[From Atholl Papers - AP X5-29]
Douglass Isle of Man
2d May 1789
George Farquher Esq
Dear Sir
When you was last in this place, I much wish'd for an opportunity of having a little private and confidential talk with you, which your departure with his Grace the Duke of Athol, deprived me off. It was to have informed you that I have been a struggler in business here since the year 1765 without success, but on the contrary have lost several thousand in the fish trade, that has cost me much. Thus circumstanced, I meant to have requested the favor of you to solicit his Grace for his interest in some suitable employment, under government, in this Island - the Water Bailiff's place would have been acceptable but that is conferr'd on the worthy man, George Savage, wch I am not sorry for - Our present collector Richard Betham is not well, and in a declining state - if he should be shortly called away, doubtless there will not want applications to succeed him I shall take it very kind in you my friend if you think it proper to introduce my name to his Grace for his interest, which I know to be great to obtain a promise from Mr Pitt in my favor I have vanity enough to think that I should give satisfaction to my benefactor, & to Government tho' a Manx man. I beg you'll excuse this my freedom
May every good attend you as most sincerely wished by
Worthy sir your most obed hble servt
Hugh Cosnahan
Richd Betham is collector of our custom house
I beg my respects to the Revd Mr Fitzsimmons
AP X5-30 is a copy dated 31 May 1789 to same recipient but with added paragraph
Douglass 31 May 1789
Dear Sir
Above you have copy of what I wrote you the 2d instant, this forenoon the late Mr Richd Betham paid the debt of nature. As you can you will immediately endeavour to serve a friend - I am sincerely &c
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
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