[Appendix B(61) 1792 Report of Commissioners of Inquiry]

APPENDIX (B.) N° 61.


EXAMINATION of Mr. ROBERT AFFLECK, Tidesman and Boatman in the Port of Douglas in the Isle of Man, taken at Douglas, October 11th, 1791.

THIS Examinant saith, that he is an established Tidesman and Boatman in the port of Douglas, in virtue of a constitution of the Treasury, dated 8th July 1766. He took the oath of office on his appointment, and gave security to the amount of two hundred pounds. He had a deputation from the commissioners of the customs with printed instructions.

His salary is twenty-five pounds a year ; he takes no fees, but received gratuities, which might amount to thirty shillings in the year 1790, in consideration of attending the discharge of foreign vessels.

His duty is, to attend vessels coming in and going out, during the time of discharging and shipping. He formerly went also in the boat, but the beginning of the year 1788, he broke his thigh bone in attempting to discover a smuggling affair in the bay of Douglas, and since that time has not been able to do duty in the boat, but does his other duty. He has not made seizures onboard vessels for some years past.

He was also appointed in 1786, by the Lieutenant Governor, to examine and admeasure under the Registering Act : he takes the dimensions of the vessels to be registered, makes out a certificate of the measurement and dimensions, and delivers it into the custom-house. Before this time he was accustomed to measure vessels, being the officer who collected the tonnage dues at Derbyhaven, Castletown, and Portlemurry. He is allowed five shillings for each vessel admeasured, which is paid by the owner ; and he has no other emolument from this office.

When the owners of boats at Douglas mean to apply to take out licences, he admeasures their boats and certifies as to their built and dimensions, and delivers his certificate to the custom-house; for this he has no fee. Such licences are not necessary on the coast of the Isle of Man, but without them they would be liable to seizure on the British and Irish coasts.


Jno Spranger.
Wm Osgoode.
Willm Roe.
David Reid.


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