[From Atholl Papers - AP 49(4th)-29]
Castle Mona 28 Feby 1827
My Lord Duke
I have had the honor to receive your Graces letter of the 24th Inst, with your recept & duplicate for your salary for the quarter due 5th Jany last. And agreeable to your desire I have remitted Lady Henry, the contents being your Graces annual allowance to the young Lady upto Xmass next.
I have to acquaint your Grace that Satterthwaite is in Castle Rushen for debt, and he owes about a £100 altogether - He has mentioned to me, and I heard it confirmed from other quarters, that the Custom House Officers in Liverpool have seized a barrel of the Polishing powder, hitherto known as a mineral substance called Asbestos alledging that it shd pay a duty of 3d @ lb weight. this ought to be enquired into, for I am not aware that the productions of this Isle are subject to any duty more than such productions in England are liable to. I believe sometime ago there was a Coasting duty on slates &c which was done away in England, but the Isle of Man was left out of the Regulation, which however, I believe, your Grace got rectified afterwards. It is probable that the seizure has taken place under the old act.
I have also to mention, on what I consider pretty good authority, that this polishing powder is not a mineral, but a vegatable substance, and that it has been found to answer as an anti attrition far superior to what is used every day for all sorts of machinery; - that it is of great value and that a person of respectability in Liverpool is willing to contract and in fact has contracted for a large quantity at a very high price, by which it has become an article of notoriety in the public & hence the seizure took place. I shall make further enquiry into this matter, but in the time, it may be true to ascertain at the Board the particulars and cause of seizure. I have the honor &c...
Wm L Drinkwater - Douglas - M.H.K.
Thos Carran - Brewer, Peel
Wm Bridson - Ragget - H.K.
John Hughes Ballaugh - H.K. concerned in Farrants riots
Anthony Dunlop - Marown
John Kneale Regaby - Andrews
John Tear Jun Lezayre - H.K.
Wm Christian Cloughbane Maughold
Godfrey Tate - Lonan - C.P.
Caser Bacon Staward Lezayre
Gen A. J. Goldie Braddan
Col Mark Wilks - Do
Jno Cesar Gelling H.K. & practising atty
Chas Geneste - atty
John Quane - Douglas - H.K.
Caser Tobin - Middle - H.K.
Thos Harrison Woodburn - H.K.
F.B. Hartwell Malew - H.K.
Robt Cunningham - H.K.
Edwd Gawne C.P. - H.K.
Jno C Crellin - H.K.
Mr Carrington will please send the Bishop a copy of this list.
The salary was that due to the Duke as Governor in Chief,
Lady Henry was the daughter of the Duke's late deceased brother Lord Henry.
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
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