[ILN 23 Feb 1861]


Arrival of the Tynwald

Great rejoicings took place at Douglas Isle of Man, on Thursday week, consequent upon the arrival of his Excellency Francis Pigott, the newly-appointed Lieutenant Governor of the Island to take up his permanent residence at Villa Marina, near Douglas. "It was," says the Manx Sun, from which we extract a few particulars of the new Governor's reception, " both a holiday for all classes and a triumphal entry for his Excellency such as has not been accorded to any previous Governor within the memory of the oldest Manxman." A little before three o'clock a signal gun from Douglas Head conveyed the welcome intelligence that the packet containing Lieut.Govemor was in sight, and, shortly after repeated salutes from the packet and the shore announced her nearer approach. Exactly at three o'clock the Tynwald, under the command of Captain M'Queen, gaily decorated with flags, steamed gently up the harbour, and was moored opposite the Steam-packet Office. His Worship the High Bailiff Major Pollock, Mr Burman, Mr. Harris, Mr. Gell, and other gentlemen, then went on board to greet the Lieutenant-Governor, who shortly after made his appearance on deck and was loudly cheered. His Excellency landed accompanied by Mrs. Pigott, escorted by his Worship the High Bailiff; the two Misses Pigott, escorted by Lieu tenant Lindsey and S. Harris Esq.; together with Captain Pigott, and his two brothers The Artillery Corps presented arms and his Excellency entered the carriage provided for him amid the cheers of the assembled thousands, the band playing "God Save the Queen." A procession was then formed and proceeded along the North Quay, up Bank Hill along Finch-road, and Marina road to Castle Mona. The whole line of route was thickly thronged with enthusiastic spectators, who loudly cheered his Excellency as he passed. On the arrival of the procession at Castle Mona gates the societies formed in double line and, allowing the carriages to pass up the centre, they entered the groundsof the castle, where his Excellency was received at the entrance to the hotel by a guard of honour of Volunteer Rifles.

Villa Marina

The mansion of Villa Marina situated a short distancee from Douglas, has been leased by Lieut.Governor Pigott for a term of years.

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