The background to this list can be found elsewhere - the 137 internees were moved to London Dartford War Hospital on the 1st February 1917 in anticipation of repatriation probably in mid February which was thwarted by cessation of the Dutch Steamship service by early February. Most of the internees were then moved to Alexandra Palace Camp (AxP) on the 9th March 1917. The 1917 age was generally derived by adding 2 years to the age given in the 1915 initial entry in the ICRC lists - thus is only approximate. A number of internees gave British addresses - whether they had a British born family is still to be investigated (probably via the 1911 census). Several of the internees were recorded in later Knockaloe records indicating that they had been returned to the camp.
A number of internees had previous records of hospital treatment either in the Camp Hospital or if more serious at Noble's hospital - however for most no prior camp record can be found. As the list only gave the PoWIB number it has not generally been possible to match names against Knockaloe camp numbers. For some it has been possible to find their names and PoWIB numbers in lists of repatriated internees early in 1918 which transfers to Holland were via transit camps at Spalding or Sleaford - the reference in such cases is to the ICRC record.
A-H indicates an Austro-Hungarian, otherwise the internee is found in German lists.
Other than the repatriation lists there are no records giving names of those transfered between camps - these have to be deduced by the appearance of the internee in a camp record - the Knockaloe Camp number can however often give an approximate date of arrival. There is often a discrepancy in the records as the ICRC lists give the last date spent in the camp prior to departure while the Knockaloe arrival register will record arrival the following day or even the day after that depending on when the boat arrived and the party transferred to camp.
Two parties of internees repatriated via Sleaford on 24th February 1918 can be seen (see column headed Slf) - a party of 16 would appear to have been sent from Alexandra Palace (Slf 317-332) and a small party (Slf 388-391) that had not been transferred to Alexandra Palace but possibly repatriated from LDH via Sleaford. The Spalding group (1076-1077) would appear to be part of larger group from Alexandra Palace that were repatriated via Spalding supposedly on 23rd February but almost certainly on the same boat from Boston. Others were repatriated in early 1918 from Alexandra Palace when presumeably some ferry service from Tilbury or Gravesend had been re-established.
number |
number |
number |
number |
First Names
1917 |
Further information
3411 | 12716 | Ruck | Martin August |
Born Haagen - 21 Springfield East Ham London E | ||
3412 | 12717 |
Pannenbecker | Franz Georg | |||
3413 | Wawrzszyn | Makszyn | A-H; addr Post Horostkof(Poland) | ||||
3414 | Sandulisk | Miron |
A-H;address Linitiza; O-68-5 + later health reports seriously ill 17.4.17 onwards; | |||
3415 | 12719 | Oguntke | Hermann | ||||
3416 | 12720 | Mitzscherling | Max Erhard |
3417 | 12721 |
Schulenberg | Johann |
3418 | 12722 | Sawinski | Aleko | returned to Knockaloe as 29673 on 14 September in a party of 34 from AxP to Knockale camp 4 | |||
3419 | 12723 | Procyk | Semko | A-H; repat 7th April 1918 from AxP | |||
