[Appendix D(14) 1792 Report of Commissioners of Inquiry]
The REPRESENTATION of the INHABITANTS of KIRK LONAN, in the Isle of Man, respecting their Harbour.
To the Honourable the Commissioners of Inquiry, &c.
THE Inhabitants of the parish of Kirk Lonan, in the Isle of Man, humbly beg leave to represent,
That the harbour of Laxey in the said parish, is the only harbour in the island that lies convenient, with an easterly wind, for vessels bound to the westward ; and from its natural situation might be made commodious at a small expence for vessels of a large draught of water.
That there is a red-herring house in Laxey ; and there are upwards of twenty large herring boats belonging to Laxey harbour : and the said harbour is very often resorted for shelter and otherwise by the fishing vessels throughout the different parts of the island, the herring fishing being frequently upon the coast of Laxey.
That the said harbour, with some improvements, would afford a convenient place of shelter to vessels meeting with storms or contrary winds in passing up or down the Channel, and which often obliged to keep the sea in stormy weather, for want of the said harbours being in a state for their reception.
That lead-mines are worked and carried on in the neighbourhood of Laxey ; and it is unnecessary to remark the utility, indeed the necessity, of an improved state of the harbour for carrying on those works with convenience and advantage.
That under an impressiion of the great public utility of Laxey harbour in those and other points of view, the prircipal inhabitants ot Kirk Lonan have at different times endeavoured, by contributions
among themselves, and collections from other persons throughout the island, to raise a fund for the building a pier, and otherwise improving the said harbour , and the Commissioners of the harbours of the island, under a similar irnpression, granted the sum of twenty pounds as an aid for the same purpose.
That the sad contributions and collections, amounting to the sum of ninety-three pounds and upwards, and also the said sum of twenty pounds granted by the Harbour Commissioners, have been expended in erecting a sort of a pier to the said harbour. But it is unnecessary to remark to the Honourable Commissioners of Inquiry, how very incomplete the same still is, and how ineffectual for the good purposes herein-before mentioned, as the Commissioners have been at the trouble of taking a view thereof.
And the inhabitants of Kirk Lonan most humbly hope, that in consequence of such view, and upon consideration of the matters aforefaid, the Honourable Commissioners will confider the harbour of Laxey as an object worthy their attention ; and that they will make such report upon the said harbour as may produce the good effect of having the same improved and completed ; and the inhabitants of the said parish shall, for the happiness of the Honourable Commiffioners, ever pray.
Signed by some of the principal parishioners in behalf of themselves and the rest of the parish of Kirk Lonan, to wit:
Alexander MCluse |
Henry Skillicorn |
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Editor |