1818 Report on Present State of the Poor House etc

[Taken from Manx Advertiser - the microfilm is in poor condition and out of focus in sections - hence some names unreadable]

The Report.to the Institution for bettering the State of the Poor of Douglas, held at the Poor House, on Saturday, the 3d Jan 1818 in pursuance of the Advertisement of the 1st Inst

The Committee appointed " to take into Consideration the present State of the Poor House ; the best means of terminating the present Plans, and submitting to a general Meeting their report for the Establishment of a new system" presented their report and the same was received and adopted and ordered to be inserted in each of the Insular Papers.

Report of the Committee

The Committee, in consequence of the above reference, proceeded to the Consideration of the first proposition, viz " the present state of the Poor House" and find upon an attentive Examination of the List, the claimants consist of four descriptions:

1 Persons who from Age, mental Debility, or other incapacity are totally unable to support themselves, and, in consequence, provided for as inmates upon the establishment :- They are in number 11 ; to which is to be added 4 orphan children, making the total of the House List 15.

2. Persons who, under a variety of circumstances and receive assistance in Food being in number 34.

3. Persons receiving weekly Pensions in Money from 6d to 1s 6d ; these being in number 69

4. Persons receiving monthly assistance, in Money, from 1s 6d to 2s ; in number 42.

The expence of the above system appears to be as follows:

The House Establishment and Food List which are so connected from the cooking the provisions &c, as to be necessarily classed under one head
312 0 0
House rent, valued at
20 0 0
The weekly pension Lists
216 6 0
The Monthly Pension Lists
44 3 0
£592 9 0
The Income arising to the Establishment consists of Property belonging to the Poor at Interest
29 5 11
Church Collections
121 12 0
Charity Sermons
50 0 0
Annual Subscriptions
336 4 0
£537 4 11
Leaving a Balance against the Establishment
£55 4 1

It appears, however to your Committee, that a very considerable Deficiency has arisen in Payment of the sums subscribed for, and from a Reduction in the list of Subscribers (which there is reason to believe will increase) so as to make the present state of the Funds quite inadequate to the demands upon the Establishment, and to render its Continuance impracticable.

The Committee found it necessary, in consequence of its observations as above stated, to proceed to a minute Examination of the Lists and their Investigations produced the following result.

The House List to consist of six grown persons and four children, who from different circumstances are abolutely necessary to be provided for, to which may be added, four respecting whose situation and claims some further inquiry may be requisite


Food list – Nine grown persons and two children, with nineteen for further inquiry


Weekly Pensions, forty-nine, and twenty-four for further Inquiry


Monthly Pensions, thirty two and eleven for further inquiry




The anxiety of the committee to reduce the claims upon the Establishment has induced them to state the above distinctions in the Lists, as to further inquiry, with a view if possible, to decrease the Expenses ; but at the same time, have to observe that there is great reason to think that most if not all of that class will ultimately have their claim upon the bounty of the public ; and that the number of persons requiring relief according to the above stated lists may be taken at 158

The committee have therefore to report that the state of the Poor House even upon the reduced Lists is such as to make it obvious that the present plan must be discontinued.

No 1
Persons who receive an allowance of Food daily

Philip Crellin
Jane Keg (3 meals twice a day)
Bella Cannell
James Garrett
Window Qualley
Michael Kneen
Widow Looney
Jane Creer
William Tear
Widow Havey
Ann Goldy
R. Quilliam’s wife
Ned Farrell
James Quine (blind)
Charles Moore
Robert Campbell
Wm Kennaugh
John Kneal
John Camaish
Robert McBride
Widow Mary Clague
Margaret Clark
Widow Taggart
Widow Quayle
Rose McCauley
Widow Kerruish
Robert Quayle
M. Christian, Wid
Jack Crow
William Cretney
Richard Dun
Thomas Cartwright
Ann Collister
Widow Crain
In The House
Catherine Quay
Betty Quay
Ann Kelly, Servant (poor)
Susan Christian
Jane Kelly
Anne Shimmin
Arthur Cowll
William Cringal
John Kelly
John Kinrade
Thomas Collister
Charles Moore
James Tear
Solomon Gibson
Harriet Wake

