Brief Description
AP_126(3rd)_1 |
Sidmouth to Duke He has instructed the Lt.Gov to put into effect such of the instructions suggested by the Duke as he considers expedient. |
AP_126(3rd)_2 |
Sidmouth to Duke acknowledging a Report on alterations suggested in the Manx laws and five draft Acts. Points out that in the absence of the Duke from the Island these should have been sent by the Gov. |
AP_126(3rd)_3 |
Sidmouth to Duke |
AP_126(3rd)_4 | Mr. Frankland's statement that he does not think it necessary that the Att.Gen.should conduct all prosecutions for the Crown in person and, with respect to Robt. Quilliam who had been awaiting trial for a long time because the Att. Gen.was not in the Island,saying that he considered it of more importance that he should be in his seat as an M.P. than acting as Prosecutor in the Island. - with Duke's remarks thereon. | |
AP_126(3rd)_5 |
Duke to Sidmouth complaining that Lt.Gov.Smelt has seized his and the Bishop's seats in the chapel at Castletown. not obeyed the instructions given him with regard to keeping a military force in Douglas. and further,that as the still not in the Island Quilliam - who has already been six months awaiting trial in prison and is now dangerously ill - may die through this shocking outrage on humanity.' (Two copies. N.M.) |
AP_126(3rd)_6 |
Duke to Sidmouth asking that Lord Redesdale may be furnished with the papers he requires before he can report to the Privy Council, which he is otherwise ready to do. |
AP_126(3rd)_7 |
Sidmouth to Duke trivial |
AP_126(3rd)_8 |
Duke to Sidmouth complaining of delay in the settling of official business although he has made a special journey from the Island,in his capacity as Governor, for that purpose,and asking that matters may be settled without delay as he is anxious to return, |
AP_126(3rd)_9 |
Duke to Sidmouth denying,in the strongest terms,that he had ever - either as Governor or as Duke of Atholl - claimed the right to appoint any particular person to the office of Att Gen. |
AP_126(3rd)_10 |
Sidmouth to Duke trivial |
AP_126(3rd)_11 |
Sidmouth to Duke He cannot send any official Papers to the Duke in London,until he learns officially that he has reached the I.O.M they must be sent to the Lt.Gov |
AP_126(3rd)_12 |
Duke to Sidmouth enclosing his comments on Mr. Frankland's statement re. Quilliam,(See AP_126(3rd)_4 above. N.M.) |
AP_126(3rd)_13 |
Lt. Gov Smelt's answer to the Duke's complaints against him (copy)(contains much of interest re the Duke's claim to the residence in Castle Rushen and the condition & history of this N.M.) |
AP_126(3rd)_14 |
Sidmouth to Duke enclosing theabove. |
Any comments, errors or omissions gratefully received
The Editor |