Meetings of Societies

THE ISLE OF MANN NATURAL HISTORY AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. - lst April- A Meeting was held at the Industrial School, Ramsey, Dr. Tellet, VicePresident, in the chair. Mr. P. M. C. Kermode handed in the report of the Dredging Committee, and it was agreed that this report should be included in the Society's transactions about to be printed. Dr. Haviland read a paper on , The aspect of the 'Crags,' in respect to the glaciation of the Island." A communication from Mr. J. E. Bailey, F.S.A., on "The first book printed in Manx," was presented to the meeting. Two ordinary members were duly elected, and one proposed for election. Mr. J. Wilson Hart brought to the meeting an "erratic block," from the rocks at Ballure, and specimens of syringopora, cyathophyllum, etc., picked up from the beach, in the same vicinity, during the morning. Mr. W. J. Cain, secretary, exhibited specimens of a stigmaria, neuropteris, etc., characteristic of the coal measures. Votes of thanks to Dr. Haviland and Mr. Bailey were passed.
-6th May-A Meeting was held at St. Thomas's School, Douglas, at which the Rev. E. B. Savage, M.A., presided. An interesting account of "The Burial Mound, known as Cronk Aust, in Andreas," was given by Mr. P. M. C. Kermode (a full description of this, with illustrations, will be given by Mr. Kermode in a future number of this magazine). A description of a Coin of Charles II. (1682), found recently on the estate of Orrysdale, near Ballasalla, was communicated to the Society by Mr. W. Kneale. A paper by Dr. W. J. Hoffman (corr. mem.), on the "Origin of the Shoshoni Indians," was read. Miss Rudd, of Myrtle Hill, Ramsey, was elected an ordinary member. Two corresponding and four ordinary members were nominated. The following excursion meetings were arranged for the coming season, viz.:-an excursion to Lonan in June, Llandudno in August, and Dalby in September. Mr. H. Clarke exhibited the front-piece of a Manx Fencible belt, which had been picked up on Douglas Head, and a couple of Saxon coins found at the north of the Island. The Secretary submitted specimens of equisetacoe belonging to the class acrogens (top growers), and the top portion of a calamite, chiselled out of a piece of Yorkshire white freestone a few days previously to the meeting. Votes of thanks to those gentlemen, from whom communications had been received, terminated the proceedings.
-The first summer excursion on Whit Monday was unfortunately marred by unfavourable weather. Lonan Church and Church-yard, " King Orry's Grave," Laxey Wheel, and the Cloven Stones, were visited. Mr. A. W. Moore was elected to represent the Society on the committee of the Royal Historical Society, which has been appointed to make arrangements for the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the completion of the Domesday survey. Two corresponding and four ordinary members were elected, and one corresponding and twelve ordinary members were nominated for election at the next meeting.

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