No 2
Persons who receive Weekly Pensions in Money

Widow Bridson
£0 1 0
Widow Rowlands
£0 1 0
Widow Beatie
0 1 6
Widow Jelly
0 1 0
Catherine Brown
0 1 0
Thomas Kelly
0 1 0
Ann Brown
0 1 6
Margaret Kelly
0 1 6
Jane Bell
0 1 0
Elinor Kelly
0 0 6
Elizabeth Corkill
0 1 0
Christian Kelly
0 1 0
William Corkill
0 0 6
Alice Killey
0 1 0
Elinor Creer
0 1 0
Isab Kinley (blind)
0 1 0
Widow Clark
0 1 0
Elizabeth Kneen
0 1 0
Jane Curphy
0 1 0
Judith Kewley
0 1 6
John Cretney
0 1 6
Widow Kerran
0 0 6
Widow Cretney
0 1 0
Wm Kennaugh
0 1 0
Widow Crain
0 1 0
Isabella Kewley
0 1 0
Daniel Cowin
0 1 0
Widow Lewis
0 0 6
Elinor Cowin
0 1 0
Jane Levison
0 0 6
Catherine Clague
0 1 0
Widow Looney
0 0 6
Ann Christian
0 1 0
William Lewin
0 1 6
Isabella Collister
0 1 0
Widow McKisaack
0 1 6
Margaret Cringle
0 1 0
Widow McKewn
0 1 0
Philip Cottier
0 1 6
Margaret McMurray
0 1 0
Esther Christian
0 1 0
Widow Marsh
0 1 0
Isabella Cannell
0 0 6
Elinor Murray
0 1 0
Susan Christian
0 0 6
Widow Murray
0 1 0
Elinor Corkill
0 0 6
Jane Moore
0 1 0
Ann Cubbon
0 1 0
Widow Morrison
0 1 0
Widow Craine
0 1 0
Widow Qualley
0 1 0
Catherine Cowin
0 1 0
Elizabeth Quayle
0 1 0
Widow Darcey
0 1 6
Paul Quine
0 1 0
Margaret Gale
0 1 0
William Quinney
0 1 6
Jane Gelling
0 1 0
Catherine Quilliam
0 1 0
Ann Goldsmith
0 0 6
Jane Quiggin
0 1 6
Augustus Gelling
0 1 0
Charles Radcliffe
0 1 0
Sarah Johnson
0 1 0
Mary Radcliffe
0 1 0
Ann James
0 1 0
Esther Stole
0 1 0
Widow Riggs
0 1 6

No. 3
Persons who receive Monthly Pensions in Cash

Widow T. Gelling
£0 2 0
Elinor Curphey
£0 1 6
Catherine Conolly
0 1 6
John Cain
0 1 6
Catherine Croughan
0 2 0
Widow Mylrea
0 1 6
Phoebe Rook
0 1 6
Elizabeth Cannell
0 1 6
Dolly Killey
0 1 6
Peg Cannell
0 1 6
Betty Hart
0 1 6
Abby Quayle
0 1 6
Widow Hodson
0 1 6
Betty Morrison
0 1 6
Esther Sayle
0 1 6
Margaret Curlet
0 1 6
Judy Kelly
0 1 6
Widow Harrady
0 1 6
Margaret Clague
0 1 6
Elinor Kewley
0 1 6
Bella Quinney
0 1 6
Cath Mylechreest
0 1 6
Ann Kerroon
0 1 6
Bridget Cain
0 1 6
Catherine Kewley
0 1 6
Catherine Quayle
0 1 6
Jane Nelson
0 1 6
Judy Christian
0 1 6
Margaret Goldie
0 1 6
Widow McKan
0 1 6
Widow Ponder
0 1 6
Widow Shimmin
0 1 6
Peg Alexander
0 1 6
Elizabeth Lawson
0 1 6
Widow Sherlock
0 1 6
Widow Sharp
0 1 6
Widow Quark
0 1 6
Ann Crain
0 1 6
Catherine Crain
0 1 6
Ann Quayle
0 1 6
Widow Cubbon
0 1 6
Widow Gordon
0 1 6
Total 42


No. 4
House List - Total 10

Catherine Quay, an Idiot
Betty Quay, has daughter, an idiot
Ann Kelly, a Cripple and an Idiot
Silas Christian, very old and infirm. Has no friends.
John Kinrade, aged 84, very infirm
Thomas Collister, requires assistance from periods of insanity.


Charles Moore, 9 years old, son of Elinor Kewley, the wife of a Porter on the Quay
James Teare, an orphan, 10 years old
Harriet Wake, an orphan, 5 years old
Solomon Gibson, an infant, 4 years old, the mother at service in Liverpool and totally incapable of assisting the child.

