Atholl Papers Bundle AP_134(2nd)

Brief Description
AP_134(2nd)_1 5.1.1800 Establishment of Revenue Officers as at 5th Jan.1800
AP_134(2nd)_2 -.-.1799 Payments made to Officers on Revenue for 1799
AP_134(2nd)_3 -.-.1800 Payments made to Officers on Revenue for 1800
AP_134(2nd)_4 -.-.1801 Payments made to Officers on Revenue for 1801
AP_134(2nd)_5 -.-.1802 Payments made to Officers on Revenue for 1802
AP_134(2nd)_6 -.-.1803 Payments made to Officers on Revenue for 1803
Payments made to Officers on Revenue for 1803
Payments made to Officers on Revenue for 1804
AP_134(2nd)_9 -.-.1801 Payments made to Officers on the Civil Establishment for 1801
AP_134(2nd)_10 -.-.1802 Payments made to Officers on the Civil Establishment for 1802
AP_134(2nd)_11 -.-.1803 Payments made to Officers on the Civil Establishment for 1803
AP_134(2nd)_12 -.-.1799 Pensions paid from Manx Revenue for 1799
AP_134(2nd)_13 -.-.1800 Pensions paid from Manx Revenue for 1800
AP_134(2nd)_14 -.-.1801 Pensions paid from Manx Revenue for 1801
AP_134(2nd)_15 -.-.1802 Pensions paid from Manx Revenue for 1802
AP_134(2nd)_16 -.-.1799 Incidental payments (exclusive of payts. to Officers) for 1799
AP_134(2nd)_17 -.-.1800 Incidental payments (exclusive of payts. to Officers) for 1800
AP_134(2nd)_18 -.-.1801 Incidental payments (exclusive of payts. to Officers) for 1801
AP_134(2nd)_19 -.-.1802 Incidental payments (exclusive of payts. to Officers) for 1802
AP_134(2nd)_20 -.-.1803 Incidental payments (exclusive of payts. to Officers) for 1803
AP_134(2nd)_21 5.7.1791 Revenue of the Harbour Fund,Herring Custom,Salmon and Bay Fisheries. 5.7.1791 to 5.7.1803
AP_134(2nd)_22 5.7.1791 Revenue of the Harbour Fund,Herring Custom,Salmon and Bay Fisheries. 5.7.1791 to 5.7.1799
AP_134(2nd)_23 5.7.1799 Revenue of the Harbour Fund,Herring Custom,Salmon and Bay Fisheries. 5.7.1799 to 5.7.1800
AP_134(2nd)_24 5.7.1798 Revenue of the Harbour Fund,Herring Custom,Salmon and Bay Fisheries. 5.7.1798 to 5.7.1804
AP_134(2nd)_25 5.7.1800 Revenue of the Harbour Fund,Herring Custom,Salmon and Bay Fisheries. 5.7.1800 to 5.7.1801
AP_134(2nd)_26 5.7.1791 Produce of the Herring Customs and Bay Fisheries 5.7.1791 to 5.7.1803
AP_134(2nd)_27 -.-.1798 Revenue of Customs received 1798 to 1805
AP_134(2nd)_28 -.-.1801 Revenue of Customs received 1801
AP_134(2nd)_29 -.-.1803 Revenue of Customs received 1803
AP_134(2nd)_30 -.-.1798 Revenue of Customs received 1798 to 1803 distinguishing between that raised on the old Duties and that from the additional Duties imposed.


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