[Appendix A(46) 1792 Report of Commissioners of Inquiry]

N° 46.

Rights meant to be retained, and which have, by the Operation of the Act of 1765, been rendered nugatory, or left in a mutilated or unprotected Condotion.


I mean to prove what these Services were: That previous to 1765 they were received; that they were expressly reserved to my family at the time of the revestment of the island; and that they have not since been made effectual, owing to the disputes which arose in consequence of the Revesting Act, as to the totle to exact those Services.


I mean to prove the Lord's right to Game from the acts in the Statute Book, page 353; an attested copy of which is produced : and also an authenticated copy of the Proceedings in a prosecution against James Banks for killing game in the year 1757; wherein the fact being proved. he was fined in three pounds; with his appeal to the Governor from such sentence, and the judgment refusing that appeal.


The value of these, which consist of above twenty thousand acres, have been extremely injured by the abolition of the Grand Inquest, by an Act of Tynwald 1777, passed without my knowledge or consent. Presentments of encroachments on these lands; cutting of turf, burning of heath, &c. &c. lay with the Grand Inquest, and have been practised to a shameful degree since 1765, and more particularly since 1777.



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