Appendix C(21) 1792 Report of Commissioners of Inquiry]
The Oath administered to the Comptroller of this Isle, and to the Clerk of the Rolls.
YOUR allegiance to the King's Majesty of Great Britain reserved ;
You shall be true, and true faith and fidelity hear to his Grace James Duke of Atholl, Lord of this Isle, and his heirs, during your life.
You shall not reveal the secrets of this Isle, nor houses or garrisons therein, to any foreigners or strangers.
You shall not commit, or see any voluntary or wilful waste committed by any manner of person, but you shall reveal or amend the same as it lieth in your power.
You shall deal duly and truly, from time to time, so long as you shall, according to the trust reposed in you, execute the office of Comptroller and Clerk of the Rolls; take accounts as well of all receipts of money to be levied for the Lord within the charge of the Receiver and Water-Bailiff, together with the disbursements due to be paid, and shall see the same employed to his Lordship's best advantage to your knowledge.
You shall deal uprightly and truly between the said Lord and his tenants, for and concerning all matters wherein you have to deal with the said tenants for the Lord, or otherwise, without sparing the rich, or oppressing the poor, or without any other unlawful exaction, other than such as is necessary for the use of the Lord, and safe keeping of the said Isle and houses.
You shall make true and just account of all the receipts of money and customs received and had by the Receiver and Water-Bailiff; as also of all payments, allowances, and dis-bursements out of the same, as far as it beboveth you, and as it staudeth with your charge and office, as often as you shall be called upon by the Lord, his officer or officers authorised to call upon you for the making of the said accounts.
You shall be aiding and assisting with your best advice and counsel to the Lieutenant-Captain, and the rest of the Council here for the time being, so often as is needful, or so often as you are called upon by them, or any of them, for the futherance of the government, and safe keeping of the same Isle and houses.
You shall generally, to your knowledge, do and execute all and every other matter and things belonging to the due execution of the said office, and not hereinbefore expressed in general words, to and for the best use of the Lord and the said Isle, without oppression or concealment as aforesaid.
So help you God.
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