell in the Courte, the daye and yeare abovesaid, and the Livetenante's men there wth him beinge beaten into the Churche and Churcheyarde. The wch Gybbon and all the others put them in the Kinge's grace. And at the same Courte, Danold, the sonne of Patrycke MacCaine was arraigned as the others abovenamed, who appeared and knowleged the treasone, and put them into the Lorde's grace. And the Lorde of his especiall grace forgave them the treasone. And in the same Courte Molde MacChristen and John were also arraigned of treason, for risinge against John Walton, Livetenante of Man, at the Tynwald, and knowledginge that they would have put downe the Lawes of the Lande, and consented thereto, and upon this answered and said not guiltie, and put them to God and the countrye. The Demester answered inasmuch as they did treason to constraine the Livetenante, he saying the Lawe, deemeth the said Molde and John to be drawers wth wild horses, hanged and headded, as above is judged in lyke case. In the same Courte, Symond MacBoymond was arraigned as the others abovenamed, and he putt him in the Lorde's grace.

[1417 Indenture]

[for translation see Oliver's Monumenta vol 3 p 10]

Haec indentura facta inter Thurstanum De Tyldesley Rogerum Haysnap, Commissionarios Domini Johanis De Stanley, Domini - Man et Insularum, ex una garte et Johanem Clarke Judicem Man, Willm. Skerffe, Reginald Stevenson, Willm. De Yvenowe, Johan-em Rede, Gilbertum MacWanty, Patrick MacJohn, Andrew John, John MacNevyne, Gilbertum MacHanghan, Patrick Mac Cayne, William MacAlexander, Patrick Tomelinson, Gilbertum MacIsak, Marcum MacOtter, Gilbertum MacAndras, Donald Mac Croyne, Donald MacBrewe, William MacChristyn, Willm. Abelson, Doncan Abelson, John MacFergus, Hugonem MacKnalytt, Johanem MacSkealy, Patrick MacHelly, et Andream Raynelson, xxiiij Claves Man ex altera parte, testatur quod predicti : xxiiij Claves legis cum Judice Man, dicunt et pro lege comuni judicant quod quicunque ligeus tenens vel ligei teuentes Domini Man forisfecerit, vel forisfecerint, in aliqua Causa felonie et proditionis fagans retrahens vel removens a terra Domini Man in libertates Baronum et inde requisitus fuerit seu requisiti fuerint per Dominum Man aut eins ministros ad reveniendum ad terram et justificacionem legis sue et si inde se excusat vel se excusant, non consentiendo revenire, et aliquis illorum Baronum infra Dominum Man eum vel eos, eam vel eas Retineat seu Retineant pretextu liberttatum suarum sen libertatis sue seu aliqua alia causa emergente quod tune forisfaciet Domino pro quolibet delicto retentionis pro aliqua causa supradicta lxs, et de corpore predicti transgressoris in aliquibus causis supradictis delinquentis respondeat vel respondeant ad gaolam vel prisonam Domini Man, et hoc subpena forisfacture omnium libertatum suarum in Mann seisitarum. Item dicunt et pro lege comuni judicant quod nullus ligeus tenens Domini neque serviens infra Dominum Mannie exeat removeat neque retrahat a terra domini ad terram aliquorum Baronum ad moram trahendam sine licencia domini subpersa supra-dicta pro feloniis. In cujus rei testimonium tam predicti xxiiij claves legis et judex, quam predicti Commissionarii sigilla sua alternatim apposuerunt. Datum apud Castrum de Rushene die MaAis xviij Die Januarii Anno Dom., Millesimo ccccmo xvii°, et Regalitatis Domini Man Quinto.

[1429 Court]

A Courte of all the Comones of Man, houlden at Tynwald before Henry Byrone, Livetenante of Man, upon Thursdaye next after the Feaste of Sainte Marke, in the yeare of our Lorde God, 1429. [28th April]

In the which Courte

John Nelson Gybbon MacQuantie Jenkine MacNevine Patrick Mac John Andkewe Gybbon MacKyssacke Willm MacAlexander Richard MacGawne Danold MacCorkane Patricke Quinnye Germede MacMartyne William Skerffe John Rende William of Ybeno Jenkin MacQualtroge William MacQuain Jenkine MacQuaine Michaell Gybbone Ffynlye MacKey. Jenkine Lucasone Gybbon MacErmyne Gybbon MacGylandere Germede MacWilline Gybbon MacOtter Symond MacFaille Patricke Mor MacKerret William Abelsone Thomas MacCorkyll Hugh McKnakyll John Flynlawson William MacCasmonde Hugh MacMaa Patricke MacKelly Gybbone Dickson, Junr.

With the advice of all the Comons. asken in way of charitie of yr gracious Lorde of Man.

Sir Jno. Standley in the fyrste that the Tynwolde be houlden troyse in the year for amendinge of the Country & for our Lordes profyte, and that proofes be put downe savinge in the Lordes causes, as they were asked in the laste Tynwolde houldene at Kilkabane before John Walton Lieutenante of Man and that matters be determined be goode and trewe in the Country instead of proofes.

Also that measures of yor Lande of Man be made all after one, that is to saye, ferlot pottell and quarte be justly and truly ordeyned and made.

Also that no Irishemen or Scottishmen, nor other aliens be receaved into yor Lande of Man, but if they be swoarne to you and to yor lande of Man, and yf any goodes be taken out of any mans possession that a true inquest of men that were present when he feused his goods that it should not be removed out of his possession, but as law will, and so the said inquest shall get him restorance of his goodes againe. And then the said man that took it against fense may sue it as the Lawe will yf he sue ane Action.

And if any man wedd a wife that is in farme, that her husband may paye her debte, and freelie to come to her husband, and not to be sett in non other place, but to be freed by her husband.

Also that servanter be free once in the yeare, that is to saye at Hollantyde to serve in what place that they will upon our Lordes severall grounde.

[1430 Court]

A Courte of all the Comons. of Man holden at the Castell betwixt the Buttes. before Henry Byrone Lieutenante of Man, upon Thursday next after the yoll : XX dayes, in the yeare of our Lorde God 1430.

