[From Atholl Papers - AP 49-46]
My Dear Sir
A subscription is about being set in foot for the erection of a building for a school for the poor at Foxdale lead mines.
If you would have the goodness to communicate the same to the Duke of Atholl, I have no doubt but his Grace's known liberality would induce him to patronize this undertaking, by putting his name at the head of the List - Mr Cain a farmer & owner of land at Foxdale has promised to give the ground for the building, as also to undertake the immediate erection of it.
So anxious are the population of the neighbourhood for their children there is little doubt that many small donations may be obtained from them, for carrying into effect this desirable and very necessary undertaking.
If you will have the goodness to communicate this project to His Grace, you will much oblige your Obedient Humble Servt
Joseph J Durbin Mount Murray
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
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