4103 | 3420 | 12724 | Graetz | Fritz | repat 14th February 1918 from AxP | ||
3421 | Leicht | Oscar Johann |
addr Wurzburg | |||
3422 | Deipel | Friedrich |
born Hannover - Spring View Wheelwright Lane Exhall nr Coventry (his 16yr old son Harry was also interned) | |||
3423 | Fischer | Charles |
born Jena - 81 Nordhey St London | |||
7080 | 3424 | 12725 |
Tofante | August |
born Boffzen - 64 South Park Rd Wimbledon Surrey |
8133? | 3425 | 12726 |
Schafer | William |
born Mengerhausen - 23 Winchendon Rd Fulham London |
3426 |
Maes | William |
born Niederweiler - 21 Ritson Rd Dalston London N E | ||
3427 | 12727 | Winzer | Charles Burton |
born Hamburg - 15 Petherton Rd Highbury London N | ||
3428 | 12728 | Niederbuchner | Michael |
addr Munich; returned to Knockaloe as 28767 on 2 May 1917 and repatriated on 16 March 1918 via AxP(15627) and Tilbury | ||
3429 | 12729 | von Schneider (Baron) | Berhard Eugen Louis |
3430 | 12730 | Kelkel | Peter |
3431 | 12731 | Filter | Wilhelm Franz Eduard |
repat 14th February 1918 from AxP | ||
3432 | 12732 | Jahnke | Gustav Hugo | repat 14th February 1918 from AxP | |||
3433 | Bendig | Hermann |
3434 | 12733 |
Sinclair | Adolf | |||
3435 | 12734 |
Jung | Heinrich | |||
3436 | 12735 | Kessler | Henry | ||||
3437 | 12736 | Kremer | Anthony |
16496 | 3438 | 12737 | Knulle | August | |||
3439 | 12738 | Endress | Gottlieb | ||||
176 | 3440 | Ferstl | Alexander |
A-H; allocated new PoWIB number on entry to Dartford where noted as Pulmonary TB + Tubercular menigitis | ||
3441 | 12739 | Hutgrabner | August | D-267-24 shows AxP as final camp ? released | |||
3442 | Stemerowicz | Michel Stenewik | A-H; | ||||
5204 | 3443 | Brechtel | Otto Peter | repat 30th January 1918 from LDH | |||
7953 | 3444 | Pankop | Paul Richard Randolph | ||||
3445 | 12740 | Stein | Reinhard Gotthard |
returned to Knockaloe as 28768 on 2 May 1917 and repatriated 20 March 1919 via Spalding(1899) but had a spell in camp hospital in February 1918 for observation on account of an old operation; born Berlin - 88 Islitre St Lambeth London | ||
9379 | 3446 | Wilms | Robert | D-131-16 Death 10.3.17 TB of lungs | |||
10995 | 3447 | 12741 | Tuellmann | Bernhard Ludwig |
3448 | 12742 |
Quentin | Charles | |||
3449 | 12743 | Walter | Victor Henry Emil |
11060 | 3450 | 12744 | Ade | Henry | repat 14th February 1918 from AxP | ||
3451 | 12745 | Kunze | Kurt Hugo |
3452 | 12746 | Brautigam | Christoph | ||||
3453 | 12747 | Schertz | Ernst | ||||
11611 | 3454 | Schafer | Jacob |
11637 | 3455 | 12748 |
Hamel | George Wilhelm |
3456 | 12749 | Creuziger | Albert William | ||||
3457 | Lochler | William |
11993 | 3458 | Dittmer | Rudolf | ||||
12074 | 3459 | 12750 | Richard | Emil |
12170 | 3460 | 12751 | Hoffmann | Wilhelm Paul Ferdinand | |||
3461 | 12752 | Bretschneider | Frank | repat 14th February 1918 from AxP | |||
3462 | 12753 | Martini | Paul Hugo |
addr Gnesen | ||
3463 | Gottlieb | Albert |
born Adelsheim - 60 Latimer Avenue East Ham London E | |||
3464 | 12754 | Nohle | Hermann | ||||
13822 | 3465 | Grabowski | Hermann | D-126-22 - died in train en route [assumed LDH# as K# only fits here in list] | |||
3466 | 12755 | Wulff | Wilhelm | ||||
3467 | Dutack | Franz | tfr AxP(1324?) 4.5.17? 4 overtyped ?9 | ||||