In the wch Courte sire men for every Sheadinge of Man chosen by the whole Comons. of Man, that is to weete, William Skearffe, William of Ibeno, John Read, John Nealson, Jenkin MacQualtroughe, and Jenkine MacKitlipe for Rushen ; Ffinlowe MacKey, Gybbon MacQuantie, Patrick MacJohn, Andro Jenkin Lucasone, Doncan MacSheman, and Neven MacQuain for Glenfaba; Gybbon McKissack, Willm. MacAlexander, Richard MacGawne, Donald MacGawne, and Gilchrist MacCormishe for Kirke Michell; Gibbon MacGillondras, Dermot MacWillm, Gibbon Murghsone Taylor, Symond MacFaite, Patrick Mc MacKerd, and Michell MacComis for the Are; Thomas McCorkill, Hugh McNaykill, William Abelson, Doman Abelson, William McCasmond, and John Finlonson for the Garffe ; Hugh MacMaa, Patrick Mac Helly, Gibbon MacPerson, John MacCanne, Michell MacGibbon, and Gibbon Dickeson, the younger, for the Middell, the which asken and beseechen, Henry of Byron, Livetenant of Man, the pointes asked in the Tynwald next before houlden to graunt and confirme to be houlden for lauve of our gratious Lordes will. In the whiche Courte the said Henry Biron, Livetenant of Man, sittinge in the said Courte grauntes and confirmes in the Lordes name all theire saide askinges to be houlden as for lauve fro henceforth as they are hereof written: In the wch Court William MacCowley is called upon to answer for as much as he smott Donald McGilbaine in presence of the Livetenant one of the xij men sworne of the enquest in the head courte of ye Abbot of Rushine forasmuch as the said Donald wth his fellows endited the said Willm of fellony, and the said Willm had ill wounded the said Donold in the heade wth a staffe and him dovne felled to the grounde in presence of the saide Livetenante of Man of the said inditement and upon that the said William answered and know ledged himselfe guiltie & putt him in the Lordes grace. And the said Livetenante asked the Demester what the lauve would of him that soe did and the Demester by councell and advice of the eldest & the worthiest of all the Lande of Man, that is, to wyte of William Skerffe, Willm. of Ybeno, John Read, John Qualthrough, Gybbone MacQuantie, Gibbon McKessacke, William MacAlexander, Gybbon MacAexnder, Willm. MacCasmond, William Abelson, Thomas MacCorkyll, Hughe MacNaikell, Patricke MacHellie, William MacFaill of Glenloght, John Finlonson, and Hughe MacQuay, sayinge that forasmuch as the said William within the space of 24 pases fro the Livetenante without the Courte, scoot the said Donald as it is known by the said William, that the said William forfeites his bodye and goodes and touches treason, forasmuch as he offended as it is saide before in the tyme of the visitacon of the Kinge of Man the wch he grauntes to his Barones to be executed twyse in the year within their frauncesses by his Demester to be houldene. Also the said Livetenante asked the said Demester what the lauve will if any other man smote another not sworne by the Demester upon an inquest that touche the Crowner within the space aforesaide in presence of the Livetenante without the Courte, the Demester saith by the Councell aforesaide, and if any soe doe he forfetes his bodye and goodes. Also the said Livetenant asked the saide Demester if any man smit another in the Livetenantes presence wthout the space aforesaide what the lave will. The demester sayes that such a matter be punished by imprisonment at the Livetenantes will and to make fyne and ransume after the discretion of the Livetenante and to make satisfaction to the partie as the lauve of the Lande will. Also the Livetenante asketh what the law will if any man make a fraye and rere weapon in the Livetenantes presence, the Demester saies, to punish him at the Livetenantes liste : In the same Court Finlo Mackey, Jenkine Lucasone, Gibbon, John Moreson, Thomas MacGilhacossë, Patrick MacGermote, Donald Maemay, Jenkine MacNevyne, Donkane MacSheminy, and Michell MacEffe are called to answwee upon divers articles touchinge the King of Man, the wch presente by their oathes before Gybbon McKimbe Clarke comissary of Richard Pawlie Bishoppe of Sodory in his visitation houlden at the holme in the yeare of our Lord God 1429, as it appeares by the writinge of the said Gybbon Clarke amongst others that the particles were ordayned to the sustentacon of the poore schollars and nowe are delt in other uses in defaulte of the Bishoppe. And the Ffynlo and Jenkine Lucason wth theire fellowes aforesaid, saye, that they will not pay the debts of holye Church till these ben corrected, as the Lauve ville. And upon the said Livetenante askes the Demester what the lauve of Man will of the said Enquest, forasmuch as they attempted the Kinges right of his inheritance in his Lande of Man & his prerogatives without his leave or his Livetenantes. The Demester mayd open that Gibbon Clarke, and ye said Enquest to answer upon articles, and chewed Gibbon Clarke his owne writinge of the articles above written by him, and there did he saye it was true, and put him into the Lordes grace for the writeing and the takinge. And then Jenkin Lucason was asked of the Demester what answere he would give and he sayed not guiltie, and that he would put him to God and the Countrie, that he never was sworne nor knew of the said presentmente. Ffinlo MacKay and Michael MacEffe made the same answer, and put them likewise to the country. Jenkin MacNevyne, Patrick McGermote, Donald MacMaa, Gibbon John Morisone, Thomas MacGilhaws, and Doncan MacShemyne answered severally and knowledged it, and put them in. the Lordes grace. And upon the answere of the foresaid Ffylowe, Jenkin Lucason, and Michaell Ibeson, an enquest of 24 were called and sworne, that is to save, William of Ybeno, John MacQualtrough, John Graghson, John Germote, Hugh Mac Quay, Gybbon MacKessacke, Willm MacAlexander, Gibbon Mac Gillander, Gibbon Morgheston, Donald MacGilcokum, Auley MacKissacke, Hugh McNakill, John MacPerson, Willm Abelson, Willm MacCasmond, Gybbon McTagart, John Finlowson, Apeke MacNeyll, Donold MacAlexander, John Stevenson, Michaell Corrowane, Gybbon MacGylle, Morisbe MacQualtrough, and Donold MacCarrane the sworne men, by theire oathes, sayene that the sayed Ffynolo, Jenken Lucason, Michael MacEffe are not guiltie of the verdicte given in by the said Gibbon MacKissacke, and soe the lauve acquitteth them.