No. 4
House List for further Inquiry - total 4

Ann Shimmin
John Kelly, aged 86, from Cronk Dhoo, Greeba. Has brother alive.
Jane Kelly, his wife
Arthur Cowll, aged 75, a weaver, had regular employment in Mr Moore's factory, until it ceased.

No. 5
Food List - Total 11

Philip Crellin, weaver, and three Children, Sand. Street.
Jane Kegg, widow, Sand-Street, and three Children.
Widow Qualley and an Idiot Daughter, herself very infirm. Sena.
Michael Kneen.
Widow Harvey.
Robert Quilliam's wife-lives in Sand-Street.
Ned Farrell-lives in Sand-Street.
Jasnes Quine (blind) Wife and two Children, Sand-Street.
Charles Moore.
Elinor Cowin, aged, Pump-Street.
John Kneale and Wife.
John Camnish-lives in Sand-Street.
Robert M'Bride.
Margaret Clague.
Widow Taggart.
Widow Quayle
Widow Leary.
Richard Dun.
Thomas Cartwrigbt-lives with his Mother in Sand-Street:

No 6

Widow Bridson, aged 64, Church-Street.
Widow Beatie, aged and-infirm, King-Street.
Catherine Brown, aged 77, Great Nelson-Street.
Ann Brown, aged,. King-Street.
Jane Bell, aged and very infirm, Bigwell-Street.
Elizabeth Corkill, aged 69, lives with her daughter in Aikin's Garden._ '
Elinor- Creer, aged 80, Church Street.
Widow Clark, aged 55, Pump-Street.
John Cretney, 77, and his wife, Pump-Street.
Widow Cretney, aged 60, Great Nelson-Street.
Widow Crain, aged 80, (blind) Strand-Street.
Daniel Cowin, aged 60, Sand-Street.
Ann Christian, aged 67, Drumgold-Street.
Isabella Collister, aged 97, Great Nelson-Street.
Margaret Cringal, aged 50 Preaching House Lane.
Philip.Cottier, aged 80, Bigwell.Street.
Esther Christian, and an Idiot Son, Barrack-Street.
Bella Cannell, aged 66, born in Douglas.
Widow Craine, aged 71
Catherine Cowin, aged 35, (Paralitic) Big well-Street. ;
Widow Darcy, aged 97, Preaching. House Late.
Margaret Gale, aged 70, Bigwell-Street.
Ann James-lives in the Old Pour House.
Widow Jelly.
Thomas Kelly, aged 60, Church-Street.
Margaret Kelly and a dumb Child, Sand-Street.
Christian Kelly, aged 83. '
Isabella Kinley, aged 47, (blind) Sand-Street.
Elizabeth Kneen and an old Aunt, in SocietyLane
Judith Kewley, Pump.Street.
Widow Lewis.
Jane Levison, aged 65, Sand-Street.
William Lewin, aged 83, Pump-Street.
Widow-M'Kissack-lives near the Quay.
Widow M' Kewn and four Children, Big Garden.
Margaret M'Murray; aged, 55, lives near Heywood s Stables.
Widow Marsh, aged 82, Old Poor House.
Widow Murray, aged 95, Sand-Street.
Jane Moore,.aged-61, Sand-Street.
Widow Morrisson aged 94, Sand-Street.
Elizabeth Quayle, aged 86, Methodist Lane.
William Quinney, aged-68, Coulthard's Buildings.
Catherine Quilliam, aged 70, Society Lane.
Jane Quiggan, Great Nelson-Street.
Charles, Radcliff, aged 72, King-Street.
Widow Rowlands, aged 70, Sand-Street.
Esther Stole, aged 50; lives in Sand-Street.
Catherine Tear, Great Nelson-Street, (blind.)
Augustus Gelling, an orphan child, aged 9 years.

Weekly Pension List for further inquiry

William Corkill, aged 37, Sena.
Catherine Clague, & sister, aged 63, Barrack-Street.
Elinor Corkill, aged 80, Back street.
Ann Cubbon, aged 50, Preaching House Lane.
Jane Gelling, aged 80, Preaching House Lane.
Sarah Johnson.
Elinor Kellly, Pump-Street.
Alice Killey, Bigwell-Street.
Widow Karran, Sand-Street.
Isabella Kewley, aged 89.
Ellen :Murray.
Paul Quine.
Widow Riggs.

