Part 1 of 1428 Garrison Roll

Most of this section would appear to be an inventory of various goods held in the Peel - which inventory was then used to make a record of the enquest. The parts coloured are discussed with the rest of the enquest in part 2 etc.

Fenit p[er] Audit is a note that a debt was owing and needed to be noted by the auditors; in manu = in hands of ..;

The OED defines a pipe (O.E pype) as a tube-like container (barrel) containing 105 imperial gallons (old measure 126 wine gallons) - approximately 500 litres thus corresponding to a barrel of about 120cm (4ft) height and 60cm diameter.

The Mill for the Peel was possiby that rented to the Abbey of Rushen on the Neb as it flows into the harbour.

Friday was designated by the church as a day of fasting or abstinence from meat - hence the complaint re fish.


Also thai sayn that the stewart delyueret ich weke to the milne viij b. and j f. of malt and gave in to the bokes ........... i..

Also they say that the steward delivers each week to the mill 8 bushels. and 1 firkin of malt and gave in the books …


The stewart grantes.a quarter and of the remnawt of the yere puttes hym to enquest The enquest fyndes the stewart gilty

The steward grants a quarter and of the remnant of the year, pleads not guilty
The enquest finds the steward guilty

Lytherlond quer'

Also thai sayn that [there went/ out of the gate in to the ton to sell ........... wyn xxx loves of brede the stewart putts to enquest The enquest sais not gilty

Also they say that [there went/ out of the gate in to the town to sell ........... wyn, 30 loaves of bread, the steward pleads not guilty
The enquest say not guilty

Per audit

Also the yemen of the Pele complaynen and-sayn thai have no fysshe nawther fryday nyf seterday ne .....butt as ........... for the stewart will gete non and puttes in a wek in the bokes for fysshe iiijd.ob. when thai hane no....... puttes hym to enquest The enquest says sume,wekes has bene so bot how mony wekes thai cannot say And........ auditors enqueret of the men of the howshold And thai sai at the test his was xx days

Also the yeomen of the Peel complain and say they have no fish neither Friday nor Saturday ne .....but as ........... for the steward will get none and puts in a week in the books for fish 4½d.. when they had no....... questioned him The enquest say some weeks has been so but how many weeks they cannot say And........ auditors inquired of the men of the household And they answered this was 20 days


An enquest taken by fore John of Fasakerley Roger of Aghton and Roger of Hulton by the othes of Thomas of Lytherlond ....... Cote Nicholas of Ines William Blackburne John Bykerstath porter John of Morecroft Richard-Wilkynson Mathew Hawelson Thomas of Agh / ton-/ Thomas Kyrkby Gibon Clerk Nicholas Altkarre Robin Rede and John of Mereclogh and so we sayn by the othes we have ............. ................. Sir John of Stanley.

An enquest taken before John of Fasakerley Roger of Aghton and Roger of Hulton by the oaths of Thomas of Lytherland ....... Cote Nicholas of Ines, William Blackburne John Bykerstath porter John of Morecroft, Richard-Wilkynson, Mathew Hawelson Thomas of Aghton, Thomas Kyrkby Gibon Clerk, Nicholas Altkarre Robin Rede and John of Mereclogh and so we say by the oathes we have ............. ................. Sir John of Stanley


. lethy pypes and as mych as j bote broght.out of the ship at iij tymes of pype staves and the box....................... of urth and a potte wyth butter and herdes

Also Jankyn Sandall hade a pair of vowmbras a bridell and iii pipes of white and a long bort ij white bordes and ropes ij seldes and a hobrycion ij lethy pypes delyueret by the Constable viij toppes of hemp and xvi pype staves _ _ anã a long .......... [of ] bed sekkes and ij polys and a lede of a. trump and a bag for a hobrycion and a seld fore water

........................... lethy pipes and as much as 1 boat brought out of the ship at 3 times of pipe staves and the box....................... of earth and a pot with butter and herbs

Also Jankyn Sandall had a pair of vowmbras [arm protectors] a bridle and 3 pipes of wheat and a long bort 2 white bordes and ropes 2 seldes and a hobrycion 2 legthy pipes delivered by the Constable 8 tubs of hemp and 16 pipe staves _ _and a long .......... [of bed sekkes and 2 polys and a lede of a. trump and a bag for a hobrycion and a seld for water

finit' per audit'

