[From Atholl Papers - ]

Construction and Occupation of the Barracks in the Isle of Man from the year 1811

130 Men
50 Men
50 Men
50 Men
280 Men

In November 1816, Government gave orders to reduce the Barracks to 200 men., but the Berths being permanently fixed at Castletown for 64 men, the construction was ordered to remain at 214, instead of 200.

In June 1818, a Reduction of the Barracks at Ramsey, and Peel, took place; leaving the Island, on the Peace Establishment at 114 men viz Castletown 64 Douglas 50

March 1812 to May 1815 11th Royal Veterans 12 officers and 280 men  
May 1815 to Novr 1816 54th Regiment 5 Officers and 70 men  
Novr 1816 to April 1818 85th Regiment 4 Officers and 64 men  
April 1818 to Jany 1819 95th Regiment 4 Officers and 70 men  
Jany 1819 to July 1819 52nd Regiment 2 Officers and 60 men  
July 1819 to April 1820 71st Regiment - 3 Officers and 63 men  
April 1820 to Augst 1821 6th Royal Veterans 5 officers and 96 men This Detachment was reduced in March 1821 to 2 Officers and 57 men who embarked for Scotland, 17th August, to be Disbanded
October 1821 to Decr 1821 29th Regiment 1 Officer and 42 men This Detachment received a sudden Route for Dublin, and embarked on the 25th December 1821



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