[ILN 13 July 1872]
Opening of Queens Pier, Douglas, Isle of Man.
The Isle of Man Harbour Commissioners, established in 1771, who are henceforth superseded by a new board under the recent Act of Parliament, have marked their departure from office by completing and opening the new Queens Landing Pier at Douglas, and by laying the first stone of the Battery Pier at the same time. These two works are executed from the designs of Sir John Coode, G.E., under the superintendence of Mr. W. Powell, resident engineer, in accordance with the resolutions of the Tynwald Court, approved by the Lieutenant-Governor ; and they will make the beautiful Bay of Douglas a convenient harbour in all states of the tide, and safe against every wind and sea. The Lieutenant-Governor, Mr. H. B. Loch, C.B., performed the ceremony of opening the Queens Landing Pier on Monday week ; and Mrs. Loch afterwards laid the first stone of the Battery Pier. The pier was decorated with triumphal arches, on which there was a tasteful display of flags and evergreens. The procession was formed of the workmen employed, the harbour-masters and otherofficials, the Douglas and Ramsey Town Commissioners and High Bailiffs, the magistrates, the Bishop and clergy, the members of the House of Keys and Council, the Lieutenant-Governor and his Staff, with a guard of the volunteer rifles. Having reached the platform where the ceremony was to take place, Sir John Coode read his report on the work ; and Mr. Ridgway Harrison, the Receiver-General, read an address to the Governor, who made a suitable reply, declaring the Queens Pier opened. The company then proceeded to the site of the proposed Battery Pier, under the Old Battery on Douglas Head, where a block of stone was provided, with a platform to accommodate the persons engaged in this part of the ceremonial. Mrs. Loch had a silver trowel given to her, with which she laid mortar on the stone, and expressed her good wishes for the success of the work. The Bishop of Sodor and Man offered a prayer. A steam-boat trip to Ramsey and back gave some of the company an appetite for luncheon, which was provided at the Imperial Hotel, the Governor and Mrs. Loch, with 130 other guests, being entertained by the Harbour Commissioners. Mr. Ridgway Harrison was in the chair. The speeches at table congratulated the town of Douglas and the Isle of Man upon the benefits expected from these harbour improvements, which altogether will cost £100,000. The cost of the Queens Landing Pier has been £46,400. It is 1100 ft. long, 50 ft. wide, and 52 ft. high, built of solid concrete blocks well cemented together. There is a depth of water of from 6 ft. to 18 ft., at low tide, at the several landing stages of this pier. The Battery Pier, to shield the harbour against stormy seas, will extend 550 ft. in the direction of east-north-east from Douglas Head, the southern extremity of the bay. Its cost is estimated at £52,000. Our illustration of the Queens Landing Pier is from a photograph by Mr. Keig, of Douglas.
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