Oure most gracious and exellent Lorde, Sr John Stanley Kinge and Lorde of Man and of the Isles, in the vigill of oure Ladye Sainte Mary 1422, at his castell of Rushen, hath asked of his Demester and the xxiiij the Lauves of Man, of the poyntes underneth written, to the wch the Demester wth the xxiiij givene for lave that these be ye poyntes of yor prerogative.

First if any maner person be outlawed wthin the said land, he shall not be inlawed, wthoot yor speciall grace and pardon proclaymed thoroughout your sixe shedinges. The forme and provesse of out-lawinge is this, First it ought to be made in your sixe Courtes of your sixe sheadinges, and at the Tynwalde the vijth Courte, to be made and called in with the More of Glenfaba. And yf such persons soe called answere not, then upon the recorde of the sixe mores they present, having with them two witnesses, that they were called in the sixe sheadinges and appeared not, such per-sones shall by opene proclamacon. owtlawed.

Also if any man wthin yor lande of Man be found in yor Courte, or in any of yor Barones Courtes to forswere the lande he shall never come wthin yor lande wthont speciall grace and pardon of that judgemente and payle.

Also whosoever wthin yor lande sustayneth or receaveth any person, after that he is outlawed, and so judged as is aforesaid, he forfeyteth his goodes and his bodye to be at the lordes'pleasure, Also yf the Bishoppe or the Abbote or any other Baron within yor lande of Man receave any owtlawe after that he is outlawed without speciall grace and pardon, he forfeiteth his temperalties unto yor grace, beinge Kinge and Lorde of Man: Also if any vessell or shippe or boate or any other goodes, be bayed within the heades of above the water or under, it is the Lordes by his prerogative. Also if any porpose or whale or sturgion be takene within the heades of Man, they be likewise the Lordes by his prerogative. Also if any manner of persone take any hawke or herone, hame or hinde, within the lande of Man he forfeiteth at every tyme to the Lorde iijli

Also, whosoever foresetteth the Kinges higheway for any man to beate or slay him, by night or by day, he forfeiteth all his goodes and his cattaill, and his bodye to be at the Lordes pleasure. Also, if any alien be residente wthin yor Lande of Man, who maketh no faithe nor fealtie to the Lorde when he deceaseth, whose tenante soever he be, the Lorde shall have his goodes, and yf such a man make his Testament, it standeth to non effecte. But after fealtie made this prerogative ceaseth. Also if any alien that noe faith or fealtie hath made to the Kinge, forfeiteth in any case of life or iyme, and be fore judged in it though it be in these in hande or out of hand founde, though he put him in the Lordes grace before the verdit given acknowleged, ye Lorde needeth not to receave him to grace (excepte it be his pleasure) by the lauve of Man. But and he be his borne man or ells have made faith or fealtie, and putteth him in his grace, yf he be indited and no maner in his hande or the verdit be given, he ought by the Lauve of man to have his life, but he forfeiteth his goodes, and then shall hee have the choyce of three thinges by the Demesters judgment. First, he shall have choyce yf he will rest in prison a yeare and a daye wth sustenance of that is to saye Bread of on part meale and ye other part chaffe of the same meale, the third parte ashes, and drink of the next water to the prison dore. The seconde choyce is to foreswere the Kinge and his lande, or ells Thirdlie to paye iijl'- Also if any man hath done any point of Treason and taketh girth for feare to be punished therefore, his girthe shall not availe him by the Lauves of the Land of Man. Also if any manslayer have taken Girth & wth'n three dayes after the Crowner cometh to him and knowleged not what he hath done, the Crow-ner shall by -the lauve of the Land take him out of the Girth And if he will knowledge what he path done, the Crowner ought to make him three proffers, Whether he will foresweare the Kinge and his kingdome, or he will putt him under the Crownrs yeard and come to Gaole and abid the Lauve or grace, or he will abide wthin the Girth duringe the space thereof. And if he choose to foresweare the Kinge and his kingdome and take to a Haven, the Crowner ought to sett him in the Kinges highewaye, & cut a crone. And if he hould not the Kinges highwaye, and the Crowner fyndeth him out of it, he to arest him by the Kinges yard and to bringe him to the Kinges gaole whether he will or not, and who-soever disturbeth him he forfeiteth life and lime & if his enemys saye that they took him before the Crowner, the Crowner ought to prove it by two witnesses.

Also we give for lave that our Lorde or his Livetenante may take an Enqueste at his owne choyce, yf they forsake his profers, that is to say by life and bodie or by some token of Parishe or Sheadinge. Also whosoever robbeth the Livetenant of his Horse or of any weapone of his beinge in Courte when that offence is made he is a Traytor by yor lauves of Man. And whosoevere beateth the Livetenantes men in his owne presence and robes them of theire goodes he is a Traitor by our lauve, for whosoever beateth his waged men in his presence beateth himselfe, savinge the more durese of his persone.

Also whosoever breakethe the churche or house upon the Livetenante or any of the Kinges Counsell in his presence if there be no harm done, but murmur and open grudgeing & risinge in his presence, it is Treason by our Lauve of Man. And whosoever constrayneth the Livetenante by any manner of wise to holde Tynwolde or any othere maner of thinge ells key constrainte, he breakethe the Kinges Royaltie, and that is highe Treason. Also, whosoever constrayneth the Livetenante to put down the Kinges customer or his prerogatives at the Tynwolde, he is a Traytor for the constrainte makinge by our Lauve.

And whosoever cometh by force and armes against the Live-tenantes commandement, speciallie to the Tynwald where they should abyde by right and reason peaceable & maketh grudge or mourmor or rysinge, he is a Traytor by our Lauve.

Also whosoever receaveth or sustayneth Rebells, knowinge theire rebellions, he is a Traytour by our Lauve.

