Brief Description
AP_X16(2nd)_1 |
Case of F. Stevenson v A. Hayward. Keys postpone giving their verdict on an appeal. |
AP_X16(2nd)_2 |
Appointment of Capt.H.Crow as M.H.K. |
AP_X16(2nd)_3 |
Opinion of the Keys (in reply to a question from Lt.-Gov.Smelt) as to the rank and seat of the Att.-General and the other lay members of the Council,and whether the Deemsters are ex-officio mempers of the Council. |
AP_X16(2nd)_4 |
Keys to Lt.-Gov. suggesting that the cost of maintaining prisoners in criminal cases,and of the conveyance of criminals sentenced to transportation should be met by imposing an additional duty of 6d per gal. on imported spirits. |
AP_X16(2nd)_5 |
Keys to Lt.-Gov. expressing their satisfaction in learning that the salaries of judicial officers are to be met from a duty on imports instead of their accepting fees. But regretting that despite this Court fees will continue to be charged. |
AP_X16(2nd)_6 |
Observations by the Duke on the Memorial of the Keys. Begins by accusing
the Keys of speaking as if they were the whole,and not merely one part,of
the Insular legislature. - of trenching on the King's Perogatives - of heaping
unprovoked and unmerited calumnies on the Duke,and attacking his character
and honour. Denies that he has ever done anything to lessen the King's Prerogative
or to injure His Manx subjects. Lt.-Gov.Smelt should have refused to receive
the memorial from the Keys,and told them that if they had any charge to
make against the Gov.-in-Chief they should do so openly. Goes on to discuss the contents of the Memorial (which Lt.-Gov. Smelt has sent him to be forwarded to the King. and calls on those who signed it to make good the accusations which are in it,and which he absolutely denies, Gives such of then as may wish to do so a chance to withdraw their signatures before he proceeds against the remainder for libel. |
AP_X16(2nd)_7 |
- copy of the major portion of the above[AP_X16(2nd)_6] - N.M. |
AP_X16(2nd)_8 |
Keys (14 individuals) to Duke asking for a copy of the speech which he made to Tynwald on the 26th Nov. |
AP_X16(2nd)_9 |
Duke to Keys refusing to give certain members a Copy of the speech he made to Tynwald on 26th Nov.(See No. 8 above) |
AP_X16(2nd)_10.1 |
- copy of above. - |
AP_X16(2nd)_10.2 |
Duke to G. Quayle (Actg. Speaker,Keys) refusing to call a special meeting of Tynwald, (Copy) |
AP_X16(2nd)_10.3 |
Duke to A. Dunlop - copy of above. - |
AP_X16(2nd)_10.4 |
Duke to G. Quayle He has received no petition from the Keys,and is unaware of any meeting of the Legislature which could have sanctioned such a petition. (copy) |
AP_X16(2nd)_11 |
G. Quayle to Duke with a memorial from certain members of the Keys asking that a meeting of their House be called. |
AP_X16(2nd)_12 |
Keys to Duke. Memorial from 15 members asking that the House be called together to consider his charges against them as made on the 26th Nov. (Original) |
AP_X16(2nd)_13 |
Duke to G. Quayle Copy of No.10 above. |
AP_X16(2nd)_14 |
Resolution of the Keys by which they make a public protest against the Duke's remarks about them. (Copy) |
AP_X16(2nd)_15 |
G. Quayle S.M.K. to Duke threatening that if the Duke will not call Tynwald they will,on their own responsibility,send a petition to Parliament re. a visit from the Education Commissioners. |
AP_X16(2nd)_16 |
Judgement of the Keys in the case of J.C. Bluett v J.C.Ritchie. by which they reverse the judgement of the lower Court. |
AP_X16(2nd)_17 |
Speech of Duke to Keys,on opening the session. |
AP_X16(2nd)_18 |
Speech of Duke tot Tynwald in which he expresses the hope that past differences between them may be forgotten,and that all parties may work together in concord. |