14656 | 3468 | Sachs | August | repat 30th January 1918 from LDH tfr 1.2.17 | |||
3469 | 12756 | Falkenberg | Conrad Theodor Friedrich |
addr Crefield; repat 14th February 1918 from AxP | ||
15186 | 3470 | 12757 | Lehmann | Hans | |||
15247 | 3471 | Ebel | Wilhelm (Alfred Hermann) | was Colonial number 255C but PoWIB renumbered on transfer to LDH | |||
3472 | 12759 | Jost | Georg Joannes Wilhelm Charles | returned to Knockaloe as 28769 on 2 May 1917 | |||
3473 | 12760 | Busweg | Johann | A-H; | |||
3474 | Ketterer | Georg Karl |
noted as seriously ill by 8.2.17 | |||
3475 | 12761 | Stermann | Henry | returned to Knockaloe as 28770 on 2 May 1917 | |||
3476 | 12762 | Scherer | Paul |
addr Neustadt | ||
15883 | 3477 | 12763 | Heldt | Carl Heinrich | repat 14th February 1918 from AxP | ||
15906 | 3478 |
Mucke | Herman Ernst Emil | |||
3479 | 12764 | Krieger | Friedrich Eduard | ||||
3480 | 12765 | Degan | Paul | ||||
20807 | 3481 | 12766 | Borodovski | Theodor |
A-H; returned to Knockaloe as 29674 on 14 September in a party of 34 from AxP to Knockale camp 4; departed 7th May 1918 via Kings Lynnfor Boston Docks workcamp | |
3482 | 12767 | Bayer | August |
born Ingelfingen - 60 Warwick St Liverpool | ||
25074 | 3483 | 12768 | Koerner | Reiner |
born Eupen - 59 West Derby St Liverpool; ?re-admitted 3731 13.4.17 tfr AxP(13268) 9.5.17 | |
25212 | 3484 | Ludeke | Emil W |
born Kl Prignitz Prussia - 19 Washington St Liverpool | ||
3485 | [12769] | missing name - assumed to be 'other' nationality probably Bulgarian | |||||
3486 | 12770 | Reinhardt | Helmuth Carl Friedrich | originally K572; returned to Knockaloe as 28772 on 2 May 1917; noted as a teacher of Turkish in Camp1 after return | |||
16412 | 3487 | 12771 | Krause | Rudolf | |||
16565 | 3488 | Simon | Adam | ||||
16591 | 3489 | Schwartz | Gustav | repat 30th January 1918 from LDH | |||
3490 | 12772 | Kruse | Rudolf Fritz | ||||
3491 | 12773 |
Patzschke | Arno | |||
16734 | 3492 |
Herzog | Hans | mentioned in report on Hospital as a musician; repatriated via Spalding 16th March 1918 | ||
3493 | Lypka | Jannas | A-H; | ||||
16916 | 3494 | Wunder | Hans (Peter) | ||||
3495 | 12775 |
Roeder | Ernst | |||
3496 | 12776 | Volkert | Wilheinrich | ||||
3497 | Gobells | Kaspar | tfr AxP(13246)? 9.5.17 | ||||
3498 | Andrejcain | Janos | A-H; was 944C in Colonial List but renumbered in PoWIB list on entry to LDH | ||||
3499 | Uhlik | Johann | |||||
18885 | 3500 |
Schellerer | Johann |
3501 | 12779 | Friedrich | Max Gustav Adolf | ||||
3502 | 12780 | Scharmuller | Adolf | returned to Knockaloe as 29678 on 14 September 1917 | |||
19417 | 3503 | 12781 |
Martini | Carl Traugott |
born Koln - 32 University Rd Merton Surrey; had two sons conscripted into British Army |
19537 | 3504 | Warlich | Georg Friedrich Gustav |
3505 | 12783 | Timm | Theodore |
born Eutin - 1 Johnson St Notting Hill Gate London | ||
3506 | 12784 |
Schreiber | August |
born Eschwage - 79 High St Poplar London E | |
3507 | 12785 | Gosser | Charles | repat 14th February 1918 from AxP | |||
3508 | 12786 |
Weigend | Louis Karl Ludwig |
3509 | 12787 | Hackon-Brook | Louis Charles Henry | repat 14th February 1918 from AxP | |||
3510 | 12788 |
Krahmer | Max | |||
19904 | 3511 | Schmidt | Otto | A-H; | |||
20151 | 3512 | Rzydzik | Johann | ||||
3513 | 12789 | Luce | Robert | ||||
3514 | 12790 | Fechner | Walther | ||||