Also whosoever maketh gatherings or consell in prejudice of the Kinges right or prerogatives he is a Traytor by our Lauve. Also whosoever riseth against the Livetenant he is a Traitore, for that is against the Kinges prerogative.

Also whosoever falsefyeth any Enquest after that they be swoarne he forfeiteth iijli. to the Lorde.

Also whosoever is swoarne and setten and after that they falsefye their owne oathes, they shall make satisfaction by our Lawe, and reforme them then to the churche of perjurie.

.Also whosoever is swoarne and telles the Kinges counsell and there on, he forfeiteth to the Lord iijli by our lawes.

Also we give for lawe that oure honorable Lorde be victualled when he is here himselfe of as much as needeth to larder or to other expenses to take, That is to veitte a Cowe pris iiijs, all two heade Courtes of the yeare of every sheddinge, 2 mertes the price of a meyrt iijs iiijd and when the Livetenante is here a merte every week wth other victualles, that is to veitte, the pryce of a merte iiijs, a mutton vjd., a porke iiijd-, a lambe a pennie, a kide a ob, a pige a jd., a goose ob. from Easter to Midsomer, and from Midsomer forth a penny. And this is the use and custome, and if ye neede more, more to take, hove it may be gotten wthin the lande of Man. And at the seconde head Courte daye of the yeare xij mertel as it is rehersed before wth all other victualles after the price aforesaid.

Also we give for lawe, that there was never xxiiij beyes [Keyes] in Man in certaine,first they were called Taxiaxe, and that was xxiiij free boulders, that is to veitt xvj in the out Isells and xvj in yor land of Man and that was in Kinge Orrys dayes but sithense they were not in certaintie. But if there a stranger casse come the wch the Livetenante will have reserved to the Tyuwalde two in the yeare and by leave of the Livetenante the Demester there to call of the best to his counsell in that pointe as him thinketh to give judgment by, and without the Lordes will non of the xxiiij to be, and to the writinge, there was never non written since Kinge Orrys dayes, but in the tyme of Nicholas Blundll yt we have any knowlege of Also we give for Lawe that oure Lorde or his Livetenante may hold a Tinwold or any other Courte whensoever him lust to doe execution and whereas pleaseth him wthin his land of Man, excepte in Passyone Weeke, in wch time execution of lyfe and lime ought not to be done. But as for Courtes of Shallendes all tymes of the yeare and execution to be done.

Also if any man of holie Church, that is to witte person, vicker, or curat, or parishe clarke, make any offence to the Kinges officers, that is to saye if he doe it to the moore he shall be in amerciament of vj's and it be done to the Crowner he shall loose iij`

And if any of the aforesaide men of holye Churche loose any merciament in any wise beforesaid, we give for lawe that if the Distresse be Wthin the stepp of holly Church, the Lordes officers shall goe to the high Somner who shall deliver to the Lordes officers a sufficient Distres, and if the Sompner will not soe doe, the Lordes officer shall goe within and, take a Distres himselfe. Will that every plee that is betweene party and partie be written out in the Courte Rolles, that it may be of Recorde againste effecte when such a case fall, what judgment was given that matter.

Also that all greate matters and highe pointes that are- done even as they fall, I will that my Livetenaut or my counsell for the tyme beinge take the Demesters to them wth the advise of ye elders of the lande and deame the law truly to the parties as they will answere to me therefore, and that all such points be always regestred and layed in my Treasury to that effecte that it may be read when such a case falleth that one Dome be not givene one tyme one way and at another tyme another waye contrary.

[some of the following points relate to the 1428 Garrison enquest]

Also that there be Watches all winter both in the castell and in the Peele, and the watche well searched as the tyme requireth. Also that every souldier and officer have bowe and arrows sufficient, Doblet and Hawbbergeone, swarde and buckler, spures and a saddle, on paine of forfeiture of theire wages.

Also that reparacones. that be to be made to be sufficienthe made at once and not every weeke newe to be made on paine of disollowance of that cost wch is soe made upon it.

Also that all officeres governe their office as their charge is, that no pride ne presumption make disention amonge them and theire service the worse done, but all draw one way to that wet' shall be proffte to the Lord, and all discention left from henceforth on paine of forfeiture of theire fee and the discharginge of theire office.

Also that no woman come wthin neither of the places wthout a specyalle warrant of the Lorde.

Also that there ise in the Castell xl. Bowells of Wheate and xl. in Barley made in Mault and grounde, and the wheate flower put in pipes, and ye maulte layed upon the flower, and in the Peele likewise.

Also that the Comptrolere be every Satturdaye there and take the Household as he will answere to me. And take the stuard and the cooke, the bruer and the baker, and charge them on theire - oathes to give me a true expence for the weeke past, and this to be done upon paine of forfeiture of theire fee. And in the same wise every Sondaye at the Castell.

Also that every Mondaye and other dayes of payment of the moors, that the Comptroler syt by and see all the leveyes of moneye, and write it, and when the payments are done to take the money and put it in a bagge, and the Livetenannee to seal it, and put it in the Coffer that the bookes are in and not to be ' opened till neede be, either to send it to me, or what needfull expenses that the Livetenante, the receavar, or Comptroller shall thinke needfull to be done.

Also that the Comptroler write all needfull expenses ever forthwith as they are done from tyme to tyme to send the Lord readie newese thereof howe he thinketh them governed well or ill, upon paine that belongeth thereunto. And that the Comptroler comptroll but such as be needfull and soe thoughte by-the Livetenante, or ells that they come by warrante from the Lorde to be done or ells that they be needfull for the places.

Also that pynfoldes be made, duly as they were wont to be in old tyme, taking no keape to no rules, for I will have my fearme reamed as the yeare asketh, but if any poore man be, I will he be eased for the tyme :. And the bishoppe and ye Abbottes, Auditors for the tyme beinge, call before them all maner of officers, that is to say ye Receavers, Comptrollers, Clarkes of the Rolles and Stewardes and also all that have bene in office before time, and to make them to sweare upon a booke to bringe before them all manner of bookes and Rolles of accomptes and ordinances, and all scriptes and. other evidences that touche the Lordes prerogatives or the Lande or any matter that belongeth to the Lorde, and when you have them brought before you that then you see what is in the Treasurye and write all, and lay all together in the Treasurye againe. And that there be non taken out till neede be upon paine of forfeiture of theire offices, and theire fees, And yf any Officer neede any thinge that is wthin the Treasurye to take him a coppie and lett the Register lie still in the Treasurye till neede be, and that the Comptroller see this be done every quarter dulye and that it be houlden on paine to all that breake may forfiete unto the Lorde after the Lawe of the Lande.

