Appendix C(11) 1792 Report of Commissioners of Inquiry]
The Oath administered to the Twenty-four Keyes of this Isle.
YOUR allegiance to the King's Majesty of England reserved ; You shall true faith and fidelity bear to his Grace James Duke of Atholl, Lord of this Isle, and his heyrs, during your life.
You shall be aiding and assisting to the Deemsters in all doubtful matters; the Lord's council, your fellows', and your own, you shall not reveal ; you shall use your best endeavours to maintain the ancient laws and customes of this Isle.
You shall justly and truely deliver your opinion, and do right in all matters which shall be put unto you, without favour or affection, affinity or consanguinity, love or fear, reward or gain, or for any hope thereof; but in all things you shall deal uprightly and justly, and do wrong to no man. So God you help, and the contents of that Book.
The Oath administered to the Members of the House of Keys. You shall be aiding and assisting to the Deemster of this Isle in all doubtful matters ; his Majesty's council, your fellows', and your own, you shall not reveal; you shall use your best endeavours to maintain the ancient laws and customs of this Isle.
You shall justly and truly deliver your opinion, and do right in all matters which shall be put unto you, without favour or affection, affinity or consanguinity, love or fear, reward or gain, or for any hope thereof ; but in all things you shall deal uprightly and justly, and do wrong to no man.
So help you God, and by the contents of this Book.
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