[From Castle Rushen Disbursements ]

Castle Rushen Disbursements - 1741

to whom paid reason
letter of credit
Rich Slater repairs in the kitchen;
James Harrison mending "the lock of Darby Fort Doore"; making "a New Key for ye Govrs hay loft doore" etc.
1741 Jan
letter of credit
1741 Feb
letter of credit
1741 Feb
Richard Martin letter of credit
1741 Feb
Richard Martin 3 day bill of exchange. via Chas Stanley, Rec Gen; to a/c of the duke of Atholl
1741 Mar
Thos & Vall Radcliffe "building of 8 pearch and halfe of the Govrs bac Garding Wall"; "Dashing the upper Garding Wall and part of the Govrs House."
1741 Apr
John Joyner Receipt for "16 Fire Arms bought into the Peel Garrison
1741 Apr
John Saint "Plumming Work"; 24 sheets of Lead;
1741 Apr
Rich Slater making spikes, etc. "for repairing the roof of the Chancel"
1741 May
James Harrie or Order Duke of Atholl order to Charles Stanley, Rec Gen. For payment "recd of the Company of Mine Adventurers of England" and to be placed by Stanley into the a/c of the duke of Atholl.
1741 May
James Cockburne letter of credit
1741 May
John Woods for "the Fraught of five Chests of Fire Arms"; 5000 "Nales"
1741 Jun
John Keown, Slater "Slating The Chancell of the Chappell"; etc.
1741 Jun
Hen Woods "the Fraught of one side of window glass from Liverpool to the Island"
1741 Jul
James Harrie Received from "the Company of Mine Adventurers of England" to be placed by Harrie into a/c of duke of Atholl.
1741 Jul
John Saint "Glazing work";
1741 Jul
Rich Slater iron "to make strong uprite Bars for the Chappel windows" etc.
1741 Jul
Hen Winstanley 1000 "Lats"; 5000 "lat nales"; "a side of window glass"
1741 Jul
Thos Valentine, Nath Ratcliff Ratcliffe Millineaux, etc. "quarrying stones for the Chappel wall"; "building the Chappel wall as per agreement with the Attorney General."
Richard Martin Received from "Mr John Buckwell" and to be placed to the a/c of the duke of Atholl.
1741 Nov
Matthew Curghey Receipt from Chares Stanley, Rec Gen. "being the Old Stipend of Lezayre"

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