And be it ordained that noe Barone have no some out of the lands but in merchandise one paine of the same some he carryeth out of the kinges lande of Man. And forasmuch as before this tyme by misrule and wilfullnese of Livetenantes and receavers the pawes of Man have bene mis-governed, to them that they hated, too viperous, and to them that they loved, over favourable, soe that thorough theire govern-ance, the people have bene wronged, and profitt taken to the Lorde otherwise than the Lawe would for hate, and theire profitte, should be taken not done as the Lawe would, for favoure, wherefore, be it ordayned from henceforth, that the officers be true principallie to the Lorde, and the Lawe of the lande, and to governe trulie between the Lorde and his Comons., and betwixt partie & partie, wthout rigorousnes, fraude or collore, and that the Demesters give theire Judgments at theire pereill, saving ever unto the Lorde his prerogatives, and to be ruled by the advice of his Counsell and the Demesters, and that the Clarke of the Rolles may make his processes after the pleas, and poyntes that are accustomed before tyme at his perill, soe that by yeares ende they may be seene, whether they be governed lawefullye or not. And forasmuch as the Land settinge hath not bene made in due tyme ne reare to the people, wherefore many have lost theire profet of holdinge and manuring that yeare and many neve tenantes wch hath bene greate hinderance, and castinge doune of them, wherefore be it ordayned, that the sittinge be made betyme before Midsomer and read to the people, and when it is read to them, the Livetenante to make iiij men of every parishe swoarne to deliver to every one his penyworth after his houldinge, specyally to new tenantes, and also to see that every one occupie and manure his land to his power, and that defence make that they soe doe. And be resident on theire lande, the wch thinge done, the people wthin yø yeare if they be cherished thereto, may be able to reare the Lordes ferme of theire Corne for the most parte, though noe fyshinge fall of hearinge, for by defaulte of Levery and particyon of land enivyne and runinge to other lande and occupying it, and then will eiche one moke other, and soe they leese theire goodes, wah greeveth them more then the ferme, and the Lord never the better.

And after the settinge that there be noe encrease of any farme, but if it be greate neede for the Lord, and that encrease soe geven us, that it be of suffitient persones, or ells of suffitient Barons or sureties, soe that the Lord from tyme to tyme may be surelie served of his good.

And forasmuch as the office of Milnes, leades, and Crowners be sett by the Livetenant, and not geven unto the Clarke of the Rolles, that hee might be tyme give them out in streates to the Mores, but houlden styll to the yeares ende. Therefore be it ordayned, that at the next Courte, after Midsomer, the Coroners be made and theire nams entered into the Courte Roles, with the some that they take it for to ferme. Also Millnes at the same tyme, and also leades when tyme of settinge of them cometh. And forasmuch as the same Crowners have against the lawe stand in office two or three yeares together and taken enquestes of theire affinitie to ende it whome they ought ill unto for mallice. And also when the enquest endited certaine persones then the Crowners will discover to them that be endited and take them that are soe endited and not acquite and endite them and theire affinities, and also will where they have noe charge ne precepte send arestmente upon the comon. people, and male pettie fynes wth them unto greate vallewe, to the greate hindring, and the greate distruction of the poore Comynaltie, Wherefore be it ordayned that no Crowner stand any longer in office butt a yeare, that he take no enquest but twise in a yeare as the Lawe will, but for open cause required or elles by comaundemente from the Livetenant in open Courte by an enquest swoarne before the demester and thereto returne writinge, that he arreste no man wthout a warrante sealled and returnable, but for Treason and fellony, or that, or that the peace be broken, and so governe as the Lawe of the Land will in his presence, or ells required at the suite of a partie, and the same suite at the next Courte after to be returned.

Also that the fynes of fellony be made, yf the Livetenante and the parties will, soe that it be profitt to the Lorde, and that they be made openlie in the Courtes, that the whole Councell sittinge knowe that it be made for the Lordes profitt. And whereas Shipmen and Chapmen might have no licence to passe the Land wth theire goode and cattalles to reare the Lordes ferme as they were wonte to doe, woh hath bene great hinderinge to all the Lande, for better it weare for them to thrive upon theire merchandise, then other forraine Marchantes and Chapmen. Therefore be it ordained that every Chapman and Shipman have licence, as ofte as his profite is to goe into Englande, Irelande, and Wales, soe that he warne the Livetenante and have licence, and if he have any cause over into the costes that they goe unto.

Also that they take no tenant nor servant of the Land away wthout licence of the Livetenante, ne againe no Defence may to them on paine that may fall there one, that is to saye forfeite his vessell, and to paye the ferme of them that he carryeth away and his bodye to prison, and also that he fyne suretie to come againe if he have his leave.

Also be it ordayned that every Mondaye the Chauncery be houlden in the Castell, and there who will present any warant either for the Lorde or for himselfe, for any maner of arest or for any other cause, that he may have provesse out of the Courte, returnable against that daye sevenight or ells at the next courte of the shedinge, that the cause should be tryed in, so that every cause may have lawfull begininge and proceed as the Lawe will.

Also for many men for faulte of witt and counsell, and for greate maintenaunces made againste them by champtie, often-tymes loose theire true causes, the wch causes at the makinge of fynes and amerceamentes are no more considered than such as be misdoeres or rightfully cast. Therefore be it ordayned that all fynes and merciamentes after the cause considered by the wholle couftell and after theire powere that they may be standinge. Also, forasmuch as dyvers causes that fall often tymes to be no ende wthout the Royall Courte of Tynwald, and if a man do make or comitt a tresspasse wthin one sheadynge and before the cause be determined, he flyeth into another sheadynge, yf the partye that would sue for being greeved, then must he sue there as the offender is dwellinge, the wch Jurisdictun bath a knowledge of the trespasse, and then for favoure of his neighboures the partie should have noe remedy. And if the partie plaintife would sue hinå, there as the trespas was done, then will he not appeare for he is not within theire somons. And for such causes, and for salvacon. of the Lordes prerogative, Be it ordayned that the Tyuwold be houldene two tymes in the yeare at the leaste, if the the highe Connsell think it needfull for the Lorde and for the Country.

