[From Atholl Papers - AP X17-15]
To His Grace James Duke of Athol, &c
May it please your Grace
We your Grace's most humble & faithful servants of the Presbyterian persuasion residing in this town and other parts of this Island, do hereby with becoming submission signify to your Grace ; that we have long had thought of having a Clergyman of that profession among us ; and to accomplish the design, after entering into articles of agreement among ourselves for his subsistence, we apply'd to certain friends in Scotland, for such a Preacher as they should think proper, and could recommend for our Minister in the Work of the Gospel : as this request has been granted to our entire satisfaction, nothing is now wanting to compleat what we have for a long time so much wished for but your Grace's most gracious indulgence & consent.
We entertain the greater hopes of your Grace's concurrence in this matter, as it would be indulging us in the principles in which we were early educated ; as we have always lived (and determine to live) in the warmest amity with the members of the established Church ; and as not the smallest opposition seems to be made to our design, by any office bearer (civil or sacred) under your Grace , in this Isle : In short as your Grace will easily forsee, that, in the ordinary course of things, no bad consequence what ever can flow from this scheme ; we humbly hope and sincerely beg, that your Grace may be pleased to permit our introducing a Presbyterian Clergyman into this Island.
We have the honour to be with the profoundest respect
May it please your Grace
Your Grace's most obedient & most faithful humble servants
David Ross
Robert Mercer
Ths Gillespie
Robt Gordon
Willm McCall
Robt Kennedy
Douglas 20th Augt 1763
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
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