3515 | 12791 | Hoefling | Charles Jeremias Ludwig Julius Karl | repat 14th February 1918 from AxP | |||
3516 | 12792 |
Schenk | Georg Wilhelm | born Tennstadt - 1 Rhode St Chatham; repatriated via Spalding 16th March 1918 | ||
3517 | Rupflen | August | |||||
3518 | von Nickisch-Rosenegk | Ernst | born Bad Durkheim - 30 Flavell Rd Wandsworth London SW; tfr 1.2.17 AxP(13248) | ||||
21138 | 3519 | Franken | Frank August Bernhard | tfr 1.6.17 AxP(13357) | |||
3520 | Bielefeldt | Kurt | tfr 9.5.17 AxP(13250) | ||||
3521 | 12793 | Lehmann | Christian Adolf | return to Knockaloe as 28774 on 2 May 1917 | |||
3522 |
Wohler | Theodor | ||||
3523 | 12794 | Froede | Emil | ||||
3524 | 12795 | Fritsch | Henry |
addr Bauerwitz | ||
3525 | 12796 |
Stiebitz | Heinrich |
3526 | 12797 | Scholz | Paul Georg |
addr Leipzig | ||
3527 | 12798 |
Zipfel | Albert Carl | |||
22024 | 3528 | 12799 | Homann | Johannes Anton |
repat 14th February 1918 from AxP | |
3529 | 12800 | Bohlen | Johann |
22068 | 3530 | 12801 |
Zilken | Peter | ||
3531 | Reisch | Gottlieb | A-H; | ||||
22896 | 3532 | 12802 | Gille | Adolph | |||
3533 | 12803 | Vorrath | Franz | A-H; | |||
3534 | 12804 | Flemming | Hugo Karl |
3535 | Scholl | Hermann |
3536 | 12805 | Volker | Friedrich | ||||
3537 | 12806 | Marcus | Sigmund | ||||
3538 | 12807 | Richter | Martin | ||||
3539 | 12808 |
Theil | Fritz | D-184-7 repat Sleaford(331) 24.2.18; | ||
3540 | 12809 | Kovazcs | Michael Mily | A-H; shown returned to Knockaloe as 30752 but shown as discharged from Hospital on 13th December (probably the Asylum at 7pm and then admitted to Parish house St Pancras on 14th before being admitted to Colney Hatch Asylum on 20th Dec 1917 so looks as tho the Knockaloe Camp number reflects the overnight stay - possibly an earlier trasfer to Knockaloe + transfer to Asylum has been missed | |||
3541 |
Unterbusch | Wilhelm | D-184-6 repat Sleaford(391) 24.2.18; | |||
3542 | 12810 | Ellon | Paul Richmond | ||||
3543 | Ellon | Ludwig (Dr) |
3544 | 12811 | Klinger | Ludwig | returned to Knockaloe as 29679 on 14 September 1917 | |||
3545 | Berger | Joseph | A-H; | ||||
28152 | 3546 | Leopold | August Moritz Ferdinand | ||||
3547 | 12812 |
Kunschner | Charles | D-184-7 repat Sleaford(332) 24.2.18; |
There was also a party of 8 sent from Douglas on the same day - at least one of these is known to have been repatriated via Alexandra Palace on the 9th Nov 1911 - as the Dutch ferries had ceased by then presumeably it was on one of the British Hospital Ships as had been used in late 1916.
number |
number |
number |
number |
First Names
1917 |
Further information
3464 | 3548 | 12813 |
Morgenthau | Ferdinand |
D-184-10 repat Sleaford(333) 24.2.18; |
3481 | 3549 | 12814 | Jonas | Leopold |
D-167-5 repat 9.11.17 via Alexandra Palace | |
3627 | 3550 | 12815 | Engisch | Ludwig |
3659 | 3551 | Wiedeman | Hans | from Privilege Camp; | |||
3700 | 3552 | 12816 | Chuwen | Isaac | A-H; | ||
3968 | 3553 | 12817 | Joseph | Harry Louis | |||
3981 | 3554 | 12818 | Krauss | Richard |
4287 | 3555 | 12819 | Rubenstein | Samuel |
A-H; returned to Douglas from AxP 12.9.17 as D5139 - repatriated 13.2.18 via AxP(14963) |
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Any comments, errors or omissions gratefully received The
Editor HTML Transcription © F.Coakley , 2020 |