Atholl Papers Bundle AP_X32

Brief Description
J.Sharpe to Duke.The trial of the case of the clergy of the Island versus the Earl of Derby is held up awaiting the production of various papers by Mr.Makon,which he refuses to give up until his a/c is settled, The Earl of Derby has filed a Crosss Bill against you which brings the title to the Island in question, Details will be sent later.
J.Sharpe to Duke. Trivial
Instructions as to their procedure to be given to the Commissioners who go to Scotland to take evidence on oath from the Duke.
Mylrea & Taubman to Duke. The "Shannon" of Whitehaven has arrived in Douglas from Bordeaux and sent ashore for trial one of her crew (David Pritchard) accused of murdering another member of the crew by pushing him overboard, After evidence had been taken he sent,with a copy of it,to Whitehaven to tried there as it was not convenient to do it in the Island without detaining the ship.
Quayle to Gov. Lindesay (extract) announcing the arrival of Miss Mahon,a niece of Lord Blaney,with Mr.Currey[Corry] whese wife she claims to be. She has a fortune of £300 per annum. Her mother (now Mrs. Campbell) wished her to marry Mr. Campbell,the brother of her present (second) husband. Her guardians wished to have her sent back to Ireland, but no legal power to authorise this having been produced they are,so far as the writer is aware,still in the I.O.M.
Ld.Harrington to Duke copy) of Bedford.from Dublin,enclosing a petition(see No.7) and a certificate (No.3) with the request that they may be laid before the King who is prayed to direct the Duke of Atholl to secure the persons concerned and,when requested,send them to Ireland for trial.
Certificate that William Corry and others have been indicted for the abduction of Caroline Mahon(as above) but have not yet appeared for trial.

Petition of John Campbell and the Hon. Mary Campbell,his wife to the Lord Lieut. of Ireland, (Ld.Harrington) Shews that Carolina E. Mahon,a girl under the age of fourteen,daughter of Mary Campbell by a former husband, was forcibly abducted on 23.10,1749 by William Corry of Churchill,in the county of Monaghan, who carried her to the Isle of Man. where they give out that they intend to remain until the girl comes of age. Campbell is going after them,but learning that they cannot be forced to leave the Island without an order from the Duke of Athol he prays that the Duke may be asked to give instructions to have them sent to Ireland for trial.


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