AP_X16(2nd)_19 |
Keys to Duke expressing their willingness to work in amity with him. |
AP_X16(2nd)_20 |
Keys to Duke asking that a meeting be called to consider the commutation of Tithes. (copy) |
AP_X16(2nd)_21 |
Memo. of action by the Keys re.various bills. |
AP_X16(2nd)_22 |
Keys to Duke asking that a Tynwald Court be called to "procure the benefit of the residence of the Attorney-General". |
AP_X16(2nd)_23 |
- copy of AP_X16(2nd)_21 - |
AP_X16(2nd)_24 |
Rules for regulating the proceedings of Tynwald, As drawn up by Col.Wilks S.H.K. and approved by the Duke. |
AP_X16(2nd)_25 |
Not connected with the I.O.M. |
AP_X16(2nd)_26 |
Keys to Duke enclosing AP_X16(2nd)_27. |
AP_X16(2nd)_27 |
Keys to Duke proposing T.Moore and W.Moore as members of the Keys (copy). Keys later asked to have this back for alteration. |
AP_X16(2nd)_28 | Duke to Keys indicating his choice from the above two. | |
AP_X16(2nd)_29 |
Wilks S.M.K to Duke enclosing Resolutions (see No. 30) of the Keys,and hoping that they may be received in the same spirit of concilation as that in which they have framed. |
AP_X16(2nd)_30 |
Resolution of the Keys as to their right speak in Tynwald as individuals,when,owing to the subject not having been discussed in the own House,they cannot express their views through the Speaker. Also,that it is their opinion that the only occasions when both branches of the Legislature should meet together are for the signing and promulgating of laws, all other business between them being conducted by correspondence. |
AP_X16(2nd)_31 | - copy of AP_X16(2nd)_30 - | |
AP_X16(2nd)_32 |
Rules for regulating the proceedings of Tynwald, As proposed by the Duke. |
AP_X16(2nd)_33 |
Duke to Wilkes S.H.K. enclosing the above for submission to the Keys. |
AP_X16(2nd)_34 |
Wilkes to Duke. with some suggestions for the improvement of a draft Highroads Bill. |
AP_X16(2nd)_35 |
Wilkes to Duke. re. the suggested rules for Tynwald (AP_X16(2nd)_32.) |
AP_X16(2nd)_36 |
Suggested amendments to the Highroad Bill,(sent with AP_X16(2nd)_34 ) |
AP_X16(2nd)_37 |
Wilkes to Duke. enclosing some suggested amendments to AP_X16(2nd)_32. |
AP_X16(2nd)_38 |
Amendments as AP_X16(2nd)_37. |
AP_X16(2nd)_39 |
Memo re the proceedings of the Keys on that day |
AP_X16(2nd)_40 |
Wilkes to Duke. enclosing the above. |
AP_X16(2nd)_41 |
Duke to Wilkes S.H.K. saying that he sees nothing in AP_X16(2nd)_36 to make him alter his original suggestions. |
AP_X16(2nd)_42 |
Duke to Wilkes S.H.K. notifying his choice of D.F.Wilson to be a M.H.K. |
AP_X16(2nd)_43 |
Duke to Wilkes S.H.K.expressing his regret at the failure of the scheme for commutating the Tithes. |
AP_X16(2nd)_44 |
Duke to Wilkes S.H.K. enclosing various papers and authorizing a meeting of the Keys. |
AP_X16(2nd)_45 |
Wilkes to Duke. saying thst he hopes the Duke has issued precepts for the meeting of the Keys,as the Speaker has not the power to do it. |
AP_X16(2nd)_46 |
Wilkes to Duke. enclosing Resolutions of the Keys for consideration. |
AP_X16(2nd)_47 |
Resolutions as above. The rules for the proceedings of Tynwald cannot be altered without the concurrence of both Houses. They propose a conference between Council and Keys to arrange agreed modifications of the rules. |
AP_X16(2nd)_48 |
Minutes of the Keys proceedings re. the Highroad Bill. |
AP_X16(2nd)_49 |
Duke to Wilkes S.H.K. stating his intention to postpone Tynwald so that the Keys may have time to consider the Bills before them (Draft) |
AP_X16(2nd)_50 |
Wilkes to Duke. with the resolutions of the Keys on a Registry Bill. |
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
Editor |