(41) Scrondal Mill

From 1868 O/S Plan IV.14 - SC 351924

The river coming down Ballaugh Glen S-N feeds the mill via an extensive mill race to which the stream running down Ravensdale joins to feed into the mill-dam.

Scrondal Old Mill Ballaugh

Extracted from a painting by Henry John Yeend King 1855-1924 bequeathed to Manx Museum by Deemster Sir Percy Cowley in 1958 [MM 1959-0287] - a prolific London based artist - the view possibly 1911 as several other Manx works date from this year though King was a regular visitor to Ballaterson Manor Ballaugh.

An ancient mill mentioned in the earliest extant Lib Assed of 1515 - David Craine comments :

The oldest Ballaugh mill was that of Scrondal, and the only one mentioned in the Manorial Roll, of 1515. Another corn mill was established at Squeen in later times. To this the crofters were compelled to take their grain, whilst Scrondal was reserved for the use of the quarterlands. This ancient mill, like fourteen others in the Island, had the doubtful privilege of paying an annual Tithe pig, which would be expected to be of high quality because of the abundant provender under the miller's control. In the 18th century, the tithe in kind was commuted for a sum of money.

Lib Assed 1600

Raynold Curleod 6s, Finlo Quaill 6s, Jo: Cowley 6s - 18s

Wm Killip, noted as miller in 1701, must have had sufficient means to loan £15 though 10 years later they needed half the money for repairs to the mill - recounted in Old Ballaugh mortgage #14

[cancelled]dated 18 Oct 1701;Recites Leonora Wood(Whitehouse, KK Michael) was left by previous husband considerably indebted especially to Mrs Alice Stevenson (Balladoole) wch she is not able to pay thus with consent of husb Capt John Wood mortgages for £15 to Will Killip (miller, Scrondle Glen) a parcel intack meadow(3 daymoths hayland) in Ballaugh curraghs called the little medow 6d rent adj Mich Cally's garden;witt John Cosnahan, Nich Cosnahan T Christian.Court Oct 1701;1711: Wm Killip + wife Jane 'to defray some expense in repair of Scroundle miln' assign half mortgage (£7 10s) to Tho Cowley;;1724 Will Killip exor to Wm Killip + Margt Cannell relict of Tho Cowley + Nich Cowley ack £15 from Dan Mylrea attorney genl.

Old Bal Deed #17

dated 1 Mar 1708/9;Wm Killip, Philip Killip + John Cowley owners of Scrondal Miln (Ballaugh) having a right to all the farmers in parish as tenants inc Deemster Danl Mylrea, sell for 20s the acquitance of Mylrea(+ heirs) as tenants and giving any of their corn at the miln + have libery to grind corn(etc) at any mill;witt Wm Corlett, John Corlett

NSS May 1790 #15

dated 12 Oct 1789; Philip Killip(Carmodil, Ballaugh) + wife Catharine als Casement sell for £200 to Wm Killip(Glendoo) & Daniel Cowley(Glanscrondal) our part of Scrondal mill + easement and a croft + garden - rent 7s 1d + 1/3rd pt 1d [6s mill rent];witt Robert Cowle x,Daniel Stephen - Philip + Catharine both 'x'; Setting quest state rent 6s [ie just Mill rent]

Lib Plit court 8 Feb 1790

Daniel Cowley and William Killip proprietors of a certain water corn mill situate in the parish of Ballaugh called Scroundal Mill and John Corlet miller of the sd mill complain against Patrick Corlett proprietor of part of qtrland of Ballacarage .. bound tenant ... hath for space of two years withdrawn or subtracted the sd Toll grist or Mulcture... also complains re Wm Crain Dollagh Moar Ballaugh (also similar complaint in 1789)

From pre 1700 to mid 19th Century, the Lord's 18s Mill Rent was paid by 3 individuals two named Killip and one Cowley, the shares passing down the families, - the Killip name went in 1894 - possibly this saw the end as a working Mill which would fit Yeend King's view of the mill which was noted as a ruin in mid 1960s.


Water powered Mills etc

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© F.Coakley , 2024