Also forsoemuch as the reveavers have made theire Receaptes and Reconninges w1h the Moores of payment of victualles to the Lorde and to both the places in Man, and in assignement and reconed with the steward for the paymente of reparations and other thinges, and wth shippmen for theire freight, and for theire heyes without any knowlege of the Comptroler. Therefore, be it ordayned from henceforth that the Exchequer be houlden every Mondaye. And there all suche receiptes, reconinges, and paymmentes of money to be made openlie, and comptroled on paine of disallowance of all costomes and paymentes made wthout sight of the Comptroller, and also of the beastes praysed and taken up for the Lorde at the, pinfoldes of who and what price.

Also, be it ordayned, that no offycer take any guiftes of any tenants, nor other persons, on paine of forfeiture of his fee. And also that no offycere ne feed man be of fee wth no Barone upon the same like paine.

Also, be it ordayned that no man have no page within anye of the places wthout specyall warrant, saving them that ought to have that libertie of right. And there shall no bookes goe out of the Treasurie without the assente of the whole counsell, and in theire presence. And foreasmuch as greate wast hath bene made in the castell and in the peeles in bread and ale, fewell and candell, therefore, be it ordayned, the Livetenant to have a loff, a gallane of Alle, and two candles in the somere, and in winter reasonable fewell everye night from Allhallan-tyde tyll Easter, and a page & three horses at hay, and xx bowells of oates at the Lordes price, and the Receivore to have a Pottell of ale, haffe a lofe and a Caudell in somer, and two Candelles in winter, and reasonable fyere ; in the same maner the Clarke of the Rolles an quarte of ale & one candell in somer, and twe in winter, ij horses, a page and haye, and ij Bowles of provender of the same price.

The Comptroler one quarte of Ale, and one candell in somer and twe in winter, a horse, and haye, and ij Boweles of provinder at the same price. The Conestable of both places, eyther of them halfe a loffe, a quarte of Ale ij candles, fewell in winter reason-able, and ij Turffos in a night, in somer tyme to hould fyere to serche the watches, and no more liverys, wth speciall warrant and comaundemente.

And it is ordayned that no souldier be taken in no place, ne put out wthout knowledge of the Lorde, but in needfull vasse.

Also that no souldiere of one place be receaved into the other upon paine of forfeiture of his fee, at meate and drinke, but yf he come on the Lordes errande.

Also that no Soulder hould continewallie any Leman within a meyle of either of the peeces upon paine of forfeiture of his fee. Also that no Souldier, no feed man, buye ne selle wthout the Lordes warrante upon paine of loosinge theire fearms and wages. Also that no yeoman have meate ne drinke but at the bolles. Also that no yoman goe out of any of the places wthout knowledge of the Conestable. Also that no Souldier ne other make any debate wth anye of the places upon paine of forfeiture of his fee, and imprisonement of his bodye, and makinge fyne and Ransome to the Lorde.

Also that the receavors of both places, be sufiitientlie victualled at the begininge of the yeare for incomes, or elles to paye for them himselfe, but if it be soone done, he be suddainlie surcharged. .

Also that saulte be receaved to nether howses but by Indenture, and the same indenture to be delivered to the ascompt with other expenees upon paine of disalowance of the same saulte.

Also forasmuch as the receavere before this tyme made payment to the Lorde wthout knowledge of any Officer or Comptrouller, wch if any vessell that bare such payment were perished as God defende, it might be sayed that it were a greater some then were delivered, but such as the Lord chargeth to bring him wthout knowledge of the counsell and by indentur and, that one parte thereof be left in the Treasury, and also it be comptrolled upon payne of disallowinge of the same. Alsoe when any perticon of lande is made to every tenante after theire houldinge, and his ferme beariuge, then that all wast be seased into the Lordes handes, and fyne set thereon that no man occupie it untill it be accorded wth the Livetenante and the Counsell, saving those places that take theire parishes agreate. (Erased in the original MS.) Also be it ordayned that Crouner standinge in office tak quarrell in hande, ne be parte ne advocate in no plee during his office, but in the Lorde's causes. Also be it ordained that the Waterbaylife have his Deputie swoarne in every haven to make Defence in all such cases, and to make processe thereon, that if any forfeite lawefull price may be made when he is not required on the Lordes behalfe, and what good taken out and wrytten what they bringe in. Also be it ordayned yt if any arrest be made by the Waterbaylife that it may be given into the Clarke of the Rolles, so that the Lord may have the Amerceament. Also that no man paye the porters any fees for cominge in of the Lordes debte but as the Demester will by processe give for Lawe.

Also that no person be imprisoned at the suite of the partie for no debte ne for no trespase betweene partie and partie, but as the demester will by processe.

Also that neither the Livetenante nor receiver shall have liverie of bread Ale Candlles ne Fewell to theire Chambers but where they are in proper person.

Also if the Livetenants or any officer of myne take or conceall any profite or revenewes from my Comptroler they shall leese theire fees Levyinge concealinge or doinge it singulerlie by him-selfe against my comaundment.

Also I will that the receiver have governance of all maner Victualles that belongeth to store, as wheate, maalte and saulte, and it to be delivered to him to the Steward, so as there be no wart made upon paine of forfeiture of his fee.

Also that the Livetenant ne the receiver shall not ride into the Country wtn too greate a multitude of people for too greate Cost makinge, ne make no feasts ne gatheringe, ne no suitors have noe answeres there but the longer taryed for theire suite, and that it be soe declared unto them.