No 7

Widow Tim Gelling, for an idiot son, received 2s a month; lives at Big Well
Catherine Cowley, aged 60, Sand Street
Catherine Croughen, aged 77, Church Street
Phoebe Rook, aged 55 King Street
Dolly Killey, aged 61, Sand Street
Betty Carr, aged 69, Drumgold Street
Widow Hogon, aged 40 years Drumgold Street
Esther Sayle, aged 69, Drumgold Street
Judy Kelly, aged 76 years, Bigwell street
Margaret Clague, aged 64 years, Sand Street
Bella Quinney, aged 64 Bigwell
Ann Kerroon aged 65, Drumgold Street
Catherine Kewley, aged 52, Drumgold Street
Jane Nelson, aged 64, Sand Street
Margaret Goldie, aged 65, Sand Street
Widow Ponder, aged, and has a daughter who is subject to fits, Great Nelson Street
Peg Alexander, aged 69, Sand Street
Widow Sherlock, aged 52, Sand Street
Widow Quark, aged 65, lives near Sand Street
Catherine Crain, aged 30, Rheumatic; has one child; Pump Street
Widow Cubbon, aged 40, and two children to rear; Bigwell []
Widow [?Bridson], aged 65 Great Nelson Street
Elinor Curphey, aged 65, Sand Street
John Cain, aged 63, Sand Street
Widow Mylrea, aged 65, Sand Street
Elizabeth Cannell, aged 64, Sand Street
Peg Cannell, her daughter in very bad health, Pump Street
Abby Quayle, aged 66, and infirm

No 7 Monthly List for further inquiry - total 11

Catharine Mylechreest, very old
Bridget Cain
Widow M'Kean, Great Nelson Street
Widow Shimmin, Pump Street
Elizabeth Lawson, Sand Street
Widow Sharp, Preaching House Lane
Ann Crain, Atholl street
Elizabeth Mackenzie, lives near Free School - aged
Ann Quayle, lives in Sand Street
Jane Nelson
Judy Kelly, Bigwell street


Betty Morrison and two children, Bigwell
Margaret Corlett, aged 58, Pump Street
Widow Harrady, aged 60, Chapel Street
Elinor Kewley, aged 45, Pump street

NO 8

Property belonging to Poor at interest £29 8 11
Church collections 120 0 0
Charity sermons 50 0 0
£199 8 11


Expense of Establishment £110 0 0

Food List 11
Weekly 49
Monthly 32
92 at 1s per week £239 4 0

£349 4 0


It appears from a late Investigation of the State of the Poor, in Douglas, that the most reduced Lists of Persons, from different circumstances, having a Claim upon the Bounty of the Public, amounts in the whole, to 150, and that they consist of two Classes :- '
1 .-Persons who are unable to contribute to their own Support, from Age, bodily Infirmity, or other Causes, amounting in number to .14.-the Maintenance of whom, at t10/- per' Head, is £140 0.
2.-Persons,. from a Variety of Circumstances, requiring partial Relief, amounting to 136 - at an average of 4s British, per Head, f353 12
£493 12
The Income belonging ro the Poor, with the assistance of-Church Collections, &c may be estimated as amounting to about 200l. per Ann. Thus, after appropriating a sufficient Sum for the Maintenance of the Ist Class, there will remain for the general Distribution among the 2d Class-only 60l,
leaving a Deficiency of- £293 12,
To prevent,a recurrence of Mendicity and Street begging, it is obvious recourse must be had to theCharity of Individuals.
Resolved, therefore, That the Householders and Inhabitants of Douglas and its Vicinity be applied to for an annual Subscription, at various Rates, from 1d: per Week, to.1s. per Week.
And it appears probable, from the following Calculation, that the requisite Sum may be raised:--
Householders at per week per year £.s.d.
50 1s or .£2 12 0 - 130 0 0
50 6d 1 6 0 65 0 0
50 4d 0 174 43 6 8
50 3d 0 13 0 32 10 0
50 2d 0 8 8 21 13 4
50 1d 0. 4 4 10 16 8
300 - £303 6 8
The above Subscription to be paid half.yearly in advance, commencing from the 1st January, 1818.
That the Management of the. Funds be placed under a Committee of Subscribers to he appointed,


Any comments, errors or omissions gratefully received The Editor
© F.Coakley , 2006