Also Whityngton hãde a pair of vowmbras

Also Whityngton had a pair of vowmbras

Infra Pelam .in manu Thome Lytherlond

Also xxvj lethy pypes in to the Pele and iiij lethy pypes in the shippe in the forbull also ij pypes wyth flowr a hoggeshede and a kyndrekyn wyth flesshe and x'xij long bordes all this went in to the Pele

Also 26 lethy pipes in to the Peel and 4 lethy pipes in the ship in the forbull also 2 pipes with flour a hogshead and a kyndrekyn with meat and 10 12 long bordes all this went in to the Peel

Fenit'p Audit

Also on of thes long bordes by fore Ranlyn of Bolton hade Al. so Mathew Hawelson had xvij pype staves iiij pype hedes and a white bort

Also one of these long bordes before Ranlyn of Bolton had Also Mathew Hawelson had 17 pipe staves 4 pipe heads and a white bort

Infra Pelam in manu Lytherlond ex' ij tak' . manu Sandall

Also xvij xx ix white bordes of the whech Sandall.hade ij -.nd all the remnawnt in the Pele

Also 349 white bordes of the which Sandall.had 2 -.nd all the remnant in the Peel

Fenit' p Audit'

Also Gibon McFale hade a nother Also John of Morecroft hade v white bordes and a broken sworde and ij calkyng irnes and a lethy pype and ij gerth webbes and a yerd of rede cloth and a chausser of urthe

Also Gibon McFale had another Also John of Morecroft had 5 white bordes and a broken sword and 2 calking irons and a lethy pipe and 2 gerth webbes and a yard of red cloth and a chausser of urth

Fenit'-p Audit'

Also John Bykerstath porter had vj white bordes xvj pype staves and ij hedes of a pype and a whole pype lethy and a yerd of rede cloth and a calkyng irne

Also John Bykerstath porter had 6 white bordes 16 pipe staves and 2 hedes of a pipe and a whole pipe lethy and a yerd of rede cloth and a calkyng iron.

Fenit' p Audit'

Also Blakburne hade v white bordes and a knych of pype staves ij litell ropes a teld vj pipe staves a hede of a pipe v hedes of garlek and viii onyons and a potte of urth wyth butter

Also Blakburne had 5 white bordes and a knych of pipe staves 2 little ropes a teld 6 pipe staves a head of a pipe 5 hedes of garlick and 8 onions and a pot of urth with butter

Fenit'-p Audit'

Also Nicholas of Ines hade vii pipe staves and a hede of a pype and a long staff and a halter Also John of Man hade j barre.of a pype hede and vii cantell of pype hedes and a litell rope Also Richard Wilkynson hade ij white bordes and a lethy pype

Also Nicholas of Ines hade 7 pipe staves and a hede of a pipe and a long staff and a halter Also John of Man had 1 barre.of a pipe hede and 7 cantell of pipe hedes and a little rope Also Richard Wilkynson hade 2 white bordes and a lethy pipe

Fenit'p Audit'

Also ...... Morecroft hade ij short bordes and j pype staff and a cantell of a pype and a littell rope Also Gibon Clerk hade a knych of pype staves

Also ...... Morecroft hade 2 short bordes and j pipe staff and a cantell of a pipe and a little rope Also Gibon Clerk had a knych of pipe staves

Fenit'p Audit'

Also Masty has vii pype staves

Also Masty has 7 pipe staves

Fenit' p Audit'

Also the Constable of the Pele hade a sadell a bridell and vj whissyns that the men gaff hym and iij ferl. of whete mele that was baken to the shipmen mete and a littell barell wyth flesshe that went in to the Pele and xxiiij peces in the barell and he hade ix toppes of hemp and a girdell for a nawlast' and a potte wyth butter and ii, fysshes of raye and xviij dog fysshe and a nold brestplate and a nold launtern of horne ij pair of trees and half a flot cake and a box and a caldron and ij tyldes and a nold rede hyllyng and a poke that flowre was in and a pek of grotes and xvj pype staves and a pype and a hoggeshede