Also, I charge my Stewardes of bothe my howses that they be governed by the Receiver and the Livetenante as they will charge them in a comaundmente of a Mendeament of Expences that are necessary, yf they see there be any not the old governance before. Also the receiver and Comptroler shall take the Accomptes of Howshold every weeke or fortnighte at the furthest, yf they see any expences excessive that they Comone. wte the Livetenant thereof in all hast, or elles they to paye it themselves.

Also yf any of theis ordinances be broken and not houlden by any of our Officers nor Souldiers, that the Comptroler send me worde anon as he hath knowledge of it, and if it be not punished upon paine of forfeite of his fee.

Also the Clerke of the Rolles to write all maner of Plees wth full letter and the Judgement thereof in parchement, that if so be that any like Cause come another tyme, that it maybe founde anothere tyme of Record in the treasury, and all maner of questions asked and given in by the Dymesters and the xxiiij Keyes, that it be of remembrance in the treasury upon paine of forfeiture of his fee, the Clarkes fee and of theire fellowes.

Also that the Treasurere shall not ask non allowance of no parcell as payed and it unpaide upon the paine of the forfeiture of his fee.

And that no man sitt at the highe table, but those that take gentlemen's wages, savinge the Comptroler.

Also there shall be neither Bishoppe Abbott ne Barone of the lande of Man receive no strangers w'hin their Howses wt°out knowledge makinge to the Livetenants whåt they are, & from whence they come, and whether they shall, and of what condicon theye be. Also that the Abbote shal not receive no Monk to be resident ne none posses wtt'out licence of the Lord. Also that the receavere paye the Souldiers at the quarter upon paine of disallowance of all that he asketh allowance of, Soe that no com-playnte thereof be heard. Also that the Comptroller shall sodenly call foreth at every quarters ende all the Souldiers of the .two places to theire musters and who soe is not suffitient arrayed, he for to loose his yeares wages. Also that the Bookes be putt into the Treasury and locked wthin thre lockes, and the Livetenant to have one keye, and the Receavor another keye, & the Comptroller another keye. Also that my receavor reparell my places suffitientlie by the advice of my Livetenante, my Counsel, and my Comptroler and that are now unrepared to be reparelled by the advice of our sayd Counsell as aforesaid, and they to be privie to the Costes and this to be at the warrant, soe that hens-forth there be no decay for defaulte of Reparacons, betyme, upon paine thereof that shall ensue or followe.

Also, that no Myne goe forth, sett by my Livetenante nor my receaver and my Comptroler to my most proffite and that the mynore do his dilligence and that he faile not herein for no manner of causes ne noe Excusations or elles to make me warninge, for I will not that he loose any of my good and lett my profitt goe by.

Also where before this tyme, the Comonewealth of this Land by carrynge forthe for theire owne singuler avayle such merchandizes as be brought by strangers to sell into the country, by the meanes of privie bargaanns and engrossynge all or great parte thereof to their own proffite, and then sellinge the same to the country by theire owne price. Therefore, be it ordayed that noe maner person bargaine nor buye any such marchandize afore it be seene or knowen, and sire or fowere such discreet and true honest persons of the country as the Livetenant and the Counsell shall appointe there unto, wob sixe or fower persones shall be solemplie swoarne to devide the said marchandize and endevore them trulie to make bargaine for the profyte of the Lande, soe that the marchantes and buyers of the country shall have the preferment thereof by the sighte of the Livetenante and his Counsell, and if the countrye be not of powere to buye the said marchandize, then the Lordes receavors, if they thinke it for the Lordes profitt, by the advice of the Livetenante and his Counsell, to tuye it for the Lordes use, in consideracon. of returne and recourse of marchandize, provided that notwtbstandinge theise ordinances, that the Lorde be first served of such stuffe as shal be necessarye to the use of himselfe or any, of the expence of any of the houshoulders, and that no manner of man doe attempte, ne doe contrarye to this ordinance upon paine of imprisonment, and makinge fyne and ransome at the Lordes will.

Also that no alien cominge to no haven of Man, with marchandize or otherwise, passe not forth into the lande, but to the next Parishe Churche upon paine of forfeiture of his goodes and his bodye to prison.

Also that noe marchante have no money out of the Lande but for his cortes, and roe it to be certifyed by the Livetenante and the Counsell.

Also that Scottes voyde the Lande wth the neite vessell that goeth into Scotland upon paine of forfeiture of theire goodes, and theire bodies to prison, excepte such as be licensed. Also that no boate bringe in beggers ne vagaboundes into the lande upon paine of forfeyture of his vessell and goodes.

[1521 Quest]

A Quest taken at the Castell of Rushene, in the year of our Lord God, 1521, that is to say, Harry MacGawne, William MacQualthrough, Tho MacQuarke, Thomline MacCrarrane, Roberte Norras, Gilbert Corkine, William MacFayll, Moned MacFayll, Mark MacChrastene, Fynlow MacCorleat, Patrycke MacNeall, John Martinsone, William MacQuarke, Wilhn. MacCalle, Mould Mae , Willm. MacLone, William Moore, John More, William MacChristene, John MacCreere, William Stevenson, Patrycke Clevage, John Bradshawe, and Thomas Water.

We fynde by our oathes that there shal be Coabes partayninge to a man, yf his Father have a panne, his sonne to have it or ells his best pott, also a Jacke and a sallett, Bowe and Arrowes, rawoarde and Buckler, his best board, his best stoole, his coultere, his Rakentre, his best coope, if it be made of Woode and bound aboute wth silver and Gilded with gould, and his best coffer. These are Corbes partayninge to a woman, the best wheell and cardes, a Rakentre, a soucke or elles a Mankes spayd, the best Beedes of Jet or elles of Amber, the best brouch or Agnus Dei or the best crosse, and the best pott or pane. Furthermore, we fynde by our conscyences, that they that were takene in Duglas by will in curmyne sone ought to pay every one of them iijs. iiijd. towardes theire costes. First we made by the vertue of our oathes, as concerninge William MacCormyn in askinge ransome of divers persons for his some well were taken. wth him into Scotlande, we fynde that he oughte to paye non of them, for we never save non payed for such causes and that yt was guiltie of himselfe that he went, hove be it there is conscyence in it.

