[From Yn Lioar Manninagh Vol 3 pp314/316]
Collected by W. QUAYLE and P. G. RALFE.
In compiling the following list, fresh specimens of the plants have, in most cases, been shown when obtaining the Manx name. In looking into the dictionaries, it is evident that the language had once a long list of plant names ; but these have been so vaguely and incorrectly translated as to be of little use. It is hoped that this list is, so far as it goes, correct, and may serve as a foundation to which much may yet be added after due identification of the species. The best thanks of the compilers are due to Mr. J. B. Keig for having many specimens compared and identified at Ballaugh.
Spearwort, Ranunculus flammula Luss v binjey, Luss y steep (These names are also applied to other plants used for curdling milk)
Marsh Marigold, Caltha palustris Blughtyn (plural) (Singular in dictionaries as Bluillught, or Booalught) Fumitory, Fumaria officinalis Booa-ghoayn (not found in modern use, but, doubtless correctly translated)
Wild Mustard, Brassica sinapis -Brashlagh Pepperwort, Lepidium campestre -Pibbyr-yn-dooiney boght, Pibbyr-keoi
Field Pansy, Viola tricolor Blaa villish (perhaps Dog violet) Chickweed, Stellaria media Flig
Greater Stitchwort, Stellaria holostea, is called Fairy flax
Spurrey, Spergula arvensis Carran
Small upright St. John's wort, Hypericum pulchrum Luss-y-chiolg
Common Mallow, Malva sylvestris Luss-ny-moal Moirrey
(Two kinds of this, distinguished as "moar" and " beg," are known perhaps the "moar" is Lavatera arborea)
Wood Sorrel, Oxalis acetosella Bee-cooag
Furze, Ulex europæus and nanus Conney-
(The larger species is Conney frangagh [fpc
'french' often used for foreign or alien] ; Aaitn, in
place names sometimes Ashen, is gorse used for fencing)
Broom, Cytisus scoparius Guilcaugh
Bird's-foot Trefoil, Lotus corniculatus Crouw-kayt
Vetch, Vicia sp Pishyr-chabbyl, Pishyr-lughag
Mountain Ash, Pyrus aucuparia Keirn, Billey-Keirn (fruit, Keirn)
Sloe, Prunus communis Drive doo, drine arn
Bramble, Rubus fruticosus Drive smeyr, dress, plural dressyn (Pronounced "dretthyn "; blackberry, " seneyr ")
Dog-rose, Rosa caning Drive Booag (fruit, Booag)
Burnet Rose, Rosa spinosissima Drive drughaig (fruit, Drughaig)
Hawthorn, Cratwgus oxyacantlra Blaa-y-n-moddey, Drine skaig, or skaigagh (fruit, Skaig)
Wall Pennywort, Cotyledon Umbilicus Luss-y-dhaa phing, Wishlahan
Houseleek, Sempervivum tectoruin Lus-y-thie
Round-leaved Sundew, Drosera rotundifolia Luss-yn-cirtys, Luss-y-druight
Marsh Pennywort, Hydrocotyle vulgaris Ouw, Wishlahan
Alexanders, Stnyrnium olusatrum Ollyssyn, Ollystryn ; Luss-yn-Ollee.
(:outweed, Ægopodium podagraria Luss yn Ollee
Earthnut, conopodium denudatum Curlan
Cow Parsnip, Hcracleum sphondylium Farrain, pl. Arranyn
Ivy, Hedera helix Hibbin
Elder, Sambucus nigra Tramman
Honeysuckle, Lonicera periclymenum Ollaagagh, Shuckle-mill Heath
Bedstraw, Galium saxatile Follan-fing
Cleavers, Galium aparine Luss y chollane
Varrow, Achillea millefolium Airh-hallooin, Airh-lossey
Corn Marigold, Chrysanthemum segetum, Bastag-vuigh, Baskad-vuigh
Golden-rod, Solidago virgaurea -Slat-airh
Mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris Bollan feal-eoin
Coltsfoot, Tussilago farfara Cabhag-ny-havvin
Ragwort, Senecio jacobæa Cushag
Burdock, Arctium lappa Bollan-dhoo
Thistle, Cnicus arvensis, &c. Onnane
Knapweed, Centaurea nigra Buttortyn-dhoo, Luss y, crammman dhoo
Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale Luss ny- minnag
Common and Corn Sow Thistles Sonchus oleraceus, Sonchus arvensis Bee-muck, Bainney-muck, Onnane-meean
Sheep's-bit, Jasione montana Buttonyn-gorryin (pl), Keyrrey-biht
Whortleberry, Vaccinium myrtillus Freoghane, Freoghane-gor-rym, Farrane
Ung, Calluna vulgaris Freogh, Convey freoie Thrift, Armeria vulgaris Keirn jiarg Primrose, Primula vulgaris Sumark
Asli, Fraxinus excelsior Unjin
Centapry, Erythraea centaurium Keim-chreest
Woody Nightshade, Solanum dulcamara-Croan-reeisht.
Greater Plantain, Plantago major-Slane-luss
Ribwort Plantain, Plantago lanceolata-Cabbag-pherick
Buckshorn Plantain, Plantago coronopus, Bollan Breshey
Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea (fraps)-Sleggan Sleeu Com.
Butterwort, Pinguicula vulgaris-Luss-y-steep
Ground Ivy, Nepeta glechoma-Ardlosserey (pr. " Ard Lothera ")
Wild Sage, Teucrium scorodonia-Creeaghlagh
White Goosefoot, Chenopodium viride-Coll-mea
Sun (and other) Spurge, Euphorbia helioscopia, &c.,-Luss ny
Fahnnaghyn, Luss yn Vuinnagh
Dock, Rumex sp. var-Cabbag.
Sorrel, Rumex acetosa-Shughlaig, cabbag-jiarg.
Elm, Ulmus campestris-Lhiouan ? (a dictionary word)
Nettle, Urtica divica-Undaagagh.
Oak, Quercus robur-Darragh.
Hazel, Corylus avellana-Coll (Cregeen)-We have not met witl this
Willow, Salix sp. var---Shellagh, Shellagh-ny-hie
Scotch Fir, Pinus sylvestris Juys
Wild Hyacinth, Scilla nutans-Gleih-muck, blaa-muck
Ferns (in general, especially bracken), Pteris aquilina-Rhenniagh
Male Fern (and other large species), Lastrea filixmas-Rhenniagh
Woirrey (applied at Ballaugh to the Royal Fern) Osmunda regalis.
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
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