Also the Constable of the Pele had a saddle a bridle and 6 whissyns that the men gave him and 3 ferl. of wheat meal that was baked for the shipmen meat and a little barrel with flesh that went in to the Peel and 24 pieces in the barell and he had 9 toppes of hemp and a girdell for a nawlast' and a pot with butter and 2 fysshes of raye[skates ?] and 24 dog fish and an old breastplate and an old lantern of horn 2 pair of trees[trews] and half a flat cake and a box and a caldron and 2 tyldes and an old red hyllyng and a poke[sack] that flour was in and a peck of grotes and 26 pipe staves and a pipe and a hogshead

Fenit',p Audit'

Also John Don vj pype staves

Also John Don 6 pipe staves

Fenit'p Audit'

Also McKewryalt vj pyp staves and j potte wyth butter

Also McKewryalt 6 pipe staves and j potte wyth butter

Fenit' p Auditores

Also McGilcrist had a knycch of pype staves

Also McGilcrist had a knycch of pipe staves

'Fenit' p Audit'

Also Gibon Hoper hade j longe bort

Also Gibon Hoper hade 1 long bort

Fenit' p Audit'

Also Richard Stephenson hade vj pype staves

Also Richard Stephenson had 6 pipe staves

Fenit' p Audit'



Fenit' p Audit'

Also Thomas Ughtryngton hade a soundyng lyne and a harpyng irne and a pype

Also Thomas Ughtryngton [Whityngton ?] had a soundyng line and a harpyng iron and a pipe

Fenit' p Audit'

Also Sir John hade a pype Also Germot McKerron hade j pype

Also Sir John [priest ?] had a pipe Also Germot McKerron hade 1 pipe

Finit' p Audit'

Also Donold of the Bakhows hade j pype Also William Mc A.Yex' hade j pype

Also Donold of the Bakehouse had 1 pipe Also William Mc A.Yex' [McAlexander ?] had 1 pipe

Finit' p Audit' Infra Pel' in manu Lytherlond

Also in the kylne in the Pele is x pypes wyth salt

Also in the kiln in the Peel is 20 pipes with salt

Infra Castrum in manu Rec' & senl' ibm [ibidem - in same place]

Also delyueret to the Castell iij pypes 1' ibm

Also delivered to the Castle [Castle Rushen] 3 pipes

Infra Pelam in manu Lytherlond

Also in the bot in the Pele iij pypes and in the lardar in the Pele is ij pypes and j pype lyse by the wall in the Pele Also ij pypes fell in staves in the rollyng on the rokkes in to the Pele

Also in the boat in the Peel 3 pipes and in the larder in the Peel is 2 pipes and 1 pipe lies by the wall in the Peel. Also 2 pipes fell in staves in the rolling on the rocks in to the Peel.

Finit' p Audit'

Also the Bysshop hade vjxx pype staves wyth the hedes and ij of the long bordes Also the Abbot hale vj white bordes

Also the Bishop had 120 pipe staves with the heads and 2 of the long bordes Also the Abbot had 6 white bordes

Finit' p Audit'

Also the Receyuor hade iiij white bordes and ij knycch of pype staves Also the Countroll hade iij white bordes

Also the Receiver had 4 white bordes and 2 knycch of pipe staves Also the Countroll hade 3 white bordes

Finit' -p Audit'

Also the- Constable of the Pele hade v white bordes iiij pype staves for his dather and staves of Wethyn

Also the Constable of the Pele hade 5 white bordes 4 pipe staves for his daughter and staves of Wethyn

Infra Castrum in manu Rec' & senl ibm

Also delyueret to the Castell a knycch of pype staves and C staves wyth the hedes of pypes and vij long _ bordes

Also delivered to the Castle a knycch of pipe staves and 100 staves with the heads of pipes and 7 long _ bordes

Infra Pelam in manu Lytherlond

Also in the Pele is ix long bordes and in the werk wyth the Cowper with in the Pele and j pype and a pype staves

Also in the Pele is 9 long bordes and in the work with the Cooper within the Pele and 1 pipe and a pipe staves

Finit' p Audit'

Also Stephen Porter and Richard of Hulme hade ij wythen trees to make patens of Also Thomas Baret hade a slegge

Also Stephen Porter and Richard of Hulme hade 2 wythen trees [trews] to make paterns of Also Thomas Baret hade a sledge

Finit' p Audit'

Also Donold of the Bakhows hade ij swyns grese

Also Donold of the Bakehouse had 2 swines grease [lard ?]






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HTML Transcription © F.Coakley , 2002