Also we fyne as concerninge Thomas Sansberye wch sould barleye unto John Clarke his wyfe, we fyne that he should paye it. Also wee fynd that the Barons shoulde have no tytle to any persone that is borne out of the Land, and cometh into the land; but my Lorde may have him to beare fearme before any Barone, also we fynde that the poore wch disobayeth the Crowners, for my lordes busines, and be broughte to the Castell or peelles shoulde paye no fee to the Crowner, nor porter, because they stand in my Lordes grace of iijli, and that my Lorde may punyshe any person in the Castell that will not obay his comaundements payinge no fee but at my Lordes pleasure.

Also furthermore that the Moore shall goe for no customer noe further than his charge shewes him, and that the Moores shall not take no Stowkes of Corne of no man, excepte it be given him wth a good will, for it is no custome nor dutye.

Also we fynde that the Crownere ought not to have custome of no man, but of him that beareth rente to my Lord. And if it be but a penny Rent, he shoulde pay the Crowneres dutie. And the more should be free of all manere of custome, as my Lord maketh him, wtbout paying groate to the Crowner, for it is no custome.

Sir William Ince, Sir Phillipe Skillicorne, Sir James Clarke, Sir How Norras, Sir Thomas Stevensone, Sir John More, John Gawne, John More, Roberte Norras, Robart Waddres, William Stevensone, we fynde by virtue of our oaths that all Vickers of pension shalle never paye corbes to any preest nor no corspresent, nor no waged nor hired preeste nor Clarke silver. All Vickers of third shall paye corbes if they have any free, that is to saye, a portel, his boarde and tressell, a-chayer and a forme, a spoone yf he have it, a pair of Bedsvickes, a pott or a pane, a broache and a pair of Gowbardes and a reckentre, if it be to be had.

Memorandom, that Jenkyne a Moore, and John MacChristine Demesteres, by the advise and counsell of xxiiij of the lande, swoarne to the Demesters by theire desire the second daye of December, the yeare of our Lord God 1499, have given for Lawe these pointes followinge, viz.

First they saye that whereas the late wyfe of John More perished herselfe, all such goodes as belonged unto her be my lordes, by his prerogatives except such goodes as belonged unto the Crowner, wen we saye is her corbes, her outermoste cloathes broken, haggardes, all beastes under three yeares of age, her parte of the howse, and the said goodes to be founde free.

Item, to the demesters iiijs and to the Moore muche be freed or elles the third pane.

Item, they saye that such Costes as was made upon her Buryal, to be of her goodes, insomuche that the rest of the goodes be my Lordes.

Item, they saye, that all such goodes to John Moore further-wise to be his childrens that he had by the same wyfe.

Item, where the Conestable alledgede by the priveledge of howse hould, insomuch as she was a Souldiers wife that this matter should passe by the Conestable and Marshall and the Howshould. The demesters sayd wth the xxiiij, that all Souldiers that beare vids ferme or more to my Lorde, auswere to the Lawe and the Countrye except the matter fall out betweene souldyere and souldier or ells that the said souldiere beare no ferme.

Item, also they sage that the aforesayd woman wch perished herselfe can paye no duties to the Churche, insomuch she had no goodes but my lordes by reason of forfeiture,

Also they saye that childe wch John Moore had by this woman that shead herselfe can have no parte of her mothers goodes by the same forfeiture excepte that wch was given the sd child at the forete stone [ie at bapistm].

Also we saye, that all the Debtes should be payed oute of the whole goodes, and after that, the forfeite abovesaid to my Lord & the officers, to be of the free goodes.

Whereas complainte was made in the yeare of our Lorde God 1570, and the 9th of October by the wholl Comones to Edward Tarbocke Equire Captayne of the Isle of Mane, and all other my Lordes head officers, and the two Demesters, that Robert Lassells now forstere of the said Isle, did clipe theire sheep unlawfully wthin the said felles, where upon the Captayne did demaunde the lawe of the two demesters what was the Lawe of the same, whereupon John Lucas and Hughe Clarke, taking a little pawse did request the sd Captayne that they might have the advise and counsell of xxiiij of the Auncientes of the Isle accordinge to the ould custome in such cases, the wch was graunted them by the Captayne and the reste of my Lordes councell, and then they did choose a Jury as appeares by theire names herein written, Willm. More, Patricke Materson, Sharre, Willm. Quarone, Richard MacKerron, John MacGawne, Patryke MacTerro, Gilbert MacMarten, Richard MacOtter, Willm. MacKinread Phillipe MacJoghene, Willm. MacConolle, Molde MacKarron, Donald MacChristene, John MacCreere, Willm. Hutchin, Robarte More, Robart Creckerstone, John Farghene, Gilbert MacKelly, Wyllm. MacCowstene, John MaeIlvory, Patricke Hymen, and John MacNevee.

Wch bene swoarne upon the Evangelistes doe saye as heareafter followeth. First, we fynde by the virtue of our oathes that the forster or his deputie oughte to go forth on Sainte Colomes even thoroughe the forest, and to ride to the toppe of the highest hill in Man, and theire to blowe his horne thrise, the same done, and then after to range and viewe the foreste, and on the thirde daye to goe forshe and take such companye wth him as he shall think likest to see what sheepe he fynde unshorne, and if he fynde any unshorne, he ought to take them wth him, and if the said sheepe be not milkes to sheere ye said sheepe and to take the fleece to his owne use, and put a privie marke on the same, and soe to use all that he fynde wthin the precincte of the foreste, the same tyme, to the intente that if any such sheepe be founde the next yeare by the said forster, then he to certifie to the Comptroller and receaver of the same, that they may be recorded in the Courte bookes, and so be praysed and sould for the Lordes most proffite.

And whereas the said forster did claime a lambe wthin ye presincte of the foreste, because it was unmarked, we finde by virtue of our othes that he ought not to claime such duties as beinge due to the forster. But if he fynde any such lambe, sheepe, goate, or kid that hath no marke on them, he oughte to take them and put a privie marke on the same to the intente that if he fynde any such the next yeare not claimed by any person to have just tytle to the same, then the same to be praised and sould for the Lordes most profite as a straye.


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