[From Atholl Papers - AP 49(4th)-41]

[James McCrone to Alexr Fraser - 4 Dec 1827]

Castle Mona 4 Dec 1827

Dear Sir

Yesterday I recd your letter of the 30th Ulto, which so far as needful, I immediately communicated to Messrs Pettman & Vignoles - the former said he intended to leave the Island next Sunday; the latter that he could not do so before Sunday the 16th Inst, but he would go that day, and baring accidents, would be in London on the morning of the 18th. He says, and truly, that his engagement was only to survey & map the Mountains, and that being required to survey the Warrens also, has occasioned the delay, that together the extent is nearly 10,000 acres more than he had been given to understand, the contents would be: And to all added, Mr Courtnay had given him to the 1st Dec: before it was known that the Warrens were to be included.

Before Sunday next he promises to give me a Terrier of the Contents and quality of eah parish, which I shall send to you or the Duke, and that meanwhile will answer till he arrives with the Maps.

He is a most accurate pains taking able Engineer, and I am sure, the Duke will be pleased with the produce of his labour. - the whole contents of Mountains & Warrens will exceed 30,000 Acres.

I had a letter from Mr Courtenay this packet - he expects a Report as to the Tithes which have been drawn, but says he hopes the Duke will find it necessary to call me up.

If I go I will explain the matter on examination as well as I can, but between ourselves, I could not send a favourable Report in Writing, for the taking of Tithes in kind, at a certain forced expense is quite ruinous - I could state various satisfactory reasons, why this year the Drawing has not turned out well, but I rather would decline to state these reasons, in the shape of a written Report, however I shall prepare myself for both or either, as the Duke may direct.

I does not occur that I need say more at present. Please to communicate this to his? His Grace on arrival of the Family in London I am &c




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